Valentine Stockdale


Trair é Uma Arte
Executive Producer
No agitado mercado de arte contemporânea londrino, o dono de galeria Art Spindle (Danny Huston) sonha com a venda milionária de uma obra de Mondrian. Neste confuso cenário movimentado pela ambição desenfreada de galeristas, artistas, colecionadores e agentes, toda moral é duvidosa e todo desejo é insaciável.
The Dealer
Production Assistant
Hard-core villain Danny "The Dealer" Dempsey, awakes one morning, in his heavily secured home, to find a letter resting on his pillow. The dealer is totally bewildered how it got there, as there are no signs of an intruder or a break in. The mystery of who the letter is from (and what it contains) is something the dealer will not share, even with his closest friends or his very dear sister Sally.