Robert Giggenbach

Robert Giggenbach

Nascimento : 1954-07-11, München, Germany


Robert Giggenbach


Rosamunde Pilcher: Fast noch verheiratet
Arzt mit Nebenwirkung
Mönch Huber
Rosamunde Pilcher: Rundum glücklich
Wiliam Parsley
Two couples and two singles are confused by their enotions to each other.
Die Hochzeit meiner Schwester
Lissy is looking forward to her big day. Her wedding with Robert is actually perfectly organized - the icing on the cake would be the presence of her father, Valentin. For such romantic fits her big sister Bernadette has no understanding. Her producer left early and never looked after his daughters again. Instead, he was thundering through the world as a musician. If it were up to Bernadette, then her father could stay where the pepper grows. As the charming Chaot emerges surprisingly, he brings the wedding and some present quite confused.
Unterwegs mit Elsa
Dr. Thomas Berger
Lots of debts and a dilapidated villa in Croatia: Elsa has not remained more of the fortune of her deceased husband. To see the estate, the widow makes her daughter and her young granddaughter on their way to the former Yugoslavia. Thanks to bankruptcies, bad luck and mishaps, the planned short trip to the stormy Odyssey.
Familie inklusive
Alois Breitenbacher
24 Milchkühe und kein Mann
Kurt Feierabend
The farmer's wife Elli is determined after the unexpected death of her husband, despite high debt and against the advice of their adult children to manage their farm on. At the same time she dreams after 25 years of marriage, which consisted mainly of work, finally the great love. A partner agency, she met the friendly and down to earth from Zimbabwe Raymond know. Both are sparks at first, but above all the men in the village of Africans met with suspicion and prejudice. Against the odds, Elli is willing to fight for their happiness.
Familie Sonntag auf Abwegen
Dr. Dieffenbach
Reunited in Malaysia
Peter Gruber
A German diving instructor, Tom Broder, falls in love with the natural beauty of Malaysia - and with a courageous Malaysian biologist and environmentalist, Sarifah Bt. Ismail, fighting with her to prevent an unscrupulous hotel owner from constructing a holiday resort on a nature reserve where turtles are preserved from extinction. Then, when his elder brother, Kai, and his family turn up unexpectedly, the diving instructor is confronted with his past... because the woman his brother married was once the love of his life, until she chose the other brother. Since then the two of them haven't said a single word to each other. Now the older brother announces that he wants them to be reconciled. Nobody realises at this stage that he is up to his neck in debt and plans to fake his death in Malaysia, so he can begin a new life.
Das Wunder von Merching
Pfarrer Sonnholzer
Munique 72 - O Atentado
Werner Bruckner
Os Jogos Olímpicos de 1972 deveria ter sido um destaque esportivo. Mas, em seguida, o impensável acontece. No início da manhã de setembro de terroristas palestinos 5ª invadiram a Vila Olímpica e invadir os quartos da delegação israelense.
Ein Drilling kommt selten allein
Peter Moll
Linda Rosenau cares only about her job. As editor-in-chief of a successful women's magazine, she must always stay at the top edge. There is hardly time for her adult daughter Leonie and her three little grandchildren; the stressed-out Leonie has to go to hospital after a fainting spell and Linda has no choice but to take care of the babies - which, as it turned out, are the result of a one-night stand. Father of the children is untraceable, but Linda senses the grandfather of the cute triplet in the widowed teacher Dr. Jakob Buchmann...
Manche mögen's glücklich
Prof. Weissing
The Justice of Wolves
Dr. Leitel
1940. Leningrad. In sixth grader Mickey Polyakov light-hearted and happy life: the father-director, beautiful mother, a large apartment in the city center and many friends. And everything in this life before the war is well until one day he did not suffer at the hands of seniors. Physician ambulance that brought Mick into intensive care, noted strong concussion. But the terrible injury gave Mick a mysterious gift - he can now kill any of his abuser Lashes. So for Miki begins a completely different life, which are closely intertwined reality and mysticism.
Ponto de Colisão
After a mid-air collision, an uncontrollable passenger plane with 90 souls on board speeds through the skies over Germany. The impact point for the inevitable plane crash is easily calculated: the center of Berlin. Now the race is on to prevent the catastrophe. Will the plane have to be shot down by fighter pilots?
Die Drachen besiegen
Pfarrer Johann Landinger
Tod einer Freundin
Dr. Heid
Ich will laufen! Der Fall Dieter Baumann
Gone – Eine tödliche Leidenschaft
Im Schatten der Macht
Horst Ehmke
Garras da Corrupção
Na Europa, em Haag, está assumindo um novo chefe, o superintendente da polícia sueca Ola Sellberg, que pretende investir pesado contra o crime organizado que ataca agora as grandes instituições capitalistas e que por hora sobrevive incólume diante de um sistema judiciário ineficiente. Enquanto isso, em Londres, a corretora Rebecca Akerstm, descobre que seu noivo, Phoeniz Kane, um gênio das finanças, está seriamente envolvido com o crime. Temendo por sua vida, ela reúne provas das ações ilegais de Kane e procura por proteção. E num encontro entre amigos, Falk testemunha o assassinato a sangue frio de seu mentor Selberg, tornando-se a questão agora de ordem pessoal.
Ich hab es nicht gewollt - Anatomie eines Mordfalls
Oberstaatsanwalt Dr. Brenner
Am Ende die Wahrheit
'Wigg' Ludwig Thaller
Die Meute der Erben
Bert Hübner
Ich pfeif auf schöne Männer
Christian 'Chris' Meinart
Linda is a successful art director, but not only her career but also her bad experiences with men have left her lonely. Linda's gay colleague Donald is her best "friend," but at the moment he needs help himself. He is in love with the agency boss Peter König but Peter doesn't dare openly admit to this relationship.
Die Spur meiner Tochter
Zimmer mit Frühstück
In her mid-fifties , Elisabeth Hallstein found her marriage in tatters overnight : her husband Klaus left her with the family fortune. Elisabeth, spoiled by luxury , has money problems for the first time . After a moment of shock, she comes up with an idea: she simply rents out a few rooms in hersold apartment. Interested parties are quickly found and a new love in the form of a young musician is on the horizon . But the project has its pitfalls.
Verlorene Kinder
Lehrer Steiner
Porträt eines Richters
This film is about the difference between law and justice. A national socialist is accused of having stirred up some people against foreigners. A judge has to decide whether he has done so or if his statement comes under the constitutional given freedom of speech. This is compared with a trial in the third Reich. A young woman is being accused of having a relationship with a jew. The film confronts two views of law: the judgement is only based on the current law or the judgement may be influenced by socio-political events and sense of justice.
Two Women, Two Men
Nick and Charlotte are a married couple. As both are more than busy earning money, there is no time for love or sex - only Tuesdays. Soon, Charlotte finds a lover, Luis, who is an unsuccessful, married artist. He and his wife Eva also have no time for sex, as Eva has to support her artist and the couple's 3 and 6 year old kids by working in a restaurant. The secret affair of Luis and Charlotte lasts quite a while, they decide to spend a romantic week in Venice, Italy. But by accident, Eva finds out about the couple and their destination. She forces Nick, Charlotte's husband, to join her on a trip to Venice in order to restore her marriage as well as his.
Hotel Shanghai
German two-part miniseries about the westerns staying at a popular hotel in Shanghai as the Japanese invasion of China also known as the Second Sino-Japanese War begins in 1937 as a precursor to WWII.
Tierarztpraxis Dr. Sperling
Hermann Wulpringer
Forever and Ever
A life of little Maria who lives in a foster family breaks after a sudden appearance of her mother Melanie who was absent for five years...
Tödliches Alibi
Staatsanwalt Gerhard König
60 Minuten Todesangst
Constantin Bannert
Alle haben geschwiegen
Georg Habich
My Mother's Courage
Cornelius Tabori
The deportation of 4000 Jews from Budapest to Auschwitz in July 1944, as told by George Tabori, and how the narrator's mother escaped it, owing to coincidence, courage and some help from where you'd least expect it.
Das geborgte Nest
Captive Love
Weihnachtsfest mit Hindernissen
An Unholy Love
Georg and Eva have to keep their love secret: Georg is a catholic priest in Bavaria, Germany, obliged to celibacy. They suffer under the situation, but can't stay away from each other.
Die Umarmung des Wolfes
Flug in die Nacht
Feature film.
The Nasty Girl
When a young woman investigates her town's Nazi past, the community turns against her.
Die heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe