Um homem e uma mulher dividem a intimidade em uma casa, onde mora também um cachorro. Ela é casada, mas não há qualquer informação sobre sua vida fora daquele local. Os dois conversam sobre a questão da linguagem sob o ponto de vista filosófico, enquanto que o cão a tudo observa.
Fanny, amada e abandonada por Marius, descobre que está esperando um filho dele. Sem condições de garantir seu futuro e o do filho, e com aprovação de sua mãe e de seu avô, César, ela aceita casar com um próspero comerciante 30 anos mais velho, Honoré Panisse, que reconhece a criança e a assume como sua. Panisse traz aos dois prosperidade, reputação social e um futuro confortável. Com o tempo, Marius, consciente de seu amor por Fanny, mas sem qualquer situação financeira estável, retorna e tenta recuperar Fanny, que ainda é apaixonada por ele. Baseado no livro de Marcel Pagnol.
Adaptação para o cinema da peça teatral homônima, que apresenta a história de Thomas, um jovem dramaturgo que se desespera para encontrar uma atriz principal para sua nova peça. Uma jovem atriz chamada Vanda atende o chamado no último momento e logo os dois se envolvem em uma relação de dominação e submissão.
Enquanto caminhava para levar o almoço para seu pai, Patricia conhece Jacques. Ela tem 18 anos, ele 26. Ela é uma moça bela e bem educada, ele é um charmoso piloto de avião. Eles se reencontram pela segunda e última vez em uma romântica noite de luar. Após isso, Jacques é enviado para combater na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Algum tempo depois, Patrícia descobre que está grávida. Seu pai ficará dividido entre seu senso de honra e o profundo amor que sente por sua filha.
Uma sinfonia em três movimentos. Um navio no mediterrâneo e alguns conversas, em diversas línguas, entre passageiros, quase todos em férias. Um velho criminoso de guerra (alemão, francês ou americano?) acompanhado de sua neta. Um jovem filósofo francês. Um representante da polícia de Moscou. Uma cantora americana. Um velho policial francês. Uma ex-funcionária da ONU. Um agente aposentado. Um embaixador palestino. No fundo, discutem a falência das ideologias de esquerda no início de século 21.
Um escritor de sucesso concorda em finalizar as memórias de Adam Long, o ex-primeiro-ministro britânico, e seu editor lhe garante que é a maior oportunidade de sua vida. Mas o escritor começa a descobrir evidências sugerindo que seu predecessor sabia de um segredo sombrio de Long e pode ter sido morto para evitar que a verdade viesse à tona.
A collective film of 33 shorts directed by different directors about their feeling about cinema.
Oliver Twist (Barney Clark) é um órfão entre as centenas que sofrem com a fome e o trabalho escravo na Inglaterra vitoriana. Vendido para um coveiro, ele sofre com a crueldade da família deste e acaba fugindo para Londres. Lá ele é recolhido das ruas por Artful Dodger (Harry Eden), um ladrão que o leva até Fagin (Ben Kingsley), um velho que comanda um exército de prostitutas e pequenos marginais. Quando Oliver conhece um bondoso homem em quem finalmente enxerga um possível pai, Fagin teme que ele denuncie seu esquema. Para evitar isso Fagin planeja um assalto à casa do rico Sr. Brownlow (Edward Hardwicke), o pai desejado por Oliver.
Londres, 1950. Vera Drake (Imelda Staunton) mora com seu marido Stan (Philip Davis) e seus filhos já crescidos, Sid (Daniel Mays) e Ethel (Alex Kelly). Eles não são ricos, mas formam uma família feliz e unida. Vera trabalha como faxineira e Stan é mecânico na oficina de seu irmão. Porém, Vera mantém uma atividade paralela que esconde do resto da família: sem aceitar pagamento, ajuda jovens mulheres a abortarem. Quando uma dessas garotas precisa seguir para o hospital, a polícia começa uma investigação que faz o mundo de Vera desabar.
Um feiticeiro africano conta, como quem conta uma fábula, a história da criação do mundo, do nascimento do universo e das estrelas, os inícios vulcânicos, a aparição dos primeiros sinais de vida, a conquista da terra. Fala do tempo, do nascimento, do amor e da morte. E os animais são os intérpretes desta gênese encantadora, moderna e intemporal.
A film director, whose career is going downhill, reluctantly decides to adapt an inadaptable best selling novel. Will she succeed or will the book adapt her in the process?
Um filme em três partes: Inferno, Purgatório e Paraíso. A primeira parte é composta por imagens de guerra. Aviões, tanques, batalhas, explosões, tiros, execuções, países devastados, aldeias destruídas. A segunda mostra Sarajevo actualmente, martirizada como tantas outras. Personagens reais e imaginárias. Na última, uma jovem mulher - que vimos no Purgatório - sacrifica-se, encontra a paz na água, numa pequena praia guardada por Marines norte-americanos.
Luka é um engenheiro sérvio que se mudou para uma pequena cidade no meio do nada na Bósnia, levando consigo a esposa cantora de ópera, Jadranka, e o filho Milos. Imerso no trabalho de construção de uma ferrovia, Luka ignora os boatos de que uma guerra está para estourar na região. Quando explode o conflito, a mulher abandona-o por outro homem e o filho é convocado para lutar no conflito. Para piorar a situação, Luka é nomeado pelo exército sérvio como guardião de Sabaha, uma refém muçulmana por quem acaba se apaixonando. Só que a mulher será usada como moeda no resgate de outro refém: seu filho Milos, mostrando como a vida pode ser irônica.
Uma mulher rica contrata uma prostituta de elite para verificar a fidelidade do seu marido. Rapidamente, a experiência fica fora de controlo.
Myriam, a survivor of the concentration camp at Auschwitz, is a filmmaker and journalist who has spent many years living abroad. She takes part in a memorial event at the town hall in Paris commemorating the liberation of the camp, where she wins a flight to Cracow. At first she refuses to accept the prize, then decides to go.
Val is 23 years old and full of dreams. She travels to New York to become an actress. She is lonely in a strange country, in a strange city, with little money and no friends. In her path, she meets weird people who they, also, seek their dreams but everyday life gets in the way. Tired and hungry she sits on the corner of a building. Across the street a writer whose fantasy has dry out. In an instant she becomes his muse... At the Oscar's night she will be the one with the Golden Globe in her hands.
An unexpected phone call from a certain Kirsch sets off a crisis between Catherine and Raphaël that will affect all those around them, be they close friends or casual acquaintances.
At Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, a beautician on her way to a new job in Mexico accidentally meets a cook who is on his way back from America. Labor strikes, bad weather, and pure luck cause the two of them to share a room overnight at the airport Hilton hotel. Will their initial mutual indifference and downright hostility turn into a one night stand or perhaps something more?
Em 1939, quando a Polónia é invadida pela Alemanha Nazi, o pianista Wladyslaw Szpilman interpretava peças clássicas numa rádio em Varsóvia. O jovem pianista irá então partilhar o drama do povo judeu, testemunhando a sua transferência forçada para o gueto de Varsóvia e, depois, para os campos de extermínio. Determinado a sobreviver, foge do gueto dias antes da grande revolta que os alemães esmagarão com sangue. Com a ajuda de membros da resistência polaca, viverá uma existência de fome, solidão e medo, entre os escombros de um mundo que colapsa ao seu redor.
Jean-Marc Faure é médico de formação e investigador brilhante na OMS. Marido dedicado e pai extremoso, Jean-Marc mantém igualmente uma relação afetuosa com os seus pais e de proximidade e respeito com os amigos. Pelo menos durante dezoito longos anos todos acreditaram que assim fosse. No entanto, a verdade pode revestir-se de uma devastadora faceta de crueldade e podem revelar-se trágicos os caminhos para dela fugir. E mais dramático será perceber-se que o filme se baseia com rigor numa história verídica ocorrida em França no ainda próximo ano de 1993.
O amor de Penny (Lesley Manville) por seu companheiro, o motorista de táxi Phil (Timothy Spall), secou. Phil é gentil e sem ambições, enquanto que ela trabalha como caixa de supermecado. Rachel (Alison Garland), filha deles, faz faxina na casa de idosos e o filho do casal, Rory (James Corden), está desempregado e desenvolveu uma agressividade acentuada, preferindo ficar sentado o dia todo no sofá a fazer algo produtivo da vida. A alegria abandonou completamente a relação de Phil e Penny. Até que Rory fica doente, é internado no hospital com problemas cardíacos e muda a perspectiva das coisas. O incidente primeiro evidencia os problemas no relacionamento deles, depois acaba aproximando-os pela primeira vez em anos.
The film is about the French film industry from 1942 to 1944 during the Nazi occupation. The film focuses on assistant director and resistance fighter Jean Devaivre and screenwriter Jean Aurenche. Aurenche is on the move so that he doesn't have to write anything collaborationist. Devaivre is in dangerous political activity. Devaivre also works for the German production company Continental where he is respected. On the other hand, Aurenche's scriptwriting doesn't help how he lives and he is a womanizer which causes him to procrastinate.
A movie director does a new film against heroin consumption, and the producers are heroin dealers.
A bourgeois couple, modern yet conventional. One night by accident, a young prostitute barges into their lives. Hounded down, beaten up, threatened, she will continue to struggle, with the help of a well off lady, first for her survival-her resurrection-then for her dignity and freedom. Stormy encounters for everyone involved.
Cet Amour-là is an intimate portrait of a legendary love affair. Set against the beauty of the Breton seaside, it is also a film that revels in the insights that Marguerite Duras' writing affords.
Mulholland Drive é uma estrada que atravessa a região serrana a Oeste de Hollywood. Nessa estrada, um acidente de carro faz com que uma jovem mulher perca completamente a memória, acabando por se refugiar na casa onde vive Betty, uma outra jovem que foi para a cidade a fim de tentar singrar no mundo do cinema. Ali, ela identifica-se como Rita, mas assume não saber se é realmente esse o seu nome. Juntas, vão tentar descobrir a verdade acerca de Rita, numa história de amor, ciúme, sucesso e fracasso, onde tudo é silêncio, sonho e ilusão... e nada, realmente nada, é o que parece ser.
Someone we hear talking - but whom we do not see - speaks of a project which describes the four key moments of love: meeting, physical passion, arguments/separation and making up. This project is to be told through three couples: young, adult and old. We do not know if the project is for a play, a film, a novel or an opera. The author of the project is always accompanied by a kind of servant. Meanwhile, two years earlier, an American civil servant meets with an elderly French couple who had fought in the Resistance during World War II, brokering a deal with a Hollywood director to buy the rights to tell their story. The members of the old couple's family discuss heatedly questions of nation, memory and history.
Na Paris do ano 2000, uma múmia com poderes malignos dá origem a um fantasma chamado Belphegor que, depois de anoitecer, assombra o museu do Louvre, cuja pirâmide se tornou o símbolo universal. Janelas quebradas, vigilância de vídeo codificada, sistemas de alarme neutralizados, objetos egípcios roubados ... Por vezes, assustador e humano, esse fantasma tem toda a audácia e parece invencível.
An elderly couple and a younger man and woman follow up failed seduction attempts with conversation about love and the meaning of life.
A narrativa é divida entre três grupos de pessoas: a atriz francesa Anne Laurent (Juliette Binoche), o marido dela e sogros; uma romena, Maria (Luminita Gheorghiu), luta para ter dinheiro para sua família voltar para casa; e Amadou (Ona Lu Yenke), um professor para crianças surdas-mudas que está em conflito com seu clã africano. O catalisador das histórias começa numa esquina, onde o cunhado de Anne, Jean (Alexander Hamidi), insulta Maria, que implora ajuda. Amadou, enraivecido, provoca uma briga com Jean, resultando em repercussões negativas para os três grupos.
A Jewish girl in 19th century London dreams of becoming a stage actress.
A serial killer is on the loose in Paris and he seems to be an american citizen working in the US embassy and being in the middle of a french-american economical affair.
Les Acteurs is the absurd story of Jean-Pierre Marielle desperately waiting for a cup of hot water, the story of a conspiracy against actors, the story of aging actors whose careers are slowly less active than they used to be, but a stunning tribute to French actors and their cinema.
Alemanha, anos 70. Léopold, cinqüenta anos, seduz Franz, um jovem garoto de 19 anos. Franz se apaixona e vai morar com Léopold. No entanto, surge um dia uma pequena divergência, sobre a qual os dois não conseguem concordar. A partir daí, não há mais um eu comum entre eles, mas apenas divergências. Baseado em peça de Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
Laetita Masson directs this hallucinatory dream-like work about dancing on the beach, Elvis impersonators, and sailors longing to live and work in Taipei. Sandrine Kiberlain, Johnny Hallyday, and Julian Sands are just a few of the many cast members.
Delegated Producer
Two sisters have to deal with the traditional issues of growing up and the unusual problem of caring for an unstable father in the drama Qui Plume La Lune?
True tale of the tumultuous love affair between two French literary icons of the 19th Century, novelist George Sand and poet Alfred de Musset. But their affair falls apart during an excursion to Venice, Italy where Musset is distracted by drugs and Sand by a handsome doctor.
Set in a forlorn mining town near Valencienne in the north of France, the story is about one man's struggle to bring life to his once prosperous village and its inhabitants. Philippe Torreton, who won a César for Best Actor with his title role in Capitaine Conan, plays Daniel, the head teacher of a nursery school in a town demoralized by unemployment. Daniel is determined against all odds to bring life to the community. When a parent who has come to pick up her children collapses at the school grounds due to alcohol abuse, and social services turns a deaf ear to all pleas for help, Daniel decides to take the law into his own hands. Despite resistance from the townspeople, in the long run his efforts are not fruitless.
A housewife's affair with a younger man goes nowhere.
Twenty-year-old Martin seems to be living the dream. After moving from the French countryside to Paris, he quickly found professional success as a fashion model and romantic fulfillment in dating his half-brother's fiery roommate, Alice. Deep down, however, he is avoiding inner turmoil that stems from his tumultuous upbringing. But when Alice becomes unexpectedly pregnant, the full force of his repression is let loose, wreaking havoc on his life.
Associate Producer
Um homem atraente e rico encontra o amor de sua vida, mas sofre um acidente que em que namorada morre e que o desfigura com gravidade. Para piorar as coisas, é acusado de assassinato e condenado. Na prisão, se submete a várias cirurgias e consegue recuperar seu belo rosto. Mas começa a apresentar um comportamento estranho, que intriga o psiquiatra local.
Executive Producer
A bored couple takes in a young man who turns their lives inside out.
Um diretor de cinema idoso tenta filmar uma nova produção de uma peça de Musset em Sarajevo, que está em guerra. Durante a gravação, várias coisas estranhas acontecem com ele e seus atores, inclusive vão parar em um cenário rural apocalíptico.
The last days of World War I, Eastern front. Captain Conan, a lone wolf, a true warrior, leads a band of ruthless French fighters who love hand-to-hand combat; they are not fit for peacetime, they only feel really alive in the chaos of the battlefield.
Um filme extremamente cativante sobre a forma como uma menina lida com a morte da mãe. Ela se isola de todos ao seu redor, esperando sua mãe voltar.
In the middle of the night, someone brings Ivan's body home to his wife and his sad-faced, jug-eared son. Through flashbacks, the film discloses the relationships among Ivan and his brother Alex, a cop with a cleanliness fetish; siblings Juliette and Jimmy, Ivan's partners in a seedy nightclub; the love triangle of Alex, Juliette, and Marie, a professor of philosophy; and of Alex and his nephew, Ivan's dour, stoic son. Ivan's death changes every relationship.
Jérôme and Delphine want a child but Jerome is sterile. They then ask the best friend of Jerome, Salim, to be the donor for artificial insemination of the mother...
Nelly leaves her lazy, unemployed husband to work for retired judge Mr Arnaud, forty years her senior, after he offers to clear her bills for her. While she types his memoirs the two develop a close friendship, but Arnaud becomes jealous when Nelly begins dating his good-looking young publisher.
Com a ambição de abrir uma boutique no exterior, mas sem meios para isso, Nathalie se encontra em uma situação desesperadora, onde faria qualquer coisa para adquirir o que precisa. Junto com seu namorado, Eric, e seu amigo Bruno, ela inventa um plano onde ela seduz homens sem noção e os acompanha até suas casas, e então deixa que Eric e Bruno as invadam. Mas os três logo encontram problemas depois que um de seus esquemas termina em assassinato.
A young teenaged girl tries to get affection from her cold-hearted mother in this gentle French drama. 14-year old Rosine lives somewhere in northern France where the cold rain continually falls. It is a metaphor for her life. Her mother Marie had her when she was only 16 and now wants little to do with her. She spends most of her nights out on the town. Rosine hungers for her mother's love. She is almost obsessed with getting it. She is frustrated because she never does. One day Pierre, her father shows up from the blue and Mare gladly takes him in. Rosine is a good sport and likes that he takes an interest in her. The brief respite from gloom doesn't last as Pierre soon begins to beat Marie and eventually rapes Rosine. The traumatized girl tries to get her mother to admit the incident, to pay attention to the hurting child, but Marie just doesn't care. Marie has no choice but to run away from home and make her own way.
Executive Producer
Alain finds Marie, whom he still loves, but he is embarrassed by the presence, to say the least, of Nina, who keeps asking him for services. Marie gradually becomes aware of the strong bond that unites Alain and Nina, who has never counted in his eyes.
Executive Producer
Stephane, the wife of an older, prominent magistrate, coldbloodedly shoots a male visitor in her upscale home, then claims she was defending herself against a rapist. Victim turns out to be Wadek Aslanian, a gangster who's viewed as a modern-day Robin Hood. Paul, the lawyer hired by Stephane's husband, learns more than he really cares to know about his client, thanks to a series of anonymous letters. The notes provide a road map through the sordid areas of Stephane's past, allowing Paul to discover her history as an ex-prostitute, a porno movie performer -- and a frequent cohort of Aslanian. Naturally, Stephane's husband knows nothing about her past. Just as naturally , nothing that Paul discovers keeps him from falling in love with this mysterious woman.
Um registro dos anos 1960, em Villeneuve, sudoeste da França, durante a guerra da independência da Argélia. Entre dúvidas sobre a adolescência, a sexualidade e a política, um grupo de amigos vai ingressando, cada qual à sua maneira, no mundo dos adultos. Henri, um jovem argelino, é enviado à cidade para completar seus estudos e acaba trazendo aos colegas a dura realidade da guerra. François e Serge são desafiados pela agressividade de Henri, enquanto a bela Maïté se sente atraída por ele.
Executive Producer
"Un Crime" takes place over a single night, between 10pm and 6am. It takes place in a single setting - a millionaire's apartment in Lyon. The film is about the conflict between two men, alone, face to face in the closed world of the apartment. The first man is a famous lawyer named Dunand. The second is Frédéric Chapelin-Tourvel, Dunand's rich client, twenty years his junior. Throughout the night, Dunand tries to track down the truth. Did Frédéric kill his father and mother, in particularly barbarous circumstances ?
Elderly woman Berthe leaves her house to live with her daughter Emilie. Emilie and her brother Antoine had a falling out three years ago and have not seen each other since, but Emilie invites him for Christmas. Memories will resurface and impact both Berthe's destiny and the strange relationship between Emilie and Antoine.
Victor is a legal advisor who finds himself abandoned by his wife and fired the same day. He tries to seek comfort from different friends and family members, but everyone he meets is concerned with their own problems. His morale begins to falter when he realizes that no one cares about him.
Even among bombers and murderers, there is a social ladder, a hierarchy to climb. Jeremie is a mere bomber who blows up people and places for mobsters in Paris. He may not look it, scruffy lad that he is, but he is a sensitive fellow, and he feels his lowly status keenly. If only he could graduate to the ranks of hitmen, who are honored in his world, perhaps then he would feel more like somebody. He finally gets his chance when he receives instructions to kill the eminent hitman Max, who knows too much to be left alive. Instead of planning a cool and distant hit, Jeremie gets to know his quarry personally and thereby gets entangled in a mass of conflicting allegiances. Max has one more assignment and has asked Jeremie to help him with it. The hero-worshipping boy can't bring himself to knock of this classy guy. However, just having such an inept apprentice as Jeremie around is enormously dangerous for the soon-to-be-retired killer.
Since the suicide of his wife, Jacques Loursat has gone downhill. Estranged from his daughter, his lawyer's pratice in ruins, he consoles himself with drink. One night he is woken by a gunshot and catches sight of a young man fleeing the house. Isabelle, his daughter, claims to know nothing about it, even when he finds the body of a young man. Isabelle hangs around with a gang of spoiled young people who have no shortage of money, and is in love with Joel, an ambitious boy involved in drug dealing. Antoine, from a more modest background, is in love with her. When the police start investigating Joel's murder, Antoine becomes the ideal suspect.
In Paris, Lulu, a passionate policeman, works with the faith of a rookie, despite the sclerotic bureaucracy and the incompetence or negligence of some of his colleagues. In his new position as a narcotics inspector, he tries to keep his sanity as he witnesses the worst of the human condition.
Um casal de ingleses ao fazerem um cruzeiro, conhecem uma bela e jovem francesa casada com um cadeirante. Ao notar o interesse por sua esposa, o cadeirante conta como eles se conheceram e se amaram loucamente.
The countess and her son, irresponsible but sweet viscount Louis, own the castle Montverdier, which is falling apart. Fernand Castanier is the baker in the neighboring town Mussy-sur-Ploute.
Executive Producer
After many years of rambling across Europe the aging Giacomo Casanova is impoverished. He wants to return to the Republic of Venice but he doesn't dare going there directly because he was a fugitive when he left. While he tries to find a way to get a pardon he meets a young lady named Marcelina. The more he shows his affection, the more ostentatiously she rejects him. Even so he doesn't give up on her because her lover Lorenzo has grave gaming debts. In return for the required money Lorenzo tells Casanova about a looming secret rendezvous with Marcelina. Moreover he lets Casanova take his place. Undercover of the night Casanova finally seduces her. Lorenzo later feels his honor was besmirched and demands satisfaction. Casanova kills him in a duel and then goes home to Venice.
A man comes to a small town in France and witness the apparent murder of a woman pharmacist. He teams up with the victim's vulgar assistant to try to solve the mystery.
Marie lives with Antoine, but while he is away she meets Paul, a filmmaker visiting from Canada. Paul is instantly smitten and wants her to marry him. She puts him off by saying that she and Antoine have decided to have a baby. When Antoine returns, he becomes vividly jealous of his girlfriend's chaste encounter, which provokes her into having an affair with Paul.
Jim is the drummer for the great black musician Billy Swann. With him, he plays in a club called San Sebastián, owned by his friend Floro, every summer.
Marc, a troubled teenager, is bored in his native, depressing city of Sete. One day, a simple phone call makes him aware of the existence of Stephanie, a sister he has never met. Armed with a pistol his mother found, he goes out to find her. He steals money from a perfume shop, and is then stopped by a policeman who wants to search him. In the car, Marc threatens the policeman with his gun, demanding that he helps him find his sister...
Composed entirely of literary quotations from many different sources and from several historical periods, the loose narrative concerns a drifter found by a rich woman who soon falls in love with him. A drowning accident takes place and the drifter dies, but some time later he reappears in the woman’s life looking for a job. Or could it be the man’s twin brother?
Suzy, a beautiful woman, is coming back to Paris to attend the funeral of her lover, a married man. Cecile, his wife, is holding Suzy responsible for his suicide. By finding Suzy in Paris, Cecile is trying to seek the truth by playing a psychological game on her.
Executive Producer
The enigmatic but vivid imagery of this loosely plotted film is based on a similarly evocative novel by the Italian author Antonio Tabucchi, Noturno Indiano. An old friend of the hero's has been living in Bombay with a prostitute. His friend Peter Schlemihl (Otto Tausig) is a concentration camp survivor, who went to India after being captivated by a photograph he saw there. When the prostitute writes to him in Europe asking that he rescue his friend from a mysterious malaise, he flies into India to try and help. When he gets to Bombay, he discovers that his friend has disappeared. Following the clues left behind by the friend, and based on his acquaintance with him, he journeys to Madras to speak to a Theosophist dignitary there, and then journeys on to Portugues Goa. With each step of his journey, the hero (Jean-Hugues Anglade) becomes more identified with his friend, and re-enacts in his own person the transformations he must have experienced.
Lucas has invented a new computer language but at the same time he has been informed about his strange terminal illness during which he has been gradually losing his memory. Shortly after that he meets Blanche who acts as a medium in a bizarre traveling show. Dying Lucas follows her to the sea resort where they spend together several days and nights.
During a ceremony in an orthodox church in Paris, a 40-year-old writer and journalist is seduced by a young man, whom with she will live an extraordinary story of love and passion that will drive them to madness.
Martial is discharged from a mental insitution where he spent a few years due to a serious nervous breakdown. Upon his return he finds his mother, a busy business woman who owns a supermarket chain, convinced that her son will be able to find himself again if tasked with some responsibilities. Soon enough, he's sent to Limoges on a business trip to check on one of their stores in the hope to reinvigorate the failing business. Once he arrives, Martial is faced with responsibilities he had never imagined, including dealing with the store's personnel.
Micky leaves his provincial and bourgeois background and leaves to live in Paris, where he performs as a transvestite singer in a cabaret.
Executive Producer
Hugo, a vain clothing buyer, meets Myriam on a train and pursues a relationship with her. He is delighted to learn she is a prostitute and has no idea she has more in mind than Hugo bargained for.
In Paris , Commissioner Stan Jalard and Inspector Simon Lecache plan to quit the police to go and enjoy a more peaceful life in the West Indies. In a nightclub, during a routine visit, they spot Schneider, a dreaded gangster and public enemy. At the time of his arrest, Simon is killed at close range by the criminal. Stan then decides to stay in the police to avenge Simon. Being the godfather of Christian, Simon's son, who sometimes lives in a boarding school, sometimes at home, he takes charge of his education. Two years later, Stan has been promoted, and he's told that Schneider had resurfaced in the capital. A long hunt begins.
Na Paris de 1959, um talentoso e veterano saxofonista deve se apresentar no Blue Note, ao lado de outros músicos americanos. Com problemas de alcoolismo, ele é amparado por um fã parisiense. Além de Dexter Gordon, o filme de Bertrand Tavernier contou com grandes jazzistas: Ron Carter, Wayne Shorter, Freddie Hubbard, Herbie Hancock entre outros.
Emile Chenal e sua esposa, Françoise, recorrem ao agente de boxeadores Jim Fox Warner para pagar um valor considerável que lhes deve, com a polícia e a máfia de olho na situação. No mesmo hotel, o Inspetor Neveu investiga um homicídio que aconteceu ali três anos antes.
Emile Chenal e sua esposa, Françoise, recorrem ao agente de boxeadores Jim Fox Warner para pagar um valor considerável que lhes deve, com a polícia e a máfia de olho na situação. No mesmo hotel, o Inspetor Neveu investiga um homicídio que aconteceu ali três anos antes.
After a successful bank robbery, Micky hopes to take back his girlfriend Marie who has been taken from him. On the way to Paris he meets Leon, a neurotic dreamer whom he considers an idiot. Leon can hardly understand what Micky is up to but he follows him everywhere and soon falls in love with Marie.
A particularly unlucky man meets a beautiful young woman, daughter of a rich businessman. This one, pursued by blackmailers, is going to take him along in her galleys.
Quando a jovem Maria, ainda virgem, engravida, o noivo José a acusa de ser infiel. Gabriel, um estranho, tenta convencer o homem de que tudo faz parte do plano divino e não deve ser contestado.
Edouard is patriarch of a large family: his second wife, Jeanne, has just had a baby and finally had enough of his philandering. As the marriage between them unravels, Edouard's daughters experience their own emotional shock waves. Dina, in a relationship with playwright Paul, wants more from her daily life, while Sidone is married to a fellow musician but is terrified of performing in public. Fast-forward seven years: Edouard is gravely ill, and the family shares their issues, hopes and fears.
Chronic serial womanizer Stephane Margelle drops his wife Sophie off at the airport so she can go away for Easter weekend. He immediately picks up beautiful young Julie, who has just had a fight with her married boyfriend. He gets her back to his apartment and is preparing for a sexy weekend, when his wife suddenly returns home. He makes up a bizarre, on-the-spot, spur-of-the-moment story that the gorgeous girl is actually his long-lost daughter. Julie plays along, but this leads to a whole series of increasingly ridiculous lies and comical situations (such as when her real mother shows up).
On the mean streets of New York City, a dog-eat-dog mentality reigns among the destitute citizens. In one of the many abandoned buildings in the neighborhood of Alphabet City lives the Brazilian Rita La Punta, along with her delinquent son, Thiago, and a gang of Hispanic teens charged with selling heroin and cocaine. When Rita and her young gang members get involved in a minor turf war, the violence escalates out of control, touching everyone and sparing no one.
A policeman on night patrol picks up a young girl and rapes her. The following day she complains and he is given six years. On coming out of prison he gets work as a private detective, and is hired to watch a fashion seller - who turns out to be the girl he raped, who has never forgotten him.
Um alcoólatra desesperado atinge um ponto de virada em sua vida quando conhece uma mulher estranha em uma carruagem: eles fazem amor, mas ela sai. Perseguindo a garota, ele se agarra a ela como se ela fosse sua última chance. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
In France, before WWI. As every Sunday, an old painter living in the country is visited by his son Gonzague, coming with his wife and his three children. Then his daugther Irene arrives. She is always in a hurry, she lives alone and does not come so often... An intimist chronicle in which what is not shown, what is guessed, is more important than how it looks, dealing with what each character expects of life.
Three teenage girls decide to visit a romantic island and find love. They get shipwrecked and end up on different sides of the island. Each girl begins her own romantic adventure either with a man, a boy or even another girl.
After a life of emotional and professional upsets, Alex finds himself headwaiter in a chic Parisian restaurant. Well into middle age, divorced but still very much a ladies’ man, he has one great ambition: to open an amusement park by the sea. One day, an old flame, Claire, suddenly re-enters his life. For Alex, the fires of love are easily re-kindled, but Claire has another man in her life…
Vencedor do Leão de Ouro no Festival de Veneza, Carmen faz parte de uma gangue terrorista e se apaixona por um oficial de polícia que faz a segurança de um banco que ela e seus companheiros planejam roubar. Ela o seduz, colocando-os cada vez mais próximos da destruição. Carmen é vivida por Maruschka Detmers, que cria o tão erotizado clima durante as comentadas cenas de nudez.
After a train accident, a woman survives and is mistaken for an other woman she just met on a train before the accident.
Martin Terrier wants to quit his job as a hired hitman, but his organized crime employers are unwilling to see him turned out to pasture, Terrier knows too much, and he is still useful to the organization. He escapes to the countryside where he meets Claire, and the two soon fall in love. Back in Paris to confront his employers, Terrier learns that they've stolen all his money from the bank. They give him an ultimatum—do one last job for them and he gets his money and his freedom...
Edouard Binet, an aimless Frenchman, has been travelling in North Africa for many years, and is sailing to Belgium. En route, he meets Sylvie Baron. He introduces her to Nemrod Lobetoum, a rich Egyptian carrying valuable jewelry, and Sylvie and Nemrod become friends. Their friendship escalates to love, which makes Edouard jealous. Days later, Edouard arrives at a rooming house owned by Mme. Louise Baron, Sylvie's mother, wearing blood-stained clothes. It appears that Nemrod was killed on a train after he arrived in France, but Edouard denies any knowledge of what happened. Sylvie suspects that Edouard is responsible for Nemrod's death, but by now her mother has become Edouard's ally.
A young Parisian advertising executive becomes so captivated by the unsettling charm of his mysterious new employer that he eventually abandons his family and friends, viewing it a privilege to let the ubiquitous employer take over his home, his life, his desire. Only his wife remains suspicious, recognizing both the pathos and the evil in the man’s soul-stealing power.
Helene, a pill-addicted anesthesiologist, is mourning the death of her boyfriend when, through a car accident she causes, she chances to meet the lethargic Gilles, a young man who lives for free at his mother's hotel. Gilles pursues Helene romantically, and she eventually softens up. Gilles, however, is also devoted to Bernard, a petty crook who revels in mugging gay men. All three struggle with relationships that seem to be going nowhere.
Após a morte de sua mãe, Marion decide ir morar na casa de seu pai, mas ele rejeita a idéia. O problema é que ela, agora, já se acha uma mulher e está apaixonada pelo padrasto, Remi. Ele luta contra este amor, mas não consegue enganar a si mesmo.
Two men break out of prison; a rival gang ambushes them. One is mortally wounded and tells the other, Mickey, to take him to the estate of a retired robber, Noel, who lives in comfort with his lovely and beloved wife, Nicole. The man dies, and Mickey, a menacing hothead, demands money of Noel. A few days later, Mickey returns to the estate, shoots up a dinner party and threatens them again. Noel sends Nicole to an hotel and goes to his old gang to help him hunt down the dangerous Mickey. Mickey has other problems, too, including heartache for a daughter he hardly knows. Young, eager cops tail Nicole, and all are on a complicated collision course.
A young journalist comes from Nice to Paris to meet with the famous judge, Simon, hoping he will help her understand a case. She does not know that, according to the will of fate, in the office of judge was fugitive criminal. The couple hit the road.
In the 1930s a young fellow, Simon Chalumet, is sent to a military school by his overbearing father, an ex-soldier who has little sympathy for his son's more gentle temperament, or for his interest in films.
Bruno é libertado da prisão. Ele procura emprego e tenta começar uma nova vida. Sua primeira parada é no apartamento de seu pai.
O produtor de TV Paul leva a ex-namorada para conhecer a casa de campo que pretende alugar. Quando Isabelle, uma prostituta de quem Paul já foi cliente, surge no local, as histórias dos três se cruzam.
Young police inspector Corinne Levasseur interrogated a dealer without the judge's consent. Following an indiscretion of her lover, the substitute Berthot, Corinne is transferred to a small town in the North who lives under the thumb of a rich industrialist and his family. He is given subaltern tasks. Intrigued by the strange death of a teenager, she stubbornly leads an investigation that allows her to trace the chain of a child prostitution network in which are mixed a notable and his son-in-law. A young investigating judge decides to investigate the case, but he is the victim of pressure ...
Three men with a penchant for gambling on the horses soon find themselves in trouble because of their addiction. Pierre (Michel Piccoli) is the math whiz who uses his talent for picking the winners. Charles (Michel Galabru) is the wealthy scrap-iron magnate who has embarrassing evidence on many prominent political figures. Loic (Jacques Dutronc) is the aspiring politico who seeks to further his career by any means possible. Charles approaches Loic and asks his political party for a loan in hopes of fixing an upcoming race....
Executive Producer
Na Inglaterra do século XIX, as irmãs Brontë - Charlotte, Emily e Anne - moram no campo de Yorkshire com o pai e o irmão Branwell, pintor e escritor. Elas enganam o isolamento através da escrita, disciplina pela qual demonstram grande disposição.
Successful writer/director Bernard Rougerie is at a creative dead end and decides to isolate himself from his wife in order to complete the script for his next film. Bernard moves into an apartment building whose tenants are in the midst of a revolt against their abusive landlord. Reluctant at first, he joins their cause and then becomes involved in an affair with young, unemployed resident Anne.
A woman falls in love with the man who killed her former boyfriend.