Pat Jackson

Pat Jackson

Nascimento : 1946-06-18, Brigham City, Utah, USA

Morte : 2021-08-13


Pat Jackson is an actress, known for her voice work in the Animated Stories from the New Testament (1987) and Animated Stories from the Bible (1987)


Pat Jackson


Jesus, The Son of God
Mary (voice)
Jesus, the Son of God begins with Jesus, Mary and Joseph traveling to Jerusalem for the Passover in 13 A.D. Young Jesus, age twelve, walks behind His parents carrying a lamb. Jesus is to present the lamb to the priest as a sacrifice for sins. Once inside the busy, noisy city full of trading and bartering, Jesus and His family sell and buy the things they need before taking the lamb to the priest. Jesus presents the lamb to the priest, and the priest tests Him by asking some questions about the law. Jesus' answers are correct and the priest congratulates Him.
Samuel the Boy Prophet
Young Hannah (voice)
Eli, the high priest of Israel, knowingly disobeys the Lord, and he and his sons are punished. Hannah fulfills her promise to God, and gives up her son to His service. In return, God blesses Hannah by making her son, Samuel, the chosen Prophet of the people of Israel. At the tabernacle of Ark of the Covenant, Hannah prays for a son. She promises God that she will offer the boy up to His service. Eli, the high priest, overhears her prayer and sends her off with vague promises. Eli's sons abuse their position and steal from those who come to offer sacrifice.
The Miracles of Jesus
Orpah (voice)
This animated video tells the story of the miracles of Christ through the eyes of Benjamin, the widow's son brought back to life by Jesus. Benjamin travels the roads Christ did and reminisces of such miracles as the wedding where Jesus turned water to wine, the healing of the centurion's servant, and walking on the water.
John the Baptist
Mary (voice)
John the Baptist is a story of courage and conviction seen through the life of one of God’s greatest prophets who gave everything to prepare the way for the Lord. It begins with the blessing John’s birth was to his aged parents. John grows in strength and integrity as he stands against political and spiritual adversity to preach the coming of the Lord. Finally, John beholds and baptizes Jesus, the Lamb of God.
The King is Born
Mary (voice)
The King is Born is a video classic about the birth of Jesus based on the Bible. Beginning with Gabriel announcing God's blessed plan for Mary, this video brings all the elements of this timeless store to life. Journey with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and witness the humble birth of our Savior together with the shepherds.