Molly Belle Wright


The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
The Herdmans – Gladys, Claude, Imogene, Leroy, Ollie and Ralph – are undeniably the worst kids in the history of the world. They lie, steal, cheat, bully and overall terrorize their small community. But this Christmas, they’re taking over their local church Pageant – and they just might unwittingly teach a shocked little town the true meaning of Christmas.
Espírito Livre
Young Hannah
Quando Jessica Watson decide ser a mais jovem a empreender uma viagem à vela a solo à volta do mundo, sem paragens e sem qualquer ajuda, terá primeiro de superar o seu maior medo enquanto navega pelos mais desafiadores oceanos. Baseado numa história real.
Mistletoe Ranch
Juniper Hunt
Aimée, a young professional photographer whose job it is to follow boss Gustav, a world-famous photographer himself. As the holidays approach, Aimée receives notice that her family's traditional Christmas celebrations are under threat.