Head of Hugo
O homem da máfia Tommy Spinelli (Joe Pesci) está voando para San Diego com uma sacola com oito cabeças decepadas, o que ele está trazendo para seus superiores para provar que alguns mafiosos rivais problemáticos estão permanentemente fora de cena. Quando sua bolsa é acidentalmente trocada no aeroporto, Tommy deve rastrear sua mochila e as 8 cabeças que ela contém.
Granger Son #1
Por acaso, Julius (Arnold Schwarzenegger) e Vincent (Danny DeVito) descobrem que são irmãos gêmeos. O primeiro é alto, loiro, calmo, enquanto o segundo é um chalatão baixinho e moreno. Juntos, eles vão ver como a educação em famílias diferentes moldaram suas personalidades opostas.
After an absence of five years, six times Mr. Olympia winner Arnold Schwarzenegger makes a comeback and attempts to take the World Body Building Championship for the 7th time.
Tom Steele
A bodybuilder, anxious to build his own gym, dates a wealthy heiress to obtain funds to finance his dream.
Himself - Host
The film was hosted by Tom Platz and Teagan Clive. Platz hosted it somewhat along the lines of a "lifestyles" type of production where he would detail the lives of the various bodybuilders presented on the video and take a peek into their lives and history. A lot of the bodybuilders were asked after the fact what they thought of the show (the 1988 Mr. Olympia Contest) and the remarks were generally positive and optimistic towards the future.
A truly iconic video based on the Mr. Olympia contest from 1984. Every single one of the competitors was a star in their own right. ‘Road to Olympia’ 1984 was a classic release at the time. It was the forerunner of the later Battle for the Olympia series. In this video the camera follows in particular Tom Platz, Chris Dickerson, Franco Columbu, Samir Bannout, Al Beckles and the eventual winner – Lee Haney. You also see a very beautiful Rachel McLish. This video is now a classic slice of bodybuilding history.
Robbie (uncredited)
A slick promoter in the bodybuilding subculture of Venice Beach, California, finds what he considers a diamond in the rough: a dedicated but somewhat mentally challenged young man who wants to win bodybuilding championships, but needs some help and direction--and the promoter thinks he's just the one to do it.
After an absence of five years, six times Mr Olympia winner Arnold Schwarzenegger makes a comeback and attempts to take the World Body Building Championship for the 7th time.