Humbert Balsan

Humbert Balsan

Nascimento : 1954-08-21, Arcachon, Gironde, France

Morte : 2005-02-10


Humbert Balsan


O Homem de Londres
Numa noite fria, de neblina, trabalhador das docas presencia um assassinato por afogamento. Mais tarde vai até a água para retirar uma valise cheia de dinheiro. Passa a ser seguido. Um famoso inspetor inglês chega para solucionar o caso. Mais que do enredo, os filmes de Béla Tarr se utilizam do tempo, da fotografia em preto e branco, da trilha e dos 'closes' para mostrar o que é um filme de arte. Baseado na obra do escritor belga Georges Simenon, criador do Inspetor Maigret.
A Perfect Friend
"Julien Rossi wakes up in a hospital bed and finds he has no memory of the events that left him in a coma in the early hours of New Year's Day. Was he attacked? Or was his head injury caused in an accident? This is only the first of many mysteries Julien has to resolve. Who is Marl?ne, the beautiful woman who claims to be his girlfriend? Why doesn't his real girlfriend, Anna, return his calls? What made him walk out on his job as a leading investigative reporter? Julien relies on Lucas, his best friend and
The Intruder
An emotionally cold man leaves the safety of his Alpine home to seek a heart transplant and an estranged son.
The Great Journey
Reda, summoned to accompany his father on a pilgrimage to Mecca, complies reluctantly - as he preparing for his baccalaureat and, even more important, has a secret love relationship. The trip across Europe in a broken-down car is also the departure of his father: upon arrival in Mecca, both Reda and his father are not the characters they were at the start of the movie. Avoiding the hackneyed theme of the return to the homeland, the film uses the departure to renew a connection between two generation.
Quand la Femme Chante
A documentary about the singing movement in Egypt, and on the role of the song in the social and political conflict, as it shows the lives of Umm Kulthum and Munira al-Mahdiyya and their impact on the women's liberation movement and on the field of singing in the Arab world
Alexandria... New York
An enthralling look at the relationship between America and the Arab World from an Arab perspective. It tells the story of Yehia, a renowned Egyptian filmmaker whose life has been shaped by a pair of disrupted love affairs, one with an American woman named Ginger, the other with America itself.
Seekers of Oblivion
Seekers of Oblivion explores the exciting life and adventures of Isabelle Eberhardt. Born in Geneva, Switzerland in 1877, Isabelle left Europe for North Africa at a young age. While there, she consorted with tramps, prostitutes, soldiers, murderers and thieves, at times masquerading as a man in orde.
The story of a woman who decides to kill herself. She puts herself through a series of experiences that test the limits of what is humanly bearable in an ultimate attempt to find a reason to live.
Grande école
Todos os anos o governo francês seleciona estudantes que tem um elevado potencial para ocuparem altas posições no governo. São enviados para aquelas que são conhecidas como as Grande Écoles onde eles são treinados para virem a serem os futuros líderes do país.
La vie nue
Executive Producer
The story is inspired by the biblical myth of Lazarus. The main character is called Lazarus who was a follower of Jesus, brother of Martha and Mary who was resurrected by Jesus.
Intervenção Divina
Você já imaginou uma ninja palestina? É com imagens cômicas como essa que "Intervenção Divina" desarma o conflito entre israelenses e palestinos. O filme retrata uma série de histórias engraçadas, sobre pessoas que parecem viver somente para destruir a paz alheia - como uma gangue de adolescentes palestinos que, por pura sacanagem, perseguem e apunhalam um Papai Noel ou de um homem que joga lixo na propriedade de sua vizinha. O próprio diretor Elia Suleiman interpreta um apaixonado palestino que tenta enganar de forma cômica o exército israelense para se encontrar às escondidas com sua amada. As situações são hilárias. "Intervenção Divina" faz você ver as desavenças da região por seu lado mais divertido!
The Bathers
Sexy, gritty and as provocative as a lap dance, The Bathers takes an insider's look at the lives of six women working as dancers at a seedy Parisian peep show. Governed by their overprotective boss, the girls' routine of glittery neon lights and lecherous customers is soon disrupted when an enigmatic stranger enters the scene. Now, drugs, sex and bickering all take a back seat as the girls unite to save this man haunted by a mysterious past and unforgiving demons. A fascinating glimpse into a world of back alleys and primal instincts, The Bathers transports us to a netherworld where the show always goes on.
O Adversário
Dr. Michel Philippot
Jean-Marc Faure é médico de formação e investigador brilhante na OMS. Marido dedicado e pai extremoso, Jean-Marc mantém igualmente uma relação afetuosa com os seus pais e de proximidade e respeito com os amigos. Pelo menos durante dezoito longos anos todos acreditaram que assim fosse. No entanto, a verdade pode revestir-se de uma devastadora faceta de crueldade e podem revelar-se trágicos os caminhos para dela fugir. E mais dramático será perceber-se que o filme se baseia com rigor numa história verídica ocorrida em França no ainda próximo ano de 1993.
Women Who Loved Cinema
Six strong-willed women whose adventurous streak changed the face of film industry in early twentieth century Egypt – a time when the country was, despite the liberal ripples, still steeped in conservative tradition. The film shows how these women, different as they were in class and social background, broke taboos and dismissed conventional wisdom to fulfill their overpowering passion for filmmaking. Women Who Loved Cinema takes us to the past and brings us, seamlessly, to the present day. Aziza ... Fatema ... Behidja ... Amina ... Assia … Mary... theirs is a story that will remain indelibly etched in the memory of Egyptian cinema.
Bo é uma prostituta transexual, em Bruxelas, que saiu de casa depois de ter sido abusada por seu pai. Ela está agora em um relacionamento abusivo com um vizinho e suspeita pela polícia em uma série de assassinatos de transexuais.
Toutes les nuits
La Première éducation sentimentale (the first version of L'Éducation sentimentale), re-adapting the themes of first love, the intoxication of desire, and failed ideological revolution (that culminated in the Revolution of 1848) to the May 68 generation through a chronicle of the parallel lives of a pair of childhood friends, the pragmatic Henri and idealistic Jules as they leave their bucolic, rural hometown to separately pursue their baccalaureate - and real world - educations.
After Sex
The end of an affair from the woman's point of view.
Will It Snow for Christmas?
A woman and her seven children live on a farm in Southern France. In spite of the hard work and the mediocre accommodation, their life would be a happy one, but for one person: the owner of the farm, an egotistic and authoritarian individual who is also the lover of the woman and the father of all her children. The farmer handles them as his property, uses them as cheap labour to work in the fields, and denies them the right to leave the farm. It is only the love of the woman for her children that allows them to endure their situation; but even for her, disenchantment has set in.
The Proprietor
Maître Vicks
An expatriated French novelist returns to Paris when she learns that her childhood home is being placed on the auction block.
The Proprietor
An expatriated French novelist returns to Paris when she learns that her childhood home is being placed on the auction block.
Os Amores de Picasso
Em 1943 o famoso pintor Pablo Picasso (Anthony Hopkins), com 60 anos, conhece Françoise Gilot (Natascha McElhone), que tem 23 anos, sonha ser pintora e idolatra o grande mestre. Ela se tornaria sua amante, mas isto não impede Picasso de ser infiel. Françoise lhe dá dois filhos, Claude e Paloma, e aceita as mulheres dele como parte do relacionamento. Ele, em contrapartida, lhe mostra grandes obras de arte e a apresenta aos grandes mestres, mas a união gradativamente começa a se desgastar de forma inexorável.
Lumière e Companhia
Associate Producer
40 international directors were asked to make a short film using the original Cinematographe invented by the Lumière Brothers, working under conditions similar to those of 1895. There were three rules: (1) The film could be no longer than 52 seconds, (2) no synchronized sound was permitted, and (3) no more than three takes.
Jefferson em Paris
A história de Thomas Jefferson enquanto embaixador em Paris, alguns anos antes de ser presidente, e as especulações em torno de uma suposta amante, a escrava Sally, de apenas 15 anos, com quem teria tido um filho.
On Boys, Girls and the Veil
Executive Producer
A documentary which depicts the life of Bassem Samra and his friends and family. The film discusses issues concerning love and the veil.
A young girl is deprived of her baby: her descent into hell begins.
Walking a Tightrope
Marcel Spadice is a famous writer with a criminal background and a penchant for handsome men. From time to time, he induces an attractive female admirer to arrange for him to be introduced to nice, talented young men who happen to be sufficiently handsome to interest him. At other times, the endless effort to woo these men (who are most often heterosexual) grows wearying, and he goes to the train station to pick up soldiers looking for some easy money and a night's lodging. In this film, the writer has grown enamored with a young circus laborer who wants to move up in the world, literally, by becoming a tightrope walker. Marcel cadges an introduction, and for a time sponsors the young man's training. However, when the boy suffers an accident which renders him unfit for his chosen vocation, Marcel loses interest in him and takes up with another young man.
Cenas de uma Família
Associate Producer
Set during World War II, an upper-class family begins to fall apart due to the conservative nature of the patriarch and the progressive values of his children.
Alexandria, Again and Forever
Yehia, um famoso diretor egípcio, fica obcecado pela sua jovem estrela, Amir, enquanto participa da greve geral de 1987. Fantasiando sobre os filmes que eles fariam juntos, Yehia eleva Amir à categoria de Messias cinematográfico e também se encanta por Nadia, uma atriz revolucionária.
Frequent Death
Jeanne Quester is a psychologist-on-the-airwaves in a radio station. She got a raw deal when she was a child.
The Sixth Day
Executive Producer
Egypt, 1947: in the midst of a cholera outbreak. A washerwoman tries to take care of her family, while at the same time resisting the advances of a charming suitor who's half her age.
Adeus Bonaparte
This big-budget historical epic from acclaimed Egyptian director Youssef Chahine features a crazed turn by Patrice Chereau as Napoleon Bonaparte. The film, an Egyptian-French co-production, deals with Napoleon's occupation of Alexandria and its effect on a typical Egyptian family. Michel Piccoli leads the cast as a general in Napoleon's army who tentatively befriends a local poet.
Ladrões do Amanhecer
Insp. Martin
A crime story set in Paris about a Bonnie-and-Clyde couple -- how they got together and how they are pursued for a murder they never committed.
Um Jogo Brutal
Le Journaliste
O famoso cientista Prof. Tessier assassinou as crianças que vandalizaram seu laboratório. Tirano e controlador para com a filha Isabelle, que é paralisada da cintura para baixo, ele também é um introvertido deplorável. À medida que ele cai num abismo moral, Isabelle se abre cada vez mais ao mundo.
I Married a Shadow
Bertrand Meyrand
After a train accident, a woman survives and is mistaken for an other woman she just met on a train before the accident.
A publisher seeks information on a writer who died long ago.
All Fired Up
Victor Valance, an absent father and gambler, works with shady casino operations abroad. When he returns to Paris in need of money, he plans to take advantage that Pauline, his eldest daughter now fully responsible for the whole family, has begun to work for the Ministry of Finance. Pauline thwarts his new projects but when she realizes gangsters are looking for Victor she will put her life at risk to help him and save their family.
The knight
New Yorker Ben Phillips and mysterious Léo Hoffmann are strangers who are summoned to Paris by a mutual acquaintance. Upon arrival, they meet and soon find themselves tangled in a complex mystery.
Nelly troca o marido grosseiro pelo ex-detento Loulou. Ele não quer trabalhar, mas não se importa de roubar. Ela trabalha, mas fica indo e vindo para seu ex pelas mais variadas razões.
Un balcon en forêt
Lt. Grange
An adaptation of the novel of the same name by Julien Gracq. Four soldiers await a possible German attack on a fortified house in the forest of the Ardennes.
Swimming Instructor
Marie, the charming daughter of Italian immigrants, has a dream : to become rich. In Roubaix, where she lives, she meets and marries small-time crooner Marcel Potier. Together they leave for the South of France where they live happily but poorly. Now, Marie hasn't forgotten her hopes of wealth and with this aim still in mind she pushes Marcel into becoming the swimming instructor of Achille Zopoulos, an oil tycoon.
After her brother was killed by a notorious all-female pirate gang, Morag dedicates her life to bringing the murderers to justice. Soon, she has become an important member of the pirate gang and has begun acquiring the loyalty of key members. Eventually, she makes her move and challenges the leader, a demi-god, known as "The Daughter of the Sun."
Lancelot do Lago
A mesma estória dos cavaleiros do Rei Artur, contada agora sob uma ótica realista. Mostrados como homens comuns, eles voltam de uma fracassada busca pelo Santo Graal, onde o filme volta o foco para o relacionamento de Lancelot e Guinevere e o fim de Camelot.