Philippe Vieux

Philippe Vieux

Nascimento : 1966-01-01,


Philippe Vieux


Natural Born Liar
Jerome, 35, is a yacht salesman in Nice. But if you listen to him, in his spare time Jerome is also an astronaut, a karate world champion and a close friend of Miss Universe. As a matter of fact Jerome is a compulsive liar: he lies to everyone about everything! No one believes him, but that doesn’t prevent him from accumulating more lies. But one day Jerome wakes up to find out that all his lies have come true... and it’s just the beginning of the troubles ...!
Les Pigeons
Palace sur scène
O Príncipe Esquecido
Wallace, le régisseur
O pai solteiro Djibi conta à filha de sete anos, Sofia, contos de fadas bem elaborados todas as noites, sendo ele mesmo o Príncipe Encantado. Cinco anos depois, ela começa a superar o ritual e seu pai, que luta para permanecer o herói da vida dela.
Peplum: la folle histoire du mariage de Cléopâtre
Estaremos Sempre Juntos
Real Estate Agent
Tudo o que Max queria era paz, mas sua esposa tinha uma surpresa: ela convida todos os amigos que não viam há anos para uma grande festa.
This is the story of a woman who’s been looking cranky her whole life until the day she wakes up with a smile stuck on her face.
De Carona para o Amor
Deaf neighbor
Jocelyn, bem-sucedido homem de negócios, é um sedutor e mentiroso inveterado. Apesar de cansado de si mesmo, acaba seduzindo uma jovem bonita, fingindo ser deficiente, até o dia em que ela lhe apresenta sua irmã, que é realmente deficiente.
Les Tuche 3
Jacky Clic-Clac
After a groundbreaking presidential election, Jeff Tuche becomes the new President of France and moves in the Elysee with his family to govern the country.
Mystery at the Place Vendome
Pietro Branchini, réceptionniste de l'hôtel
When Jeanne, the recognized sous chef of the Ritz Paris, discovers her son has been kidnapped, she must make some difficult decisions.
Votez pour moi !
Homme en noir
The mayor of a small provincial town, caught up in mundane affairs and corruption, summons his three deputies before fleeing: one of them will have to succeed. From then on, Veyron, Ben and Karabik, mere office colleagues, become fierce rivals with betrayals, inventions, revelations.
Troca de Casal
Two couples, Pierre and Aimée, Éric and Pénélope, all share four years of friendship without cloud. Only concern, Penelope and Pierre have become lovers ... The situation becoming untenable, they decide to break. But after a final night of passionate love, fate plays a trick on them: Peter and Penelope each wake up in the body of the other! To protect their secrecy, they each find themselves having to live the life of the other. This is the beginning of the complications ...
Grand Froid
In a small town lost in the middle of nowhere, Edmond Zweck's funeral business is on the wing. The company now has only two employees: Georges, Zweck's right-hand man, and Eddy, a young man still a novice in the trade. One fine morning, however, a dead man pointed his nose. Hope is born again. Georges and Eddy are responsible for leading the deceased to his last abode. But in search of the cemetery that can not be found, the funeral convoy goes astray and the journey turns into a fiasco.
Tal Mãe, Tal Filha
Avril, uma mulher de 30 anos bem-sucedida com sua vida e carreira, é completamente o oposto de sua mãe, Mado, que é super dependente e mora com a filha desde que se divorciou. A relação das duas, que nunca foi das melhores, fica ainda mais complicada quando, por um azar do destino, mãe e filha ficam grávidas ao mesmo tempo.
Rouges étaient les lilas
In a Paris suburb condominium, after the death of a young woman's boyfriend, a strange and deadly game of death begins between three women living there.
Em Toda Parte
L'homme en soutane
Yvan sente-se perseguido por um crescente antissemitismo, e ele costumava ouvir que ele exagera, que ele é paranoico. Durante as sessões com o seu terapeuta, Yvan, então, fala sobre o que o preocupa: a sua identidade, sobre ser francês e judeu hoje. Mas esses encontros são também, e sobretudo, uma espécie de fio vermelho que liga uma série de histórias curtas que tentam desconstruir, de modo tragicômico, os maiores clichês antissemitas que perduram na sociedade.
Monsieur Cauchemar
The old Mr. Esbirol, a passionate bookseller of crime fiction, had waited for a long time that the three conditions necessary for committing a perfect crime materialize : murder, preferably by strangulation of an anonymous bystander walking in a deserted street.
Low Cost
Passengers on a low cost flight from Djerba to Beauvais have their patience tested to destruction when their departure is delayed for eight hours because of a fault with the plane's air-conditioning. In the end, they are so fed up that they will do almost anything to get back home.
The Perfect Date
Le client du restaurant
Michel dreams of a perfect meeting with the woman of his dreams, entirely due to chance, as his parents and grandparents experienced. Vincent, Michel's contrast, is completely different. He is more the man of the direct approach and he follows his...! The two childhood friends Michel and Vincent, with completely opposite views when it comes to women, soon discover the limits of their respective techniques when they meet Angèle and Nathalie.
S.A.C. : Des hommes dans l'ombre
Lionel Leduc
O Amor Está no Ar
Co-pilote "pépère"
Instrutor para uma companhia aérea, Yann Kerbec avalia as capacidades dos pilotos com simuladores de vôo, em situações extremas. Mas Yann tem um problema: ele tem pavor de avião, um pânico originado no seu nascimento, e que o impediu, quando jovem, de seguir a mulher de sua vida do outro lado do mundo. Hoje, ele tem 30 anos e desenrola o fio de seu trauma, com nostalgia e humor faz o balanço de sua histórias de amor fracassadas por conta de sua fobia. Entre sua batalha para melhorar a segurança aérea e a gestão bastante falha de sua vida sentimental, Yann se encontra num cruzamento: vencer seus demônios e aceitar crescer.
L'Eau de Rose
Cecile and Pierre are riding a Ferris wheel when Pierre announces their relationship is over. But the surprised Cecile doesn't give up easily.
L'affaire Dominici
le gardien de prison à Digne
During the night of August 4-5, 1952, three Englishmen, Jack Drummond, his wife Anne and their daughter Elizabeth were murdered near their car near the farm of the Dominici family, in the commune of Lurs in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. Denounced by two of his sons, the patriarch Gaston Dominici was judged and condemned without any real evidence.
The Pharmacist
Xavier Masséna
An ecological pharmacist uses ancient Celtic techniques to murder industrial magnates whose practices harm the planet.
O Closet
François Pignon (Daniel Auteuil) é um homem que está divorciado há 2 anos, mas permanece apaixonado pela ex-mulher, que não quer mais falar com ele por considerá-lo chato. Seu filho também se mantém afastado por vontade própria e, para completar, Pignon está prestes a ser demitido. Deprimido com a vida, Pignon conhece seu novo vizinho, Belone (Michel Aumont), a quem conta sua atual situação. É quando Belone lhe propõe uma solução inusitada para salvar o emprego de Pignon: enviar ao seu chefe uma fotomontagem onde Pignon aparece com outros homens, o que faria assumir sua homossexualidade. De acordo com o plano de Belone, a empresa não demitirá mais Pignon por medo de que isto provoque o protesto da ala homossexual da sociedade, a quem os produtos da empresa também são voltados. Inicialmente relutante, já que não é homossexual, Pignon acaba aceitando o plano e vê sua vida modificar totalmente após as fotos se tornarem públicas.
The False Servant
A young woman disguises herself as a knight to expose a gold-digging man divided between her and a Countess.
Les nouvelles brèves de comptoir
Serial Lover
Claire Doste is about to reach the age of 35 and has everything one dreams of, such as having four boyfriends and a creative job in a publishing house specialising in crime novels. One day, she invites all of her boyfriends to her birthday dinner so that she can pick out her would-be fiancé. But an accident happens when Claire is getting the dinner ready.
Duas Chances em Uma
Casino vigil
Alice Tomaso gets out of jail, and goes looking for Léo and Julien, one of whom, it appears, is her father. On the way, she steals the wrong car - one belonging to the Russian mafia, and arrives at her destination with a gang of thugs out looking for her and the car.
A Saturday on Earth
Journaliste homme
A series of seemingly unconnected events and 50 important speaking parts make this film a jigsaw puzzle to be solved by the viewer. Martin and Claire were separated in childhood, and are brought together by a series of coincidences. A tragic car crash is central to the story, but seemingly unimportant events can hold great significance. Through a montage of different film stock and techniques director Diane Bertrand creates pieces of a puzzle, from which the viewer has to piece together a story. That's the premise of the film, and it is solvable. You just have to work a bit...