Michael Hinz

Nascimento : 1939-12-28, Berlin, Germany

Morte : 2008-11-06


Michael Hinz war der Sohn des Schauspielers Werner Hinz und der Schauspielerin Ehmi Bessel, sein Bruder Knut Hinz und seine Schwester Dinah Hinz sind ebenfalls SchauspieleIn In erster Ehe war er mit der Schauspielerin Ingrid van Bergen verheiratet, ihre Tochter Carolin van Bergen war ebenfalls Schauspielerin, die aber jung an Krebs verstarb In zweiter Ehe war er mit der Schauspielerin Viktoria Brams verheiratet


Rosamunde Pilcher: Das Haus an der Küste
Nicolas Breen
Nicholas Breen had a car accident while preparing to move from London to Cornwall. Veronica, Nicholas's wife, nevertheless moves to Cornwall with her two children in the house left by Aunt Cleo. There she meets her childhood sweetheart Frank again.
Police Officer Dirk Kampen
Mamas Geburtstag
The Death of Mario Ricci
Otto Schmidhauser
A TV reporter and his assisstant go to a small Swiss village to do a programme with a reclusive scientist, an expert on world food shortages. During this time, an Italian immigrant worker is killed in a road crash and the reporter becomes involved in uncovering the truth about his death.
Geheimsender 1212
Urlaub am Meer
Die Gartenlaube
Die Geisterbehörde
Günter Nestrick
Die Traumfrau
The Spy Who Never Was
A diabolical tale of romance, murder, and mistaken identity as a treacherous terrorist organization hunts an enemy agent with the intention of killing him, but instead they set their sights on the wrong man. Left in the wake of their mistaken pursuit is a trail of broken lives and brutal murders.
Oblomows Liebe
LH 615 – Operation München
Das Leben des schizophrenen Dichters Alexander März
Dr. Kofler
A schizophrenic patient is is wasting away in a mental institution, until a young doctor encourages him to write poetry. The resulting masterpieces are however not able to stop the man from suicide.
Touch Me Not
A psychopathic industrial spy terrorizes a secretary late at night in a darkened high-rise office building.
The Devil's Female
Dr. Stone
At a girls boarding school, a beautiful blonde orphan is possessed by an evil demon.
Love Bavarian Style
Vittorio pretends to be gay so he can chaperone a rich man's daughter on vacation in Germany. Unfortunately his driver really is gay and Vittorio has a problem.
Die merkwürdige Lebensgeschichte des Friedrich Freiherrn von der Trenck
Oberleutnant Nikolai
Aleluia... Trinity Voltou!
Lt. Von Steffen
Para contar com a ajuda das tribos nativas em sua rebelião, o General Ramirez (Roberto Carmadiel) o líder da revolução, precisa recuperar um importante ídolo asteca que está desaparecido. Para isso, ele contrata Alleluja (George Hilton) um pistoleiro rápido no gatilho e impiedoso com seus inimigos. Porém, o poderoso símbolo também exerce atração em outros indivíduos principalmente num poderoso capitalista que vê na antiguidade, uma grande oportunidade para conseguir exclusividade na exportação de ouro. Mas, para isso ele precisa primeiro impedir que Alleluja cumpra sua missão e depois vender o ídolo para o comandante inimigo. Segundo filme da série "Alleluja", estrelada por George Hilton, erroneamente lançado no Brasil como episódio da série "Sartana" (nas legendas em português, o nome original do pistoleiro também é "traduzido" para Sartana).
Mit dem Strom
Doppelspiel in Paris
Christian, früherer polnischer Offizier
Blüten der Gesellschaft
Quatro Vezes Naquela Noite
A night of attempted seduction is recalled from the perspectives of the woman, the man, a lecherous doorman and a psychoanalyst.
Besuch auf einem kleinen Planeten
Conrad Binder
Born Black
A convoluted roundelay of sexual encounters and unwitting fluid exchanges results in a white woman giving birth to a black baby.
Die grüne Nacht von Ziegenberg
Cat and Mouse
In 1966, a former gymnast returns to his hometown Danzig, which is now a part of Poland. He begins to reflect on one of his classmates, Joachim Mahlke, who disappeared during World War II. Mahlke was initially marked as an outsider due to his oversized Adam’s apple, but when he turned out to be a great diver, the in-crowd embraced him. Then he steals a Knight’s Cross from a soldier and is expelled from school. Volunteering for war service, he earns a medal himself and hopes his reputation will be rehabilitated. But the school principal refuses and Mahlke deserts from the army…
Cat and Mouse
In 1966, a former gymnast returns to his hometown Danzig, which is now a part of Poland. He begins to reflect on one of his classmates, Joachim Mahlke, who disappeared during World War II. Mahlke was initially marked as an outsider due to his oversized Adam’s apple, but when he turned out to be a great diver, the in-crowd embraced him. Then he steals a Knight’s Cross from a soldier and is expelled from school. Volunteering for war service, he earns a medal himself and hopes his reputation will be rehabilitated. But the school principal refuses and Mahlke deserts from the army…
Onkel Filser - Allerneueste Lausbubengeschichten
Max von Rupp
Leben wie die Fürsten
Sohn Hubert von Valencay
Geronimo und die Räuber
Don Alfonso
Das Leben in meiner Hand
Der Richter von London
Das Missgeschick, ein Lord zu sein
John MacGibbons
Tante Frieda - Neue Lausbubengeschichten
Karl Schultheiss
The 13-year-old Ludwig is to have for every joke. At boarding school he cuts his stern teacher, Captain a. D. Semmelmaier, during the nap from the beard. The angry pedagogue then sends the spoiled flail back to his beloved Bavarian village. The long-suffering mother persuades the rector to resume her reforming boy at the Latin school. Everything seems to be working out for the better, but the upcoming marriage of his sister Ännchen with the Berlin beer brewer Karl Schultheiss presents Ludwig with new challenges.
Nun singen sie wieder
Armand Alexandre
Lana: Queen of the Amazons
A scientist and his nephew are hosts of Lana, queen of the Amazons, while other crew men try to find and take hold of the legendary Amazons' treasure.
Thomas More
William Roper
Jack and Jenny
Josef Lancelot
Saleswoman Jenny is crazy about the painter Jack. But Jack does not want to marry, even though he loves Jenny passionately. So Jenny looks elsewhere to find the right man. She marries twice, but always ends up back with Jack and gives herself to him with no attachments. Will Jack and Jenny find true love? Of course!
Es war mir ein Vergnügen
George Kerr
Rudi Seeger
Geliebt in Rom
Das Feuerschiff
Fred Freytag, Sohn des Kapitäns
Only a Woman
A psychotherapist's love life is a disaster because of her own fears and neuroses. Involving herself in her patients love life add more complications.
O Mais Longo dos Dias
Manfred Rommel (uncredited)
O maior ataque que o mundo já viu, acontecido no dia 6 de junho, ficou conhecido como o Dia D e desbancou o domínio nazista na Europa. A ofensiva, que envolveu mais de 3 milhões de homens, foi uma das mais ousadas e sangrentas estratégias militares da era moderna e marcou o início do fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Vencedor dos Oscar de Fotografia em Preto e Branco e Efeitos Especiais, foi indicado ainda à outras três categorias: Filme, Montagem e Direção de Arte em Preto e Branco.
Toller Hecht auf krummer Tour
Helmut 3
Love, Freedom and Treachery
During WW2, in a Nazi-occupied country, a local partisan blows-up a German military train, prompting the Germans to take civilian hostages to be shot if the culprit doesn't surrender before a deadline.
Confessions of a Sixteen-Year-Old
Und sowas nennt sich Leben
Martin Berger
Gustav Adolfs Page
Schwedischer Kadett
Gustl Leubelfing, daughter of the mayor of Nuremberg adores the king of the Swedes. So she happily substitutes her brother as Gustav Adolf's page instead of marrying her fiancée Roland. Of course she has to hide that she's a woman, especially when they go into war against Wallenstein.
Nach all der Zeit
Peter Harrer
Das Paradies
Robert Bataillon
Heritage of Bjorndal
Young Dag
... und nach uns die Sintflut
Das letzte Aufgebot
Bräutigam 1. Brautpaar
A Ponte da Desilusão
Walter Forst
Em 1945, a Alemanha está sendo invadido pelos Aliados, e ninguém fica para lutar, a não ser os adolescentes. Um grupo de meninos alemães é encarregado de proteger uma pequena ponte em sua aldeia natal durante os meses finais da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Caminhões de derrotados, soldados da Wehrmacht cínicos, fogem das tropas norte-americanas que estão se aproximando, mas os meninos, cheios de entusiasmo pela ideologia nazista de "sangue e honra", ficam para defender a inútil ponte.