Yves Brainville

Yves Brainville

Nascimento : 1914-03-08, Paris, France

Morte : 1993-11-16


Yves Brainville


Os Mestres do Tempo
Général (voice)
On planet Perdide, an attack of giant hornets leaves Piel – a young boy – alone in a wrecked car with his dying father. A mayday message reaches their friend Jaffar, an adventurer travelling through space. On board Jaffar’s shuttle are the renegade Prince Matton, his fiancée, and Silbad who knows the planet Perdide well. Thus begins an incredible race across space to save Piel.
O Bunker
Gen. Hans Guderian
O filme, feito para a TV, dramatiza os três últimos meses de Adolph Hitler, passados no seu bunker em Berlim. Anthony Hopkins está repulsivo como Hitler, enquanto Piper Laurie é ainda mais assustadora como a fanática esposa de Goebbels. Joseph Goebbels (Cliff Gorman) alimenta o ego do Führer, enquanto Albert Speer (Richard Jordan) pretende desafiá-lo. Um dia antes de seu suicídio, Hitler legaliza sua relação com a amante Eva Braun (Susan Blakely). O enredo do filme se estende além do suicídio, com as forças aliadas discutindo sobre quem tem direito à propriedade de Hitler.
The Lady Banker
Raymond Préfaille, President of the Council
The scene is the restless Paris of the interwar years where an attractive and ambitious woman successfully makes her way in a world previously reserved for men: that of high finance. Originating from a humble background, she quickly becomes popular with small savers by offering them outstanding interest rates. Extremely popular, she makes no secret of her taste for the good things in life and her homosexual affairs. They will cost her dearly...
International Prostitution: Brigade criminelle
Charles Clément, canut de Lyon
Un diplomate
Rod Taylor plays a United Nations bio-warfare disarmament expert whose lonely wife (Catherine Jourdan) has a steamy affair while she's away in France. But soon she finds out the hard way that her lover is not quite the charming and stable guy she thought he was, and starts to fear him and wonder about his true motives.
A Última Noite de Bóris Grushenko
Um russo (Woody Allen), na véspera de ser executado pelo franceses por um assassinato que não cometeu, recorda toda a sua vida desde criança até ser forçado a se alistar e defender seu país da invasão napoleônica, que ironicamente lhe propiciou condecorações quando se tornou acidentalmente um herói. No entanto sua situação se complica, pois se casa com a mulher que sempre amou, mas esta planeja matar Napoleão.
Le président de la république
Gilles, who operates a money losing garage, teams up with his friends Max, who operates a scrap yard, and lawyer Xavier to open a brothel catering to women. They get the idea from Gilles' secretary Irma, a former prostitute. They are assisted in the implementation by Max's wife Juliette and Sabine who is mad for Gilles. Unfortunately Gilles has fallen for Florence the daughter of the conservative Prime Minister and his wife. When the Prime Minister tries to shut down the brothel Gilles decides to stand against him in the election.
Frankenstein: A Love Story
Le juge
Fascinated by the idea of ​​being able to create life through science, a count produces a monster from corpses. Does the creature have a soul?
Love Me Strangely
Le commissaire Dedru
Alain Revent, a seductive and refined man, derives a peculiar satisfaction from debasing his wives. The first, driven to the brink of despair, throws herself out of a window. Enlisting the help of an equally perverse casual acquaintance, Dino, the "handsome brute" proceeds to emotionally torture his second wife, Nathalie. The sadistic plan is picked up on by Officer Leroy who suspects the truth. Will he be able to snatch the unfortunate woman from the evil Alain's clutches?
Because he has seduced Germaine de Boismenil, Georges Dormont is thrown out of the army by the colonel and husband of the beautiful. After the death of the Count of Boismenil, Dormont arrived at the castle of the widow with the firm intention of taking revenge. From the outset, he seduces Pierrette, the servant, revives the heart of Germaine, having gotten an appointment with the widow, he makes her naked, humiliates and leaves her. Witness of the scene, Martha, the proud orphan, throws herself into the arms of Gaston, faithful order of the colonel, to avenge her mother. George soon flouted their feelings. He then forces Germaine to reveal his attachment to Pierrette and causes a beautiful scandal.
Os Sicilianos
Investigating judge
Um jovem e ambicioso mafioso planeja um elaborado roubo de diamantes enquanto seduz a filha de um implacável patriarca, mas um determinado comissário de polícia começa a cercar todos eles.
Spy Pit
Julien Saint Dominique, an agent of the French counter-espionage service in Berlin, investigates the kidnapping of a functionary taken by German communists into East Germany.
Judoka-Secret Agent
Paul Vincent, the boss with the glass eye
Marc is a French secret agent whose only weapons are judo and karate. With the help of his sidekick Jacques, the duo goes to protect a noted scientist from falling into the hands of a gang of underworld thugs. Marc finds love with one of the female gang members who turns out to be a double agent with the British Secret Service.
A Noite dos Generais
Em 1942, uma prostituta polonesa é assassinada em Varsóvia. A suspeita recai sobre três generais de alto escalão, e o Major Grau da Inteligência Alemã busca justiça apesar das atrocidades cometidas durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. As pistas levam Grau de Varsóvia para Paris e direto para o plano de assassinar Adolf Hitler em 1944, no qual dois dos generais estão profundamente envolvidos. O caso de Grau fica inacabado até 1965, quando então o verdadeiro assassino é levado à justiça. (e 16 Anos)
Skies Above
The crew of an aircraft carrier discovers that it is being pursued by a UFO that turns out to be a radioactive probe from outer space. They appeal to the warring countries of Earth to stop fighting and help it to repel the invaders.
Saint Avice
The action takes place under the Restoration, at the Château de Savigny, near Nerville, a devout and prudish little town in the Cotentin region. Doctor Torty is the doctor. He tells a story of which he is the only one to know the secret, that of a criminal couple, without any remorse. The pretty Hauteclaire Stassin, daughter of the master of arms, meets the Count of Savigny, married to the noble and languid Delphine. Madly in love with the count, Hauteclaire joined the castle as a servant. Shortly after, the countess died of poisoning. Will the guilty lovers go unpunished?
Braços Vazios
le commissaire de police
Two French paras who had lived through deadly situations in Algeria, meet again in civil life. Frapier is a newspaper reporter, and one day finds his friend Porte - surrounded by the police after a car theft, and an accidental killing of a police officer. He helps him escape, and provides shelter with the complicity of his girlfriend Vera. Later, Frapier will have doubts about Vera's love, and lives a passionate night with beautiful Arabelle. However, he finds himself playing a game of life and death both with Vera, and Porte. It will end in sadness for one, and death for another.
Crack in the Mirror
A Story of two love triangles...
Night Dance Hall
Martine's father
Martine is a young woman plagued both by poverty and by uncaring, problem parents who in no way can provide the kind of nurturing that Martine needs during her adolescent years. As a result of her family situation, Martine runs away from home and gets involved with a group of teens and young adults from the wrong side of the moral tracks.
Every Day Has Its Secret
Le juge d'instruction
Férias em Paris
Inspector Dupont
Comediante Bob Hunter (Bob Hope) é ajudado por seu homólogo francês Fernydel (Fernandel) e duas loiras lindas quando ele é marcado para morrer por um poderoso grupo de falsificação europeu.
A Sombra da Guilhotina
British barrister Sydney Carton lives an insubstantial and unhappy life. He falls under the spell of Lucie Manette, but Lucie marries Charles Darnay. When Darnay goes to Paris to rescue an imprisoned family retainer, he becomes entangled in the snares of the brutal French Revolution and is himself jailed and condemned to the guillotine. But Sydney Carton, in love with a woman he cannot have, comes up with a daring plan to save her husband.
The Witches of Salem
Salem 1692. The young Abigail, seduced and abandoned by John Proctor, accuses John's wife of being a witch in revenge. A series of tragic trials soon befall Salem as fear and suspicion blur the lines of reality.
A Maldição da Montanha
O egoísta Chris Teller pressiona seu irmão mais velho, um alpinista aposentado, a acompanhá-lo em uma escalada alpina traiçoeira para saquear os corpos das vítimas de um acidente de avião. Quando um avião cai no topo da montanha, Chris (Robert Wagner) quer subir para saquear os destroços. Seu irmão mais velho, Zachary (Spencer Tracy), já aposentado do trabalho de guia de montanha, resolve ir junto para seu irmão não se arriscar sozinho. O único sobrevivente é uma menina hindu que Chris quer matar. Zachary não concorda e briga com ele. Enquanto Chris rouba dos passageiros mortos, Zachary prepara um trenó para tirar a garota da montanha. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Le Long des trottoirs
Commissaire Martin
A girl surviving on public welfare, fall into a life of prostitution.
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Police Inspector
Pouco antes de morrer, um espião inglês conta para o doutor Ben McKenna e sua esposa Jo, dois turistas inocentes, algum segredo que os envolve em um caso internacional de espionagem. Seu filho é seqüestrado e, sem saber em quem confiar, eles tem de lutar para recuperá-lo. Remake em widescreen e Technicolor do filme de 1934 do próprio Hitchcock.
If All the Guys in the World...
Le docteur Jégou
The Knife to the Throat
L'inspecteur Aubier
Pacos Le Maltais, leader of a gang, lays down the law on the quay of Marseille. He fires one of his henchmen, Le Chinois, who killed a woman during the last bank stickup.
The Seven Deadly Sins
The commander (segment "Pride") (uncredited)
A French/Italian motion picture drama covering the seven deadly sins in seven separate sections.
Cartouche, King of Paris
Count of Horn
The romantic life of the head of a bandit gang, wanted by the police. Cartouche gets away with being deported to Louisiana after unmasking a plot by a Duke against the throne.
La louve
Doctor Maillet
A chronicler gets himself hired as a gamekeeper in Monsieur De Saint-Ricquier's mansion where he lives with his stepdaughter, Henriette, everybody considers insane .
Judicial Error
After a banker is driven to suicide by his wife's reckless spending, an innocent cashier is wrongly implicated in a crime.
A specialist in the fight against cancer, a young doctor finds himself suffering from a terrible illness.
The House Under the Sea
A stranger named Constant disrupts the life of Flora, who is seemingly happy with her husband Lucien. But she suddenly experiences a passionate love, taking refuge with Constant in a cave they call “home under the sea.”
Special Mission
The exploits of Chief Police Inspector Chabrier, first before the invasion of France in May 1940 as he fights against spies preparing the coming the Germans, particularly Emmy de Welder, the alleged manager of the Rouen hospital. Later, Chabrier and his men go underground and resist the occupiers whatever the price to pay. When the Liberation comes Chabrier resumes his activities at the French National Police.
The Musicians of the Sky
A would be blind hoodlum redeems himself in the Salvation Army just for a lovely lieutenant.
Le monde en armes
Cordial Agreement
Un journaliste
The film depicts events between the Fashoda crisis in 1898 and the 1904 signing of the Entente Cordiale creating an alliance between Britain and France and ending their historic rivalry. It was based on the book King Edward VII and His Times by André Maurois. It was made with an eye to its propaganda value, following the Munich Agreement of September 1938 and in anticipation of the outbreak of a Second World War which would test the bonds between Britain and France in a conflict with Nazi Germany.
Final Accord
A famous violinist enlists in a music school in order to woo one of the students.
The Curtain Rises
François, Cécilia and Isabelle are students of the drama class of the Conservatoire led by Professor Lambertin. François is in love with Isabelle who also loves him, but he is pursued by Cecilia, his former mistress. Cécilia commits suicide staging the suicide like a crime, so as to involve Francis. But a testimony restores the truth.