Yann-Shan Tsai


Dormir de olhos abertos
Uma cidade de praia no Brasil. Fu Ang, Kai e Xiaoxin quase não se encontram nessa comédia sutil de mal entendidos. Mas ao longo de um verão, relações delicadas são formadas entre eles, como ilhas em águas infestadas por tubarões.
A sex worker falls into a coma. Bailan's work has provided solace to many, supported her family, and cared for a group of stray cats. What happened to her and her sisters after the licensed prostitutes were banned? We go on a journey to accompany Bailan's recovery and to see the struggle of the marginalized community.
The Last Queen
1516, Legend has it that the king of Algiers had a wife named Zaphira. When the pirate Aroudj Barbarossa arrives to liberate the city from the Spaniards, he is determined to conquer Zaphira as well as the kingdom itself. But is Zaphira willing to let him, or is she plotting for herself?