Meg Fraser

Meg Fraser


Meg Fraser was born in Wick in 1970. After graduating from the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in 1995 she has been working throughout Britain mainly as a stage actress with occasional appearances on radio, film and television. In 2007 she won the CATS Award (Critics Awards for Theatre in Scotland) for best actress, and the TMA Award (Theatre Management Awards) for best supporting performance.


Meg Fraser


Legítimo Rei
Aileen Walker, Lady in Waiting
Depois de ser coroado Rei dos Escoceses, o lendário Robert "The Bruce" luta para tentar recuperar o controle. Mas, acaba sendo derrotado em um ataque surpresa feito pelo rei inglês, o que o deixou um fora-da-lei.
Ever Here I Be
A hopeless waitress and a melancholy neon sign maker are on separate paths and struggle through the everyday alone. Their thoughts for each other collide with magnetic force, can fate under the guise of a cupid cowboy and a band of coffee bean ants connect the lost souls?