Ekaterina Novikova
Nascimento : 1982-10-09, Weimar, German Democratic Republic
жена Прохорова
Inspirado em eventos reais. Em 2015, o tenente-coronel Oleg Soshnikov e o capitão Konstantin Muravyov são enviados à base aérea de Khmeimim, na Síria. Durante um voo de combate, o caça Su-24 é abatido. Os dois pilotos são ejetados após a aeronave ser atingida, mas apenas um deles retorna para casa vivo.
Ibrahim Bender e Osip ficaram famosos demais e agora são procurados pela polícia de dois países: Rússia e Turquia. Em busca da vara de ouro, eles terão que se disfarçar de artistas de circo, terroristas e até como duas senhoras viajando em um navio, mãe e filha até chegarem à Turquia.
MCC's employee
Salyut 7 é um filme de drama histórico russo lançado em 2017 e dirigido por Klim Shipenko. A história é baseada na missão Soyuz T-13 de 1985, parte do programa Salyut soviético. Foi a primeira vez na história em que uma estação espacial "morta" foi acoplada, e trazida de volta ao serviço.
The Role is about a brilliant actor in revolutionary Russia who takes on the greatest role of his life - the role of another man. Influenced by the ideas of symbolism and the Silver Age, he decides to slip into the life of his doppelganger – a revolutionary leader in the new Soviet Russia. First intrigued, then obsessed, he flings himself into the role and lives it to the hilt… even when the play of the life he is writing heads towards a tragic finale. Based on true incidents in the lives of Russia’s symbolists, this gripping film explores how far one man will go for the role of a lifetime.
A group of Russian noblemen want to maintain the monarchy and plan to kill Rasputin.
Marina - doch Barysheva
An action-packed comedy about two irreconcilable enemies - the former Afghan paratrooper Baryshev and his brother-in-law, the successful young yuppie Stasik. By the will of fate, having found themselves in modern Afghanistan, having gone through many trials, former enemies will become friends and abruptly change their lives.
chyornyy frik
St. Petersburg streets. Cloudy day. The inflamed consciousness. The feeling of an invisible presence of somebody behind you. Who you want to be. your shadow... The shadow challenges you. All you have to do is figure out who really exists-you or your shadow.
A successful young man meets a disappointed in love 26 years old girl. She fails for him and so her younger sister and still beautiful mother.
The private part of a young man leaves the owner and starts his own adventure...
smeshlivaya panyanka
Set in the 16th century, this is a story about Ukraine's Cossack warriors and their campaign to defend their lands from the advancing Polish armies.
Shattering the story of a talented former boxer. He lost his memory. He does not remember what happened yesterday. He can not sleep. Each morning starts with a clean sheet for him. The powers that be decided to use it in my game. As a bargaining chip. He will understand. And revenge. In one day, he needs to catch it.
greshnitsa v restorane "Priispodnyaya"
A young businessman believes that money and fortune are the most important things in the world. One day he loses all his money and faces the necessity to reconsider and change his life.
pridvornaya dama
Drama based on life and love of a famous Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen.