Ana Fernández

Ana Fernández

Nascimento : 1963-05-19, Sevilla, Andalucía, Spain


Ana Fernández


Los Negros
Self - Narrator (voice)
Seville, Spain, 14th century. A group of black slaves brought from Africa form the Hermandad de los Negros, a Holy Week brotherhood that has survived over the centuries, despite the opposition of the powerful; still active, it is one of the oldest institutions in Europe.
75 días
La suite nupcial
Três amigos idosos que precisam se sentir úteis novamente embarcam no ambicioso projeto de abrir um berçário.
Cara sucia, con la magia de la naturaleza
Mariel and her friends, live happily, surrounded by nature. One day, a corporation arrives to illegally cut down the jungle and sell wood. With the magic of nature, the children are transformed into cartoons to fight an ambitious witch who wants to destroy the jungle. The fight will be hard, but the kids will be the heroes of their story.
Facing the Wind
Com o vento conta a história de Monica e sua reconciliação com uma vida que deixou para trás. Monica, uma dançarina de 47 anos, recebe um telefonema da Espanha: seu pai está muito doente. Depois de 20 anos, ele deve retornar à cidade remota de Burgos, onde ele nasceu. Quando ele chega, seu pai morreu. Sua mãe, com quem ele nunca teve um relacionamento fluente, pede-lhe para ajudar a vender a casa da família. O inverno está chegando. O silêncio perpétuo, o frio extremo e a face de uma família disfuncional serão testes difíceis para Monica, que se refugiarão no que ela sabe melhor: dançar.
La luz con el tiempo dentro
Pura Mantecón
A dysfunctional family comes to terms with their issues after spending a very unusual New Year's Eve in the middle of nowhere.
Map of Memories of Madrid
Ella misma
A Documentary seeks the encounter between people, the collective memory of the city of Madrid.
A woman must survive the night after she welcomes a neighbor's child into her home.
Casi inocentes
The accident suffered by his son Leon, marks Alberto forever. From that moment, someone enters his world: an immigrant that, by saving his son, will make Alberto feel guilt and at the same time gratitude, which will give a definite turn to their lives.
Cuidado con lo que sueñas
The known world is over, only its ashes remain. In a desperate attempt to reunite their family, Ana and her mother embark on a dangerous journey in which they will face the creatures that dominate the planet and an even more dangerous monster: the one all humans carry inside.
The Wild Children
Alex,Gabi and Oki, three teenagers living in a big city, are completely unknown to their parents, to their teachers and for themselves. Their emotional isolation, led to the limit, will have unexpected and terrible consequences that will shake society.
30 Years of Darkness
Juliana Moreno (voice)
When the Spanish Civil War came to an end, Manuel Cortes was unable to flee the country. After a long journey, he managed to get back home in the dark without being discovered. His wife, Juliana, told him how the winning forces were shooting many of their fellow citizens. Manuel and Juliana decided to dig a small hole in the wall for Manuel to hide in. He could not even begin to imagine that this small hideaway was to become his private jail for the following 30 years. This is the story of the so-called post-war moles, people who had to put their lives on hold in order to escape from the repression imposed by the victors of the civil war.
The Angel of Budapest
Sra. Tourné
El ángel de Budapest (Angel of Budapest) is a Spanish 2011 television World War II-Holocaust miniseries based on the book "Un español frente al Holocausto" (A Spanish against the Holocaust) written by journalist and radio executive director Diego Carcedo. The plot focuses on Ángel Sanz Briz, a Spanish ambassador in Hungary during World War II who helped to save the lives of thousands of jews from the Holocaust by lodging them in Spanish safe houses in Budapest.
Vidas pequeñas
The Faucet
A family leaves for an overdue trip, leaving the Old Man behind, alone in their modern home. An everyday, common situation that will end in a complete nightmare due to an unexpected and far-fetched event.
Neither God, Nor Master or Husband
In 1896, Virginia Bolten, a well known thirty years old anarchist, arrives in Buenos Aires where she meets her friend Matilda, along with other women working in the mill Volpon Genaro, under the harsh conditions of the time.
Manuel and Pedro are extremely close friends. The first one is a women addicted while the other one is a solitary gay. Pedro can't find his way in life, Manuel sets up him in a blind date with some 40's woman named Gabriela, who is also in a hurry looking for a man in order to get pregnant. New changes in Chile inspire Pedro to do something never imagined for gay people: Being father.
Welcome to Farewell-Gutmann
Ruiz died. The Human Resources department of the pharmaceutical company Farewell-Gutmann has lost a dedicated director, but Lazarus, Adele and Ferdinand will miss him. Still warm body of the deceased, their subordinates killed begin the race for succession. The arrival of an eccentric from the central executive will forever change the relationship between them.
O Coração da Terra
Blanca é uma conhecida autora de livros para crianças que está agora a enfrentar alguns dos mais traumáticos efeitos de acontecimentos do seu início de vida, uma vez que finalmente decide olhar com mais profundidade para o espelho da verdade. Os terríveis acontecimentos que assombram o seu inconsciente foram vividos em criança, num mundo povoado pela sua melhor amiga Kathleen, sobrinha de Mr. Crown, um inglês presidente de uma mina, e sua mãe, Mercedes. Maximiliano, o seu pai adoptivo, foi um revolucionário que levou a população de Riotinto a protestar contra a devastação da sua terra e a exploração dos mineiros.
Lola: The Movie
The rise to stardom of Lola Flores, one of Spain's most prestigious Flamenco singers and dancers, who died in 1995.
Sin ti
Lucía is a painter, happily married with two children who suffers a domestic accident. As a results she looses her sight. She begins a journey into herself, discovering what she couldn't see before about her own life.
Amor en defensa propia
An at-first-sight love story between two fortysomething people looking for a second chance.
In a Spanish city three young married couples celebrate the failed coupe d'etat of Feb 23rd 1981. They have gone through a lot in life. The country is changing and things will not be the same anymore. Their steps will take them through different walks of life.
To Die in San Hilario
The inhabitants of San Hilario make their living from funerals. They are awaiting their first customer in a long time.
Tiovivo c. 1950
This movie has any coherent plot. It is more the portrait of the lives of different people in the hard years of post-war in Spain (the 40's), and how people manage to survive in a country desolated by the war. Like other films: la colmena or roma (fellini) it shows us lots of characters and some moments of their lives.
La promesa
A psychological thriller about an obsessive compulsive, deeply religious woman who flees her abusive husband and accepts a nanny position for a weatlhy family in a different town. The woman's state of mind is extremely fragile, and is made worse by her visits to a Gothic church where things are not as they seem
Abdul Kader Torres (Jorge Perugorria), son of Ricardo Torres (Matterhorn), former Commissioner of the Social Political Brigade, and Fatima, a beautiful tangerine, just returned to London to work on his father's shady business dealings, "Executive Tangier ". In Tanger, Abdul was a teacher, but because of his addiction to alcohol was banned from teaching. When he meets Lidia (Ana Fernandez), the young bride of his father, feels an irresistible attraction that will force him to choose between her and his father.
Historia de un beso
El hijo de John Lennon
Fale com Ela
Lydia's Sister
Benigno está apaixonado por Alicia, uma dançarina que observa do anonimato de seu apartamento. Depois de um acidente, ela é levada ao hospital onde Benigno trabalha como cuidador. Quando a toureira Lydia é levada para a mesma ala hospitalar, seu companheiro Marco cria um laço verdadeiro com Benigno.
Cidade sem Limites
Narra a viagem de Victor a Paris para encontrar o pai no leito de morte. O patriarca quer evitar que seus negócios parem nas mãos da família, e Victor aos poucos descobre que há segredos há muitos anos escondidos que justificam tal temor.
This Was Solitude
You're the One
Julia, an only child of an affluent, bank owning family living in Madrid, escapes from her family to get over her grief that her boyfriend has been imprisoned. Julia is a well educated woman, having studied in Switzerland and England, who wants to become a writer. Julia drives to a little village in Asturias called "Corralbos del Sella" and there she stays in a mansion "llendelabarca" of an old childhood friend "Pilara" she had spent many a happy summer with. Also living there is Pilara's mother in law Tia Gala, and her grandson Juanito. Julia's relationship with caretakers, teacher and priest makes Julia, a woman of the spanish capital, perhaps for the first time to not feel so alone.
I Know Who You Are
Paloma is a young psychiatrist, who is hired to work as a director of a clinic in Galicia, and is attracted to Mario, her very first patient. He suffers from a rare form of amnesia, commonly known as Korsakov's syndrome. As a result, both his short and long term memories are affected, and he has temporary lapses of perception. However, Paloma finds Mario to be a fascinating individual, not just a regular patient. Intrigued, she decides to explore Mario's past and, through their dialogues, their relationship takes an unexpected turn.
Maria, whose parents live in the country, cannot stand her father's authoritarian ways and moves to the city. She finds a job as a cleaner and tries to survive in a wretched apartment in the shabby part of a big city. She is pregnant, and the fact that her boyfriend has abandoned her does not help matters. When her father goes to the hospital for an operation, her mother comes to stay with her. Her neighbor, an old recluse whose only friend is his dog, begins to come out of his shell and these three lost souls try to give each other the strength to start over.