Hawk and Berry are standing on a high-stand, looking for game. It would be a funny joke, if it weren't so sad.
Hawk and Berry are standing on a high-stand, looking for game. It would be a funny joke, if it weren't so sad.
Production Assistant
Depois de perder o marido durante a Grande Peste, Grace Haverstock (Charlotte Kirk) é injustamente acusada de ser uma bruxa e colocada sob a custódia do caçador de bruxas mais cruel da Inglaterra, o juiz Moorcroft (Sean Pertwee). Forçada a suportar torturas físicas e emocionais enquanto mantém firmemente sua inocência, Grace deve enfrentar seus próprios demônios internos enquanto o próprio Diabo começa a trabalhar em sua mente.
The satanic horde pouring into the city tries to break the everyday peace of Debrecen, but their leader, Dark Master, is at the top of the blacklist of the Debrecen mafia due to his annoyingly disadvantageous business offer.
The satanic horde pouring into the city tries to break the everyday peace of Debrecen, but their leader, Dark Master, is at the top of the blacklist of the Debrecen mafia due to his annoyingly disadvantageous business offer.