Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez

Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez

Nascimento : 1959-11-02, Mexico City, Mexico


Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez é uma atriz mexicana cujo papel de destaque foi o filme El Norte, de 1983. Gutiérrez frequentou a Universidade Nacional Autônoma do México e formou-se bacharel em Artes, com as maiores honrarias, em Literatura Dramática e Teatro.


Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez
Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez
Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez


Youth, Disillusions and Yearnings of Hernán Cortés Delgado
Director Jaime Humberto Hermosillo's filmed memoir about his late-teen years in an unglamorous smaller town. Going to the movies a lot, discovering his artistic vocation, stuff like that.
Señora Buitre
Benjamin Garcia, Benny é deportado dos Estados Unidos. De volta ao México e diante de um quadro sombrio, Benny se envolve no tráfico de drogas, no qual tem pela primeira vez na vida, uma ascensão espetacular cercado de dinheiro, mulheres, violência e diversão. Mas logo ele descobrirá que a vida criminosa nem sempre cumpre suas promessas.
Enemigos íntimos
Tells the stories of eight characters suffering from different ailments: a doctor who does not acknowledge his homosexuality, a woman who refuses to accept that she is growing old, a mute nurse, a failed writer, an autistic child, a young pregnant woman and an adolescent in a coma, who are linked together by the fact that one of them, Guillermo is diagnosed with a malignant tumor in his kidney.
Más allá del muro
A house is to be demolished to make a parking lot. In the process, the children of an orphanage and the old people of an asylum, both neighbors of the house, invade it secretly searching for a new place to stay. In spite of their differences in age and personality, a strange complicity arises between them, creating strong bonds of friendship.
Wait for Me in Another World
Marcela is a young woman who lives in Mexico City, where she makes her living teaching ballroom dancing. Everything seems to be fine in her little world: she is hoping to start her own dance academy and has romantic plans. However, one day she finds out that something strange is happening at her parents house: an underground and latent discomfort grows week by week. Gloria, her mother, seems absent, talking about strange events far from her daily routine and experiencing memory lapses. Almost at the same time, Nacho, Marcela's father, loses his job and, with it, his self esteem. Marcela forgets about her own needs choosing instead to concentrate on her parents troubles and reestablishing family harmony.
Two Embraces
Madre de Silvina
Mexican director Enrique Begne's drama Two Embraces (AKA Dos Abrazos, 2007) follows four lonely and disenfranchised urbanites in contemporary Mexico City: a preteen boy under tremendous emotional strain, the pretty cashier with whom he is infatuated, an enraged and embittered cabbie, and the estranged daughter of one of his fares. Per the film's title, these characters pair off, finding unexpected hope and salvation in one another.
Garotas Rebeldes
Adela é uma adolescente rebelde que já coleciona cinco tatuagens, um piercing e uma recente prisão por comportamento indecente. Assustado com a possibilidade de que o comportamento rebelde de sua amada filha arruíne suas chances de se eleger governador da Cidade do México, o pai de Adela a matricula à força na última escola de etiqueta para moças existente na cidade, onde a diretora Maca Ribera garante que transforma qualquer garota numa dama, por pior que ela seja... pelo menos até conhecer Adela. A disputa entre as duas mulheres acaba sendo uma hilária batalha, que enlouquece a escola toda a cada reação de Adela às tentativas de Maca de transformá-la em uma moça comportada e futura deusa doméstica.
Cidade do Silêncio
Lourdes Jimenez
Lauren, uma jornalista ambiciosa de Chicago, é enviada para cobrir os estupros seguidos de morte que vêm ocorrendo na fronteira entre os EUA e o México. Chegando lá, com a ajuda de um jornalista local, descobre que esses crimes são apenas a ponta do iceberg de uma trama muito mais complexa do que se poderia imaginar envolvendo politícos e grandes empresários locais. Uma história real que chocou a América, finalmente numa surpreendente visão cinematográfica.
The Miracle
A miracle is about to happen, Margarita, like everyone wants to attend, but Alfonso, her husband, believes that everything is a sham.
Mientras me muero
Um acidente de trânsito em que duas crianças são vítimas, a caminho da escola. Tudo se passa como eles lutam entre vida e morte, testemunhando para outra escola.
Love Hurts
Dois adolescents de diferentes classes sociais se conhecem em um luxuoso shopping e se apaixonam. Em sua apaixonada luta por esse amor impossível, eles se tornam vítimas de dois mundos opostos. Direcionado à juventude atual e mostrando situações e problemas comuns, o filme pretende provar que o amor ainda existe e que pode enfrentar qualquer preconceito.
La maceta
El ladrón de sombras
En el país de no pasa nada
A crooked CEO is kidnapped and nobody cares enough to pay his ransom.
A boy named Rabbit finds some magics marbles in abandoned house. He then discovers a world where anything is possible.
"La Nueva Jerusalem" is a small community of believers lead by Papá Basilio and Mamá Dorita. They're waiting for the second coming of Christ, so they've abandoned the world, searching for a new spiritual life. Mamá Dorita sees in young Tomasa the signals of the chosen one. The young girl will be the new leader in "La Nueva Jerusalem".
Por si no te vuelvo a ver
Five elderly men form a music group and run away from the nursing home where they are interns with the hope of playing for an audience. They confront th city, the nursing home authorities, the police and all those who wish to destroy their dream which finally comes true when they are contracted to serve as musical background for strippers of a second class cabaret. In case i never see you again, is a movie about life, death, melancholy and the quest for happiness.
Something strange is going on in Dolores' apartment house--or is it mainly in Dolores' head that the strangeness lies... When her best friend Eva is murdered on her doorstep, and her husband begins to have violent nightmares, it appears that there is definately something amiss in the world of delusional Dolores.
Straight to Heaven
Two girls in love are going to discover that a bus can take you from a traffic jam in Mexico City to a celestial place.
Death and the Compass
Ms. Espinoza / Harlequin
In a totalitarian future, in a nightmare metropolis, inhabited only by criminals and police, Erik Lonnrot, a gifted detective, investigates a series of strange murders and disappearances that seem to implicate a insane crime lord. (Re-released in 1996 as a feature film, 86 minutes.)
Cita en el paraíso.
Alejandra (Gutiérrez), a drugstore clerk, receives a note from a strange man (Alcázar). The note only shows a number, but Alejandra seems to understand its meaning. That night, Alejandra walks directly to a creepy downtown hotel, climbs the stairs and finds the man waiting for her in a room. The strange rendez-vous is not what it seems to be.
Highway Patrolman
Um novato ingénuo na patrulha rodoviária mexicana precisa se adaptar para sobreviver, enquanto enfrenta perigosos traficantes de drogas e corrupção generalizada.
City of the Blind
Over more than thirty years, a department of the Condesa in Mexico City, is the setting in which they are carried out ten stories, mixed, form one whose only constant is the rupture. The passage of time and the outside world only guess through the windows and objects that come with the characters. The set is a great solitude, possible in a city of the blind.
Cuantas viejas quieras
Rodrigo and Mariano plot a robbery; Rodrigo's station wagon will be the get away car. They dream of their wealth to be. A triangle is established when a whore appears, creating a relation of treason and mistrust amongst them. The prostitute and the drunkard rob Rodrigo and Mariano, leaving them without their dream and everything else.
Gaby - Uma História Verdadeira
Hospital Nurse
Filha de refugiados europeus no México nascida com paralisia cerebral que afetou o corpo, mas não a mente, Gaby é encorajada pelos pais e pela babá a jamais desanimar com a deficiência. Ela vai à universidade e se torna uma aclamada escritora.
Hotel Colonial
Marco Veniera goes to Bogota, Columbia to find his brother, Luca who supposedly committed suicide. In his search, he meets fiery and exotic Irene Costa, who leads him into the depths of the Amazon jungle. But it's every man for himself. And brotherly love turns to hate.
The Realm of Fortune
La Pinzona
Poor Dionisio finds himself as recipient of the good fortune, but soon he forgets that everything that goes up also has to go down, and that in the depressing nothingness of his town it is easy to die.
Caminho de Fogo
Indian Girl
Max Donigan (Chuck Norris) parte em busca de um tesouro com o seu amigo Leo e a sua sócia Patricia. Quando encontram o templo com o tesouro de ouro, deparam um "caminho de fogo" que pretende reter o poder dos seus antepassados e pôr um ponto final à caça ao tesouro...
Um Divórcio Complicado
La mujer de K'in
Miracles is a 1986 comedy film about a newly divorced couple who can't seem to get away from one another. The film was written and directed by Jim Kouf, and stars Teri Garr, Tom Conti, Paul Rodriguez, and Christopher Lloyd.
The Humiliated
Sister Encarnación
Four nuns are raped by a group of lepers. Although they all turn out to be pregnant, their status is hidden from them in the convent.
El Norte
Dois irmãos, Enrique e Rosa Xuncax, escapam com vida do massacre de sua tribo na Guatemala e decidem fugir para os Estados Unidos. Seu destino é Los Angeles, onde vão tentar viver como cidadãos normais. Mas eles terão de lidar com a dura condição de estrangeiros ilegais.