She had been a director. He had been a film critic. Lockdowned in their flat, rue des chaufourniers, he begins to carry out household chores, which she would take charge of criticizing.
Original Music Composer
He inhabits the world just like he inhabits his house: motionless. A serious accident nailed him there: in a house in the middle of a large garden. No longer can he dash around the world: day after day, he contemplates it from his house. He’s a filmmaker. He’s only ever lived to make movies.
Original Music Composer
A fourteen year old lad discovers his first love at the point of his pencil whilst drawing the portrait of a sickly but coquettish fifteen year old girl. In the neighbourhood an old freedom-fighter pits himself against bad types, a pretty cinema-ticket girl takes to the streets at night and a young anarchist dedicates himself to telling tall stories. Far away, in Shanghai, a hero of the Republic meets a beautiful femme fatal with oriental eyes. Reality and fiction become fused in an embrace.
Original Music Composer
The film is about the French film industry from 1942 to 1944 during the Nazi occupation. The film focuses on assistant director and resistance fighter Jean Devaivre and screenwriter Jean Aurenche. Aurenche is on the move so that he doesn't have to write anything collaborationist. Devaivre is in dangerous political activity. Devaivre also works for the German production company Continental where he is respected. On the other hand, Aurenche's scriptwriting doesn't help how he lives and he is a womanizer which causes him to procrastinate.
Original Music Composer
In a big isolated house, Mikael, a musician, is composing a psalm. A young woman, Linda, comes to retreive a suitcase belonging to Sébastien, her companion and Mikael's friend. It contains hundreds of photographs from all over the world. While he is travelling, Sébastien has asked Linda to organise the photographs with a view to an exhibition. Mikael invites Linda to reside with him. She accepts. That is the heart of the film – an intertwining of photographs which, juxtaposed by Linda, begin to speak. In parallel with this, Linda receives cassette-letters from Sébastien. A subtle relationship is established between Linda, the young debutante, and Mikael, the man of experience. Mikael goes off to direct his psalm, Linda stays alone. The walls become covered with photographs – wall of happiness, wall of misery – the fight between Good and Evil. Linda learns of the accidental death of Sébastien and stays alone.
Tristan is about to turn fifteen. He enjoys the good life his parents have built for him. And yet, it won't be long before his environment of protection, affection and comfort crumbles. From then on, he will learn the taste of loneliness, sadness and that survival is often more important than life.
Profesor música
Tristan is about to turn fifteen. He enjoys the good life his parents have built for him. And yet, it won't be long before his environment of protection, affection and comfort crumbles. From then on, he will learn the taste of loneliness, sadness and that survival is often more important than life.
Original Music Composer
To get royal backing on a needed drainage project, a poor French lord must learn to play the delicate games of wit at court at Versailles.
Original Music Composer
The attractive Malena listen to after telling the history of her life. Her treasure is not just an emerald that she inherits from her grandfather, but the key to discover the path of her existence, the eternal fight with her sister, and the passionate relationships with men. Based on the bestselling novel by Amanda Grandes.
This French film chronicles the amazing-but-true story of Lisa Alling who in 1928 successfully walked from New York City to Siberia via the Bering Straight by following telegraph poles. It was shot entirely in the Ukraine. Lisa, a chambermaid, has had enough of American life and wants go home to Siberia. Because she had no money, she decided it was better to walk than stay in the U.S. any longer. An opportunist, she takes whatever food, warmth and even romance that is offered along the way.
Original Music Composer
After the accidental death of his son on a racetrack, Edward Milan, a wealthy industrialist, asks his nephew to find his grandson, who has been living in an orphanage for eleven years and whose existence he has just learned. But the boy, named Martineau, is suspicious of the police since he has been unjustly accused of shoplifting. He runs away when the two uniforms in charge of taking him back to his grandfather's house appear. He manages to find lodging with an old lady, a kleptomaniac at times, then with a theater prop master who is persecuted by his fiancée and finally with a lonely veterinarian.
A homage to journalist Francis Ponge in a film that its author regarded as “natural.”
Original Music Composer
O filme conta a história de Fernando (Jorge Sanz), um jovem anarquista espanhol que ao desertar do exército monarquista foge para o interior do país. Vagando pelo campo sem destino, acaba encontrando Manolo (Fernando Fernán Gómez), outro anarquista que se identifica com suas ideias e lhe dá abrigo. A súbita maré de sorte de Fernando ainda não acabou. Ao contrário, está apenas começando. É que Manolo é pai de quatro mulheres maravilhosas. E as irmãs, sedentas de amor e cada uma à sua maneira, vão usar de todo seu charme para conquistar o inocente visitante. Difícil vai ser controlar o desejo e escolher apenas uma delas para amar.
Original Music Composer
Uma câmera é implantada no cérebro de Roddy. Em seguida ele é contratado por um produtor de televisão para filmar um documentário sobre Katherine sem que ela saiba. Ela é uma doente terminal. A filmagem será exibida no popular programa de TV, "Death Watch".
Composed of three shorts – Ride of the Valkyrie, The White Bus, and Red and Blue – from three of Britain’s most-celebrated directors - Lindsay Anderson, Peter Brook, and Tony Richardson. Comic legend Zero Mostel stars as an opera singer (in full costume) navigating the London transport network as he attempts to reach Covent Garden in 'Ride of the Valkyrie'. Scripted by Shelagh Delaney, 'The White Bus' blends realism, drama, and poetry as a despondent young woman travels home to the North of England. And Vanessa Redgrave stars in Tony Richardson’s romantic reverie and musical featurette 'Red and Blue'. Produced in 1967, but ultimately shelved.
Original Music Composer
Three men with a penchant for gambling on the horses soon find themselves in trouble because of their addiction. Pierre (Michel Piccoli) is the math whiz who uses his talent for picking the winners. Charles (Michel Galabru) is the wealthy scrap-iron magnate who has embarrassing evidence on many prominent political figures. Loic (Jacques Dutronc) is the aspiring politico who seeks to further his career by any means possible. Charles approaches Loic and asks his political party for a loan in hopes of fixing an upcoming race....
Julien seeks to reconquer Jeanne, his ex-wife, of whom he is separated and who lives with another man. He is prepared to go far to make it happen.
Roland des Roncesvalles is a legendary knight from the age of chivalry in France. In the 11th-century epic La Chanson de Roland, he is depicted as a key figure in halting the advance of the Arabs into France. In this story, the 10th-century legend is staged by a group of 12th-century pilgrims using the 11th-century poem. Their acting is interrupted by a violent peasant uprising, which kills many of the pilgrims. However, one of the survivors, is converted to the peasant cause and later speaks out in favor of more just treatment for the downtrodden.
Original Music Composer
Paul, escritor, está em crise criativa. Economicamente dependente da mulher, Camille, ele a trata cada vez pior, sai mais e mais, paquera as estudantes. Camille o põe para fora de casa. Vagando por Paris sem teto e sem dinheiro, ele faz um aprendizado da insegurança...
Original Music Composer
1957. For several months, Henri Charlègue, the ex-director of the newspaper "Alger democratic", banned, has been living in hiding. Suspected of belonging to the FLN, he is actively sought by paratroopers.
Leon who works as a bathhouse attendant discovers a passion for the tango that will change his life. He falls in love with Fumée, a young and pretty prostitute who becomes his partner in tango contests.
Original Music Composer
França, 1719. O rei é Luís XV, bisneto e sucessor de Luís XIV. Sendo menor de idade, a regência é conduzida por seu tio-avô Philippe d'Orleans, o duque de Orleans, notório debochado, cercado por um bando de prostitutas e aproveitadores iludidos. Na Bretanha, o marquês de Pontcallec fomentou um complô para derrubar o duque em favor do rei Filipe V de Espanha, neto de Luís XIV e tio do jovem soberano. Ele espera restaurar sua independência para a Grã-Bretanha - libertando-a de seus deveres de vassalo para o poder parisiense - e para proclamar a república. O abade Dubois, complacente primeiro-ministro do regente e manipulador ambicioso, é responsável por acabar com a conspiração enquanto a usa para satisfazer suas próprias ambições. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
The story of a man who goes out looking for hamburgers, while he has a beautiful steak at home. Frank and Eva can't live together, but can't live without each other either. Frank has sex with every woman he can get, while Eva wants to start a family.
Cornelis van Doorn is the CEO of VD, a meat factory as well as a developer of contraceptives. Cornelis is the patriarch of the Van Doorn family: a decadent bunch of loose morals who only lust for money and power. When the man is thinking about retiring, he has to find the right heir to take over the family business.
A crackdown on drugs leads a burned out cop to take the law into his own hands and seek revenge against villainous drug dealers. Word comes down from above that the United States feels French authorities have been lax on their arrests of the dealers. A violent action feature finds the harried inspector battling his colleagues as much as the criminal element targeted for extermination.
Original Music Composer
Antoine se casou com sua namorada de infância Christine, e os dois vivem uma vida aconchegante vendendo flores e dando aulas de violino enquanto Antoine trabalha no seu romance de longa data. Christine está grávida do primeiro filho do casal e Antoine inicia um romance com uma bela jovem japonesa.
In 1798, a feral boy is discovered outside the town of Aveyron, France. Diagnosed as mentally impaired, he is relegated to an asylum. A young doctor named Jean Itard becomes convinced that the boy has normal mental capacity, but that his development was hindered by lack of contact with society. He brings the boy home and begins an arduous attempt at education over several years.
Original Music Composer
A man visits his girlfriend in Amsterdam after the war. He soon finds himself, for inexplicable reasons, in a country house where two women as 'white slaves' have to learn all kinds of erotic skills, and where a private detective, who has sold his own wife to an Arab in Tangier, comes to investigate.
Wendy is the British guest of a French couple and the daughter of the man who saved the host's life during World War II. Living with the couple is their 20-year-old son and a 12-year-old nephew whose parents were killed in an automobile accident. The father and son both try to seduce the attractive guest. The young boy retreats into his own world and dreams of being taken back to Britain by Wendy in this romantic drama. The mother spends her time bleaching her hair and is seemingly uninterested in anything that goes on with her family at the beachfront villa. Meanwhile, Wendy and the younger boy develop a fondness for each other, while his aunt and uncle fail to understand his needs.
Original Music Composer
Adaptado de um livro por William Irish, é um conto noirish (meio "Noir") de um homem que encomenda uma noiva por correspondência, mas recebe em vez disso uma mulher vigarista. Louis Mahe é um plantador de tabaco em Reunion Island. Ele está esperando Julie Roussel para casar com ela. Ele só a conhece por carta. A mulher que vem não gosta do estlo que ele tem, mas ele se casa com ela de qualquer maneira. Logo, ela foge com o dinheiro de Louis. Ela não era a verdadeira Julie Roussel, mas Marion. Louis tenta encontrá-la... Outro filme de Truffaut sobre paixão. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos).
Original Music Composer
Diane is married to an architect in this situation comedy. The two met in Czechoslovakia before marrying and moving to France. He becomes extremely jealous when he suspects her of having a lesbian affair with a ballet dancer. His incessant questions and insane jealousy make Diane resentful to the point she considers pushing him off a cliff.
Original Music Composer
Após ser expulso do exército, Antoine Donel consegue um emprego como recepcionista de hotel, mas logo é demitido ao ajudar o detetive particular Henri. O ex-policial o leva para trabalhar em sua agência, mas, no primeiro caso que pega, Antoine se apaixona pela esposa do seu cliente e coloca tudo a perder.
Musical short, filmed for the abandoned portmanteau film Red, White and Zero (1967).
Albert is a Franciscan monk and a medical orderly at a monastery in France. Although he is German, the kindly monk helps hide French resistance members. Albert tries to maintain the delicate balance between the warring factions by helping out the afflicted and not getting involved in political ideology.
Original Music Composer
Um fim de semana supostamente idílico de uma viagem para o campo se transforma em um pesadelo sem fim de engarrafamentos, revolução, canibalismo e assassinato, quando a sociedade burguesa francesa começa a desmoronar sob o peso de suas próprias preocupações como consumidores.
Original Music Composer
Barcelona, 1967. Hans Fromm, a German-born architect, lives an well-ordered everyday life. He has become the target of an antifascist death squad though. Indeed their leader, Julius, whose brother was killed by Schmidt, a merciless S.S., believes, without being absolutely certain, that Fromm and Schmidt are the same man. The team, whose other members are Georges, the son of a deportee liquidated by Schmidt craving for action, Raphaël, a mercenary type, Nils, the photographer and Romain, watch Fromm's every move until Julius, convinced at last that the quiet German is their man, gives the green light for the operation. They manage to lure the former Nazi to an old house but Schmidt/Fromm won't let himself be captured so easily...
Original Music Composer
Alan, after quarreling with his girlfriend Sheila, becomes intrigued by Anna, a mysterious widow who's searching for a sailor she had known many years before. Alan and Anna begin the search on board a yacht bound for Greece, but they don't find the sailor. After a stop in Africa, Louis de Mozambique joins the party and suggests that the sailor may never have existed other than in Anna's mind.
Original Music Composer
Julia, casada há dois anos, confessa ao marido Werner que teve um filho há seis anos e que o abandonou. Ela agora só pensa em tê-lo de volta.
This one is generally looked upon as the best version of the old-fashioned melodrama by Jules Mary.Riccardo Freda,who was mainly known for his horror movies,tried also his hand at spy thrillers in the wake of James Bond ("Coplan Ouvre Le Feu à Mexico") ,and had a penchant for old French melodramas (before "Roger la Honte" ,he redid "Les Deux Orphelines " -D.W.GRiffith's "orphans of the storm-. Georges Géret replaces Lucien Coedel and Irene Pappas takes on Maria Casarès's part of his mistress.Freda 's movie is more compact ,with a running time of 105 min,whereas Cayatte's version (1945-46) spread over two episodes with a total time exceeding 3 hours.It also benefited from the use of color .But all in all,it's the same old story.
Original Music Composer
Mademoiselle, uma professora neurótica de uma pequena aldeia de Corrèze, aproveita a chegada de verão dos trabalhadores italianos para ceder às suas fantasias: ela provoca incêndios, envenena o gado... um sedutor irresistível, aparece como o culpado ideal. Mademoiselle então se oferece ao lenhador, antes de denunciá-lo por estupro. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Music Arranger
From antiquity to Modigliani, women's faces painted through the centuries and edited according to the theme of "Pierrot le fou", composed by Antoine Duhamel.
Original Music Composer
Casado com uma italiana e entediado com sua vida na alta sociedade, o professor espanhol Ferdinand foge em direção ao sul com Marianne, após um cadáver ser encontrado na casa dela. Eles caem na estrada e deixa um rastro de roubos por onde passam.
Nesta adaptação live-action dos quadrinhos, o professor Calculus acaba de escrever um livro chamado "The Earth is Starving". Ele aparece na televisão para apelar aos cientistas de todo o mundo para que trabalhem em prol de uma solução para o problema da fome. Em seguida, ele recebe um pacote de um professor de espanhol, Antenor Zalamea, que contém uma laranja azul que pode ser cultivada em solo desértico. Calculus viaja para a Espanha, mas um emir criminoso que deseja a descoberta para si mesmo sequestra os dois professores. Tintin e o capitão Haddock vêm ao resgate com a ajuda de algumas crianças locais.
L'inspecteur de police
Business tycoon dies in plane crash. Suspected, Georg, his main partner, Alain, a young Turkish finance, and Anna Maria, the group's proxy, are all seeking his succession.
Business tycoon dies in plane crash. Suspected, Georg, his main partner, Alain, a young Turkish finance, and Anna Maria, the group's proxy, are all seeking his succession.
Paparazzi explores the relationship between Brigitte Bardot and groups of invasive photographers attempting to photograph her while she works on the set of Jean-Luc Godard's film Le Mépris (Contempt). Through video footage of Bardot, interviews with the paparazzi, and still photos of Bardot from magazine covers and elsewhere, director Rozier investigates some of the ramifications of international movie stardom, specifically the loss of privacy to the paparazzi. The film explains the shooting of the film on the island of Capri, and the photographers' valiant, even foolishly dangerous, attempts to get a photograph of Bardot.
Le Parti des choses: Bardot et Godard is a documentary short following director Jean-Luc Godard on the set of Contempt.
Original Music Composer
A haunting short version of Edgar Allan Poe's famous story about a cruel and unusual punishment inflicted on a victim of the Spanish Inquisition...
Cenas filmadas em vários países do Mediterrâneo, com assuntos variados, são exibidas diversas vezes durante o filme, sempre separadas e com diferentes durações. As imagens são acompanhadas por um texto de Phillippe Sollers e trilha sonora de Antoine Duhamel.
"Directed in 1960, the second short film from Champeaux studios, Villa Mon Rêve is undoubtedly Albert Champeaux's emblematic film. Awarded in many festivals (Cork, Venice, Acapulco, etc.), it will be distributed internationally by Rank. This is the beginning of the adventures of Mr Schmtz, a nerdy crook with many faces. Three other short films will display the failed scams of this funny guy. This film, broadcast in 1961 as the first part of cinema sessions, is incredibly modern, benefited by the magnificent sets by Pierre Watrin and very contemporary animation and production. This film, which comes the ages without a wrinkle, was chosen by the second French TV channel (at the time Antenne2) for the transition period to color broadcasting." -