Raúl Giménez

Raúl Giménez


Raúl Giménez


Imperatore Altoum
After twenty years of absence, Puccini’s Turandot was revived on the stage of the Teatro Real in a new production by American stage director Robert Wilson. One of the most important theatre and visual artist of our times, the director who gave life to Philip Glass’s Einstein of the Beach and who reinvented Debussy’s Pelléas et Mélisande hadn’t worked on a Puccini opera in twenty-five years, since his ground-breaking Madama Butterfly commissioned by the Paris Opera in 1993. This new encounter between his powerful visual universe and Puccini’s evocative music was bound to be an outstanding event. Carried out by a brilliant cast of singers, dominated by Irene Theorin as Turandot, Gregory Kunde as Calaf and Yolanda Auyanet as Liù, this magnificent production is conducted by the Teatro Real’s associate musical director Nicola Luisotti – and has been met with universal acclaim.
Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro
Le Nozze di Figaro New Production Teatro Real in co-production with Bilbao’s ABAO and Las Palmas Teatro Pérez Galdós. From the opening notes of the overture to the final curtain, Emilio Sagi’s classic, triumphant production brings to life all the elegant wit and theatricality of Mozart’s comic masterpiece Le nozze di Figaro. Leading baritone Ludovic Tézier shines as the lustful Count Almaviva who attempts to obtain the favors of Figaro’s bride-to-be, Susanna (Isabel Rey), while Luca Pisaroni gives a feisty performance as Figaro. Conductor Jesús López Cobos masterfully captures the enchanting score. A witty yet profound tale of love, betrayal, and forgiveness.
La Pietra del paragone - Rossini
Celebrating the 200th anniversary of this masterpiece's creation with this extravagant yet delicious production by Pier Luigi Pizzi at the Teatro Real Madrid! Far from the tradition productions in period costume, Pier Luigi Pizzi imagines this Touchstone in a modern villa "Beverly Hills style"! Sheltered by large verandas, the Count Asdrubale wanders in his luxurious bathrobe and watch his guests enjoy his gorgious garden, notably provided with real swimming-pool! With sport chic clothes and models dressed in bikinis, the stage is very close to look like the yacht of a celebrity...
Il Barbiere di Siviglia
Rossini: La Cenerentola
Don Ramiro
La Cenerentola, ossia La bontà in trionfo (Cinderella, or Goodness Triumphant) is an operatic dramma giocoso in two acts by Gioachino Rossini. The libretto was written by Jacopo Ferretti, based on the fairy tale Cendrillon by Charles Perrault. The opera was first performed in Rome's Teatro Valle on 25 January 1817.---- IMDB id refers to Great Performances: Season 24, Episode 12 La Cenerentola (3 Apr. 1996) from Houston Grand Opera so release date is misleading.
Live performance from Schwetzinger Festspiele, 1992. Based on Voltaire's tragedy, TANCREDI is a story of innocence wronged set against a backdrop of Turks at war with Syracuse. Amenaide, the daughter of Argirio, leader of the senate, is in love with the exiled knight Tancredi. Argirio offers Amenaide's hand in marriage to Orbazzano, the leader of a rival faction, as a token of reconciliation. Amenaide resists this and sends a letter to Tancredi, who is back in Syracuse in hiding. The letter is intercepted, and it is mistaken as an invitation to the Turk Solamir to enter Syracuse. Amenaide is sentenced to death for treachery, but Argirio allows a champion to fight for her vindication... will her beloved Tancredi save her? Bernadette Manca di Nissa, Maria Bayo, and Raul Gimenez star in this Rossini opera with Gianluigi Gelmetti conducting the Radio Symphony Orchester Stuttgart.