Onno van den Dungen


Title Designer
A pursuit, footsteps, a house that runs off. The universal nightmare of many a refugee. This empathic documentary shows what it is like to be confronted in the dead of night with mortal fear, trauma and displacement.
Beyond The Sun
Title Designer
A young, new guard begins his shift in a detention center with a bad reputation. The guard changes from a human, benevolent person to one who has no morals. Beyond The Sun is a short fiction film about the inhumanity of Syrian detention centers and the "inhumanity" of the guards.
How shall we comfort ourselves.
Title Designer
The tragicomic tableau vivant documentary "How shall we comfort ourselves." explores the endless human search for meaning. Using repurposed church buildings as the theater and everyday events as the play, we take a step back and observe humanity's absurd ways of dealing with life. From hardcore parties to yoga sessions, and from a morning mass to a gym. Hopeful coping-mechanisms we use to escape the emptiness of life. Captured within the walls of that which used to provide us with fixed frames of reference and collective meaning: the church.