Alberto Padoan


Ignorance Is Bliss
Boom Operator
Ernesto and Filippo, two high school teachers, couldn’t be more different: Filippo is a cheerful liberal who is constantly online. Handsome and youthful, he is a serial seducer on the social networks. Ernesto, instead is a stern conservative, rigorously computerless. He is probably the last person around who still has a first-generation cell phone and his teaching methods are very traditional. They used to be best friends but an unresolved fight kept them far apart, until the day fate intervened and they found themselves teaching at the same school. Their opposite viewpoints will soon and inevitably lead to a new clash. The internet will force them to deal with their past, which resurfaces in the shape of Nina, a young woman who conducts an experiment on them: Filippo must try to leave the world of Internet and Ernesto must try to enter it.
Mom or Dad?
Boom Operator
A divorced couple fights for the custody of their three children: neither of them wants it. Mom wants to leave them to dad, and vice versa.
Eu Que Amo Apenas a Ti
Boom Operator
Lukewarm wedding acquires a new meaning when the father of the groom rekindles his long-time love for the mother of the bride.
Roubo em Nápoles
Boom Operator
Cinco homens excêntricos planejam realizar o maior roubo de suas vidas, tendo como alvo o Banco de Nápoles. Mas, quando o plano dá errado, uma guerra feroz se inicia, deixando todos lutando por suas vidas, cada um por si.
Gorbaciof é um homem solitário que tira dinheiro de seu local de trabalho para manter suas apostas. Sempre vai a um restaurante chinês para jogar cartas. Lá conhece Lila, a filha do dono, por qem se apaixona e deverá proteger.