Based on real events in 1974 in Riga: the robbery of collectors and the murder of the driver. The personnel of the Gorky, Odessa regional executive committees and the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Latvian SSR took part in the film.
woman in wooly hat
An automotive highway is scheduled to be built through the territory of a garage cooperative. A special meeting of the cooperative takes place to reduce the number of garages. As all was already decided and arranged by the chairholder and the board, the decision passes easily at the meeting. But one unexpected event happens - the meeting room's entrance has been locked by an anonymous member and the key is missing...
Part-bit (uncredited)
Dilacerado por culpa pessoal o general italiano Umberto Nobile relembra sua fracassada expedição ao Ártico, em 1928, a bordo do avião Itália, do acidente e dos esforços de resgate subsequentes. Os 'fantasmas' de pessoas envolvidas nos eventos aparecem em suas memórias para ajudá-lo a determinar sua culpa no caso. As reminiscências são misturadas com a ação real: o voo do 'Itália', a operação de resgate aéreo do aeródromo de Kings Bay e a expedição do quebra-gelo 'Krassin'. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)