Lim Wang-sub


Honest Candidate 2
Martial Arts Choreographer
As a politician, Joo Sang-Sook (Ra Mi-Ran) attempted to run for the fourth time as a member of the nationally assembly. After visiting her grandmother, Joo Sang-Sook was unable to tell a lie. Now, Joo Sang-Sook attempts to return to the political world.
Martial Arts Choreographer
A comedy film about North and South Korean soldiers vying for a winning lotto ticket that crossed the demarcation line because of the strong wind.
New Year Blues
Uma comédia romântica que traz a história de quatro casais que devem superar diferentes medos e problemas. Um dos casais se conhece em uma viagem à Argentina. Outro casal luta com seu relacionamento e mal-entendidos. No terceiro casal, ela está se divorciando e ele é o policial que vai fazer sua proteção pessoal contra o ex-marido. Por último, temos o casal de um coreano e uma chinesa, que se preparam para o casamento no meio de suas diferenças culturais. Eles esperam o início de um novo ano, com a esperança de que “Vamos ser mais felizes no próximo ano”. Dirigido por Hong Ji Young (de “Marriage Blue”) e que no elenco estão, dentre outros, Yoo Yeon Seok (o pediatra de Hospital Playlist), Sooyoung/Choi Soo-young (de Run On e do grupo Girls’ Generation’s), Yoo In Na (de Touch Your Heart e Goblin), Lee Dong Hwi (de Replay 1988), Chen Du Ling (atriz chinesa de Invisible Life) e Yeom Hye Ran (de Caçadores de Demônios).
Martial Arts Choreographer
Seo-jin é um viúvo ainda de luto pela morte de sua esposa. Então ele recebe a notícia de que sua irmã mais nova há muito perdida, Yoo-jin, que desapareceu há 25 anos, apareceu. Ao contrário do resto de sua família, que a recebe em seus braços, Seo-jin sente que Yoo-jin é um estranho.
A Candidata Honesta
Martial Arts Choreographer
Joo Sang-sook é uma política popular. Apesar de ser uma mentirosa costumaz, está perto de se reeleger. Porém, ela perde a capacidade de mentir, e sua vida política passa por uma reviravolta hilária.
Black Money
Martial Arts Choreographer
A prosecutor is falsely accused of sexual assault in a suicide note from a woman that he is convinced was actually murdered. As he investigates her death to clear his name, he realizes that the truth lies in a huge financial scandal.
Sintonizada em Você
Martial Arts Choreographer
Uma estudante e um adolescente enigmático se conhecem em uma padaria nos anos 90. Eles passam anos tentando se encontrar de novo, mas o destino parece ter outros planos.
Warning: Do Not Play
Martial Arts Choreographer
A struggling director makes a desperate bid to dig into the urban legend about a film shot by a ghost, at the risk of her own life.
A Fúria Divina
Martial Arts Choreographer
Um lutador do MMA ajuda um exorcista a combater o mal.
Sem Misericórdia
Martial Arts Choreographer
Uma garota sul-coreana descobre que sua irmã mais nova foi atacada e abusada por uma gangue. A revelação detona uma furiosa caçada cheia de ação: agora é a hora da vingança.
Feng Shui
Park Jae-sang was a royal geomancer, who helps people designate propitious site for houses, store and even graves under the belief that a grave in a good site will bring future fortune for descendants. But he loses his family because he exposed a conspiracy about crown Prince's grave site. Park Jae-sang plans to make a revenge of his family and learns that there is a much bigger conspiracy about propitious grave site; the place that would make grave owner's son the King of Joseon.
Yun-gyeom é um sujeito leal do rei Jung-jong de Joseon. Ele luta contra um monstro que ameaça a vida do rei Jung-jong e um grupo de pessoas tentando depôr o rei.
The Accidental Detective 2: In Action
A comic book storekeeper, Dae-man, and the legendary homicide detective, Tae-su, who met on previous case quit their jobs to open a private detective agency.
Heart Blackened
A father goes all out to clear his daughter from any wrong doing in the murder of his fiancée. When all evidence points to her, he takes matters into to his own hands to save his daughter and outwit the judiciary system.
The Discloser
Captain Gang has died in a test flight accident. Dae-ik discovers a huge corruption scandal while trying to determine the cause of death. He reports it to journalist Jung-sook, but things changed in unexpected ways.
The King
Nascido na periferia e filho de um criminoso, Park Tae-su sempre quis ser alguém com grande poder e influência. Na Coreia do Sul do final dos anos 80, ser promotor de justiça era a representação do seu desejo. Depois de ingressar na mais prestigiada faculdade de Direito, Tae-su finalmente se torna promotor, mas logo percebe que sua vida não é muito melhor que a de um trabalhador assalariado. Porém a situação muda de figura quando é convidado a se juntar a um grupo de promotores ricos e poderosos. Enfim desfrutando de todos os benefícios do seu cargo, ele também passa a vivenciar o lado sujo da profissão.
Um homem arrisca a própria vida para salvar seu país de um desastre iminente quando um terremoto atinge um vilarejo onde existe uma usina nuclear.
Operação Chromite
Quando as forças conjuntas da Coreia do Sul e dos Estados Unidos parecem prestes a perder a Guerra da Coreia, o General Douglas MacArthur (Liam Neeson) se junta à guerra e, durante a Batalha de Incheon, no dia 15 de setembro de 1950, ajuda as tropas a vencer o conflito e retomar o controle sobre Seul.
Proof of Innocence
A disgraced ex-cop, seeking revenge on his treacherous ex-partner, sticks his nose into a high-profile murder case. But in the process, he finds himself in conflict with much more powerful and dangerous forces.
Fourth Place
Martial Arts Choreographer
A former Asian Games record breaker and Olympic tryout, Kim Gwang-su, endures beatings, abuse, and constant ridicule from his swimming coach. To justify this abusive behavior, his coach constantly reminded Gwang-su - this is for your own good.
The Exclusive: Beat the Devil's Tattoo
Martial Arts Choreographer
An unsuccessful journalist becomes a star after he writes an article about the memo of an unknown serial killer. But when he learns that the memo was just part of a novel, he decides to cover up everything.
Collective Invention
Martial Arts Choreographer
Park Goo mutates into a man-fish due to side effects from an experimental drug. He receives heavy publicity and becomes a star. A conspiracy by a pharmaceutical company leads Park Goo to being possibly expelled from the world.
Memories of the Sword
Martial Arts Choreographer
Durante a dinastia Goryo, Deok-Ki, Poong-Chun e Seol-Rang lideram um motim. Devido à traição de Deok-Ki, Poong-Chun morre. Deok-Ki, então, tenta convencer Seol-Rang para se juntar a seu lado, mas ela se recusa. Ela então foge com a espada de Poong-Chun e sua filha recém-nascida. 18 anos depois, Seol-Rang agora é cega e ela treina uma jovem para usar a espada para vingança. Enquanto isso, Deok-Ki é o homem mais poderoso do país. Logo sangue será derramado.
Alice in Earnestland
Martial Arts Choreographer
Since she was young, Soo-Nam has been able to do anything well with her hands. She holds 14 different certificates for typing excellence, but a computer takes over her job. Luckily, she finds a new job and marries. Soo-Nam and her husband decide to buy a house. They take out a loan to pay for their home. Soo-Nam works hard to pay off the loan, but she falls into more debt. Then an opportunity arises to pay off all her debts at once.
Gangnam Blues
Jong- Dae ( Lee Min Ho) e Yong- Ki ( Kim Rae Won ) cresceram em um orfanato como irmãos de verdade . Depois que sairam do orfanato , eles ganham a vida recolhendo papel e garrafas vazias . Jong- Dae logo se envolve em uma luta de interesses sobre o desenvolvimento em Gangnam , Seoul. No processo, ele vive com Gil -Soo (Jung Jin- Young) e Sun- Hye ( Seol Hyun ) que o aceitam como um membro da família. Jong- Dae também se torna um membro da gangue . (Fonte:
The Royal Tailor
Depicts the love lives, jealousies and desires of those that work within the Sanguiwon during the Joseon Dynasty period. The Sanguiwon are responsible for the attire worn by royalty. Dol-Seok is the best master artisan in charge of royal attire. He views set rules as paramount to his job. Kong-Jin is a genius like designer, born with dexterity and an excellent sense. He was brought to the palace by nobleman Pan-Soo who first spotted his talent. The King and Queen then become embroiled in a critical case because of the royal attire made by Dol-Seok and Kong-Jin.
The King of Jokgu
When Man-seob comes back to school after completing military service, he organizes the school's Jokgu team to win Anna's heart.
Os Piratas
Um bando de piratas e um grupo de bandidos lutam para pegar uma baleia cinzenta que engoliu um selo.
O Almirante: Correntes Furiosas
Stunt Coordinator
O filme segue principalmente a famosa Batalha de Myeongryang de 1597 durante a 2.ª invasão Japonesa da Coréia (1592-1598), onde o icônico almirante Joseon Yi Sun-sin conseguiu destruir um total de 133 navios de guerra japoneses com apenas 13 navios restantes a seu comando. A batalha, que ocorreu no Estreito de Myeongryang ao largo da costa sudoeste da Península Coreana, é considerada uma das maiores vitórias do Almirante Yi.
Tough as Iron
Gang-cheol is a legendary street fighter in Busan who cleaned up his act to care for his sick mother. Knowing he's desperate for money for his mother's operation, Sang-gon proposes that Gang-cheol works for him.
Mr. Go
A 15-year-old circus ringmaster Wei-wei is left all alone with gorilla Ling-ling after grandfather passes away. Thanks to her grandfather's love for baseball, Ling-ling was trained to play baseball and has developed remarkable hitting skills.
People binge eat and suffer from extreme thirst, which leads them to go crazy for water. They cannot control themselves because they are brainwashed by a parasite.
As One
A unified team representing the two Koreas competed at the 1991 Chiba International Table Tennis Championships. It was the first such sport team since the division of the Korean peninsula. The unified team won the group competition event, beating the front runner, China.
A Guerra das Flechas
Stunt Coordinator
Em 1636 aconteceu a segunda invasão dos bárbaros vindos da Manchúria ao território coreano. Treze anos antes, após a revolta do reino de Injo, os irmãos Nam-i e Ja-in ficam órfãos e vão morar no interior. No dia do casamento de Ja-in com Seo Goon, a vila é devastada pelos invasores, e muitos coreanos são aprisionados e escravizados. Nam-i, sozinho, parte no encalço do exército manchuriana para resgatar sua irmã.
Nos últimos dias da Guerra da Coreia (1950-1953), os exércitos do norte e do sul disputam entre si o controle do Monte Hwabaek. No primeiro conflito armado pós-1945, a irracionalidade da guerra atinge seu auge, arrastando a todos para um universo de loucura coletiva. Um a um, os soldados da Companhia Alligator rendem-se à insanidade. Ali, só há uma certeza: eles já estão todos mortos. A guerra é o inferno de cada um.
Meet the In-Laws
When cartoonist Hyun-joon falls in love with Da-hong, one of his fans, it sets up the archetypal battle between their two families, who are from rival regions. Hyun-joon comes from the politically liberal Honam region (North and South Jeolla) while Da-hong comes from the conservative Yeongnam region (North and South Gyeongsang). When the two declare their intention to marry, they are confronted with a seemingly endless number of barriers that threaten their happiness.
A Little Pond
Martial Arts Choreographer
The Korean war does not start well for the US. They are being routed by the North Koreans and In July 1950, the early stage of the Korean War, at the Jugok Village in the middle of the Korean Peninsula, Chang-yee and his friends grow excited over the amateur singing contest knowing nothing about what is going on around them. At the time, the US Army keeps losing and are pushed back to the village, evacuating all villagers to head south. The villagers took refuge like going on a picnic believing that the US Army is protecting them, they just follow their orders moving south bound.
Lost and Found
TV writer Ji-ho (Park Jin-Hee) has been secretly in love with Min-woo (Lee Ki-Woo) for the last 10 years. After a night of binge-drinking, she wakes up to face the worst day of her life. She wakes up to find that she has just gotten fired for low viewer ratings. On her way home her purse then gets snatched and Ji-ho pursues the thief. Then suddenly, when things seem that they can't go any worse, Ji-ho gets hit by a car. But the chain of unfortunate events suddenly turns out to be a God-sent present. The man who hit her with the car turns out to be the very man she's been in love with all these years, Min-woo. She then pretends to have amnesia ...
Our School's E.T.
Sung geun, a physical education teacher, is at risk of losing his job when the school decides it needs an English teacher instead of a PE teacher. Therefore, he starts to devise a plan to change his job as an English teacher.
Girl Scout
When the head of a credit union disappears with the credit union's money, four women create a team called Bong Chon Girl Scouts Troop #3 to recover the stolen money, and chaos ensues.
Forever the Moment
A look at the Korean women's handball team and their journey to the 2004 Summer Olympics. Their path was far from flowery, and they must overcome many obstacles before they can head over to compete.
Miao 18
The citizens of Gwangju lead a relatively peaceful life, until one day the military takes over the city, accusing the residents of conspiracy and claiming that they are communist sympathisers preparing a revolution against the current government. Seeing as the soldiers beat defenceless people, mainly students, to death, the citizens are in for retaliation and form a militia.
A repentant former gangster is forced back into a life of violence to protect a woman who is like a mother to him.
Righteous Ties
An eccentric but faithful mafia, Chi-sung is sent to prison for his part in a gang fight. But when his parents are attacked by a rival mob and his own people take no action, he realizes that a decade of loyalty towards the gang has become futile. Determined to confront his own boss, he finds a way to escape from prison with his fellow inmates. Meanwhile, his friend Joo-joong is given the task to stop Chi-sung, forcing him to choose between the bond of friendship and loyalty towards the gang.
Caminhos do Crime
Virada do século XIX para o século XX, na fronteira da Califórnia. Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day-Lewis) é um mineiro de minas de prata derrotado, que divide seu tempo com a tarefa de ser pai solteiro. Um dia ele descobre a existência de uma pequena cidade no oeste onde um mar de petróleo está transbordando do solo. Daniel decide partir para o local com seu filho, H.W. (Dillon Freasier). O nome da cidade é Little Boston, sendo que a única diversão do local é a igreja do carismático pastor Eli Sunday (Paul Dano). Daniel e H.W. se arriscam e logo encontram um poço de petróleo, que lhes traz riqueza mas também uma série de conflitos.