Michael Woodward


Rare Books and Manuscripts
Executive Producer
In the reading room of the British Library, Jess falls in love from afar with the gorgeous Heinz. Too shy to talk to him, she starts sending him books spelling out her feelings for him. When she starts receiving books in turn - and not from Heinz - will she able to pluck the courage to meet her admirer?
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Second Librarian
In the reading room of the British Library, Jess falls in love from afar with the gorgeous Heinz. Too shy to talk to him, she starts sending him books spelling out her feelings for him. When she starts receiving books in turn - and not from Heinz - will she able to pluck the courage to meet her admirer?
Vidas Trocadas
Executive Producer
Duas mulheres trocam de casa durante o verão e aprendem muito vivendo uma no mundo da outra. Ria vive em Dublin com os seus dois filhos e o marido, mas certo dia ele decide sair de casa e ir morar com a namorada já grávida. Marilyn, de Nova Inglaterra, perdeu o filho e acabou por se separar do marido. Por acaso, elas conversam pelo telefone e decidem trocar de casa durante o verão. Elas vão aprender muito vivendo uma no mundo da outra...