Edward Hardwicke

Edward Hardwicke

Nascimento : 1932-08-07, London, England

Morte : 2011-05-16


Edward Hardwicke foi um ator inglês.


Edward Hardwicke
Edward Hardwicke
Edward Hardwicke


Oliver Twist
Mr. Brownlow
Oliver Twist (Barney Clark) é um órfão entre as centenas que sofrem com a fome e o trabalho escravo na Inglaterra vitoriana. Vendido para um coveiro, ele sofre com a crueldade da família deste e acaba fugindo para Londres. Lá ele é recolhido das ruas por Artful Dodger (Harry Eden), um ladrão que o leva até Fagin (Ben Kingsley), um velho que comanda um exército de prostitutas e pequenos marginais. Quando Oliver conhece um bondoso homem em quem finalmente enxerga um possível pai, Fagin teme que ele denuncie seu esquema. Para evitar isso Fagin planeja um assalto à casa do rico Sr. Brownlow (Edward Hardwicke), o pai desejado por Oliver.
O Amor Acontece
Sam's Grandfather
O amor paira em Londres. Há um casal que se casa. Há um padrinho de casamento que se apaixona. Há um viúvo que tenta ajudar o enteado a expressar os seus sentimentos por uma rapariga. Uma mãe devota que procura o amor que já não existe. Há amores secretos e outros nem tanto. Em plena quadra natalícia, oito casais têm de lidar com o amor.
O Homem que Mudou o Mundo
Mr. Wood
No ínicio dos anos 30 um homem , um político e orador excepcional de nome Winston Churchill salta para a ribalta da fama pela sua luta em torno do crescimento e fortalecimento de uma Europa desunida na época. Lutando contra todas as adversidades - uma depressão profunda, a perca de toda a sua fortuna pessoal e o temporário desaparecimento da sua mulher Clemmie - um solitário mas desafiador Churchill tenta de todas as formas avisar o mundo de uma tentativa de poder pela força por um político Austríaco emergente chamado Adolf Hitler.
David Copperfield
Mr. Wickfield
After the death of his father and a second wedding of his mother, David Copperfield suffers from his tyrannical stepfather, Mr. Murdstone. The mother dies shortly after the death of another child, whereupon Mr. Murdstone sends David to London, where he has to work for a starvation wage.Here he makes some new friends, but soon flees from the capital of England to his aunt Traddles in Canterbury, where he is adopted by her.
Em março de 1943, a equipe de elite dos decodificadores da Inglaterra tem uma responsabilidade monumental: decifrar o Enigma, um código ultraseguro utilizado pelos nazistas para enviar mensagens aos seus submarinos. O desafio fica ainda maior quando se sabe que uma grande esquadra de navios mercantis está prestes a cruzar o Atlântico e cerca de dez mil homens correrão perigo caso a localização dos submarinos alemães não seja logo descoberta, o que apenas poderá ocorrer quando o Enigma for decifrado. Para liderar este trabalho é chamado Tom Jericho (Dougray Scott), um gênio da matemática que consegue realizar tarefas consideradas impossíveis pelos especialistas. Porém, ao mesmo tempo em que Jericho se envolve cada vez mais com a decodificação do Enigma ele precisa estar atento à sua namorada Claire (Saffron Burrows), uma sedutora e misteriosa mulher que pode estar trabalhando como espiã para os alemães.
She Who Must Be Obeyed
Ludovico H. Holly
Leo Vincey receives a map from his late father, leading him to the legendary city of Kor in search of an explanation for his mysterious ancestry. He is accompanied by his girlfriend Roxanne. He discovers that he is the only descendant of an Egyptian priest who had been executed for the crime of falling in love with the Egyptian Princess. The ruling queen Ayesha, or rather She, is the same Egyptian Princess of centuries ago, her beauty and youth look being preserved by magic. She becomes convinced that Leo is the reincarnation of her former lover, and wants to kill him. Leo and Roxanne will have to fight against surprise attacks on them, but survival in that foreign land with strange customs, is difficult. Leo is terribly attracted to She's beauty, but at the same time he fears for her obscure spirit, and finally he must take a decision - to run away from her, or to love her and die.
The Alchemists
Richard Bannerman
Grant Show (Melrose Place) stars in this fast-placed thriller based on the best-selling novel set in the chilling world of genetic engineering. Ruth Gemmel (Fever Pitch) joins Shaw as employees who put their lives on the line to discover a world in which all morality has been sacrificed. How can they prevent this powerful multi-national company from exploiting genetic research for monetary gain?
Mary, Mother of Jesus
Mary, Mother of Jesus is a 1999 made-for-television Biblical film that retells the story of Jesus through the eyes of Mary, his mother.
Parting Shots
Dr. Joseph
Harry Sterndale, a failed photographer, is given a diagnosis of cancer and told that he has only three months to live. After thinking things over, he decides that since he is dying anyway, he will kill or destroy all the people that ever crossed or hurt him during his life - after all, he will be dead anyway long before he can come to trial and get his just desserts from society. Harry hires an assassin to finish himself off in style, and even has time to fall in love with Jill. However, there's just one small problem with Harry's master plan - the cancer diagnosis is totally inaccurate and now he's got a hitman on his trail and several policemen wanting to talk to him about some murders...
Earl of Arundel
Em 1554, a Inglaterra estava divida entre católicos e protestantes e era governada por Mary Tudor (Kathy Burke), católica, mas devido a um tumor ela acaba falecendo. Agora sua meia-irmã Elizabeth (Cate Blanchett), protestante, assume o poder. Porém, Elizabeth herda um país falido, sem exército e com inimigos por todos os lados, até mesmo na sua própria corte, forçando-a tomar cuidado a cada passo para permanecer no poder.
The guests of the Station Hotel have assembled to play a game of cards. The loser will sleep in room 207, a room rumored to be haunted. It hasn't been slept in for 20 years. As their lives tangle in a paranoid deadlock, the only escape becomes murder.
Photographing Fairies
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Photographer Charles Castle is numbed with grief following the death of his beautiful bride. He goes off to war, working in the trenches as a photographer. Following the war and still in grief Charles is given some photographs purporting to be of fairies. His search for the truth leads him to Burkinwell, a seemingly peaceful village seething with secrets
Ricardo III
Lord Stanley
Richard, um aleijado brilhante e cruel, decide eliminar todos os que poderiam impedi-lo de suceder seu irmão, o rei Edward IV.
A letra escarlate
Gov. John Bellingham
Em 1666 em Massachussetts, Bay Colony, uma bela mulher (Demi Moore) casada com um médico (Robert Duvall) chega na localidade na frente do marido, com a incumbência de providenciar um lar para o casal. Mas ela fica apaixonada por um reverendo (Gary Oldman), que tem por ela os mesmos sentimentos. No entanto, eles reprimem tais emoções pelo fato dela ser casada, mas quando ela supõe que seu marido foi morto pelos índios ela se sente livre e acaba ficando grávida do reverendo. Mas, como apesar de ficar presa e socialmente marginalizada ela se recusa a dizer o nome do pai da criança, passa então a portar um "A" de adúltera bordado em cores vermelhas em suas roupas, como símbolo de sua vergonha perante a sociedade local.
Terra das Sombras
Warnie Lewis
Em 1952, na Universidade de Oxford, surge o relacionamento entre o professor e intelectual C.S. Lewis (Anthony Hopkins) e a escritora americana Joy Gresham (Debra Winger). Eles se encontraram após ela lhe ter escrito uma carta, sendo que esta correspondência a levou a sua primeira viagem à Inglaterra, que ela fez em companhia de Douglas Gresham (Joseph Mazzello), seu filho. Lewis a recebeu como cortesia, como parte da rotina de sua vida de professor, mas ele não sabia o que fazer quando algo lhe ficou claro: que estava apaixonado.
The Last Vampyre
Dr. John Watson
Sherlock Holmes investigates strange and tragic happenings in a village that appear linked to a man who seems to be like a vampire.
The Eligible Bachelor
Dr. John Watson
Sherlock Holmes' problem with disturbing dreams proves to be both an impediment and an aid in the search for a missing woman.
The Master Blackmailer
Dr. John Watson
For years, a blackmailer has been preying on the weaknesses of others throughout London. When Holmes hears of the utter misery this mystery man is creating, he adopts a campaign to thwart his evil scheming. The campaign astonishes Dr. Watson by its strangeness and finds Holmes falling in love.
Let Him Have It
Approved School Principal
In 1950s England, slow-witted Derek Bentley falls in with a group of petty criminals led by Chris Craig, a teenager with a fondness for American gangster films. Chris and Derek's friendship leads to their involvement in the true case which would forever shake England's belief in capital punishment.
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Dr. John Watson
Sir Charles Baskerville dies on the moor under mysterious circumstances and rumors abound about a demonic hound. When the American heir arrives to take charge, a family friend calls in Holmes and Watson to get to the heart of the mystery.
The Sign of Four
Dr. John Watson
Mary Morstan has received a pearl in the post every year since her father's disappearance. This leads Holmes and Watson to the truth about a secret pact between four convicts during the Indian Rebellion of 1857.
Sherlock Holmes - Den blå karbunkeln
Dr. John H. Watson
Titus Andronicus
Having subdued the Goths, warrior Titus Andronicus returns to Rome to bury his sons, with Gothic Queen Tamora and her retinue as captives. The newly-dead Roman Emperor's two sons, Saturninus and Bassianus, are competing for their father's title. According to Roman custom, Titus sacrifices Tamora's eldest son to the Gods; having the deciding vote, he also chooses Saturninus as Emperor. Both acts have tragic consequences.
Baby: O Segredo da Lenda Perdida
Dr. Pierre Dubois
Susan sonha em ser a cientista mais famosa do mundo. Seu marido, George, quer ser papai o quanto antes. Os sonhos do casal se realizam quando, durante uma expedição pelas selvas africanas, encontram um filhote de brontossauro.
Off Peak
Because of her cheating husband, Elizabeth elicits patronizing "pity" from her so-called friends, but they (and he) don't suspect her plans.
The Biko Inquest
Professor Proctor
Based on the official transcripts of the investigation that followed after the very suspicious notorious death in prison of one of the most important leading men of the South African anti-apartheid movement, Steven Biko.
Peter Carmody
A man on the run from gangsters is finally caught up with and meets his final fate. Later reissued to make a third of the anthology film, Frightmares (1987).
The Last Term
Devon 1940. The boys of the local public school are alerted after a German parachute drop and as members of the Local Defence Volunteers they prepare to put their youthful enthusiasm for war into practice.
Last Love
Dr. Alan Lyle
Tending her husband's grave one day, Annabel Fox meets Jack Ives, a retired regimental sergeant-major. But when their friendship turns to love and talk of marriage, Annabel's children step in. They have other plans for her and, anyway, "He's so common, mummy..."
John David
Patrick and Judith have everything prepared for the arrival of their first child but when he is born, they are quite unprepared for the crisis they must face.
A Cotswold Death
A village cricket match on the lawn of a great country house - a traditional setting for the perfect English murder. A natural case for the Yard's best technicolor detective, except for the victim-the 20th-century lord of the manor, Sheik Ali Ben Hassim.
Lord Dunning
International terrorists attempt to kidnap a wealthy couple's child. Their plan comes unstuck when a deadly Black Mamba, sent by mistake instead of a harmless snake, escapes and the terrorists and several hostages are trapped in the boy's London home.
O Bunker
Dieter Stahl
O filme, feito para a TV, dramatiza os três últimos meses de Adolph Hitler, passados no seu bunker em Berlim. Anthony Hopkins está repulsivo como Hitler, enquanto Piper Laurie é ainda mais assustadora como a fanática esposa de Goebbels. Joseph Goebbels (Cliff Gorman) alimenta o ego do Führer, enquanto Albert Speer (Richard Jordan) pretende desafiá-lo. Um dia antes de seu suicídio, Hitler legaliza sua relação com a amante Eva Braun (Susan Blakely). O enredo do filme se estende além do suicídio, com as forças aliadas discutindo sobre quem tem direito à propriedade de Hitler.
Full Circle
Captain Paul Winter
After the death of her daughter, wealthy housewife Julia Lofting abruptly leaves her husband and moves into an old Victorian home in London to re-start her life. All seems well until she is haunted by the sadness of losing her own child and the ghosts of other children.
Back of Beyond
Olwen lives in a tumbledown farm up in the mountains - a lonely widow, virtually a recluse. Her only human contact is with the occasional shopkeeper and young Rachel, who delivers her papers. For Rachel, her visits to Olwen are half adventure, half honest friendship. But they also mean a time to 'put aside childish things.'
The Next Scream You Hear
The police receive an anonymous tip that Bernard Peel has murdered his wife, Jennifer. Peel declares his innocence, but there is a substantial amount of evidence contradicting his story. Is someone trying to frame Mr. Peel? Peel asks private detective Matthew Earp to investigate.
O Moinho Negro
Mike McCarthy
O filho de um agente britânico é sequestrado e é pedido um resgate de diamantes. O agente descobre que não pode nem contar com as pessoas que ele achava que estavam do seu lado para ajudá-lo, então decide rastrear os sequestradores. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
O Dia do Chacal
Charles Harold Calthrop
Um assassino profissional conhecido pelo codinome "Chacal" é contratado para matar Charles de Gaulle, presidente da França. É o início dos anos 60 na França. Os sobreviventes restantes da extinta Legião Estrangeira Francesa, agora numa organização terrorista, a OAS, fizeram repetidas tentativas de matar o presidente francês Charles De Gaulle. O resultado é que ele se tornou o homem mais bem protegido do mundo. Em um ato de desespero eles contratam O Chacal, o codinome do assassino de aluguel que se compromete a matar De Gaulle em troca de meio milhão de dólares. Ele começa então a planejar a morte do famoso presidente francês para o dia 25 de agosto de 1963. Veremos os preparativos do assassino que são tão minuciosos que nos perguntaremos como ele poderia falhar, mesmo quando vemos a tentativa da polícia francesa de achar seu rastro. A situação é historicamente precisa. Houveram muitos desses atentados e o filme segue de perto o enredo do livro. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Belgrove Hotel, Goodbye
Malin has previously been an au-pair girl in London, England and is now returning to the family she worked for. During her visit, she is undergoing a crisis that makes her forget the child she brought with her.
The Reckoning
Michael Marler, a successful business man in London, is about to make his way to the top. The death of his father brings him - after 37 years - back to his hometown Liverpool, where he is confronted with his lost Irish roots. He finds out that his father died because of a fight with some anglo-saxon teddy boys. It becomes "a matter of honour" for him, to take his revenge without involving the British police
A petty crook finds himself mistaken for a murderer and a secret agent.
A Flea In Her Ear
Pierre Chandebisse, Victor's Nephew
Suspecting that her husband might be having an affair, a wife plots to catch him in the act.
General Othello's marriage is destroyed when vengeful Ensign Iago convinces him that his new wife has been unfaithful.
The Men of Sherwood Forest
Robin Hood is persuaded by two nobles whom he believes to be loyal to King Richard to recover secret plans attaining to the rescue of the king from captivity in Germany. Though disguised as a troubadour, Robin is betrayed and captured. Lady Alys and the merry men help him escape in time to foil an intended ambush on King Richard as he returns from the Crusades.
Hell Below Zero
Duncan Craig signs on a whaling ship, partly because his own business deal has fallen through, partly to help Judie Nordhall find her father. Rumor has it that her father may have been murdered by Erik Bland, son of her father's partner and her one-time lover. Duncan and Erik find themselves on rival whaleboats and, ultimately, on an ice floe.
Dois no Céu
George - English Boy
Uma sentimental, patriótica (se não propagandística) fantasia de Hollywood sobre um piloto de bombardeiro morto na Segunda Guerra Mundial, Maj. Pete Sandidge que se torna anjo da guarda para outro piloto, o capitão. Ted Randall, orientando Randall através de batalhas e ajudando-o no romance de sua ex-namorada, apesar de sua devoção excessiva a memória do Sandidge.