Andrew Cullen


The Middle Man
Production Manager
Frank Farrelli takes on the job as a middle man in the God-forsaken town of Karmack, USA, a community in a depression so deep that they need a middle man to professionally communicate more of the bad news.
Guerra sem Cortes
Buddy #1
Um documentário fictício discute os efeitos que a guerra do Iraque deixou nos soldados e nos habitantes locais através de entrevistas com membros de uma unidade militar americana, a imprensa e os iraquianos locais.
This Might Be Good
Production Manager
A festival is a concentration of hope. Audiences hungering for something startingly new, famously familiar or just plain "good". Actors hoping their well-conceived sincerity and ritual entrances have that special glow. Press and critics poised to love or hate lucidly. And proud, desperate filmmakers looking for that little blessing on their latest self-projection. All squeezing together for a few days, in a few rooms wondering whether this will truly be the perfect place at the perfect time. Of course, it rarely is. Mostly it's just a collection of almosts. Delicious, shared almosts.