Yoko Sakurai


Animal Crossing: The Movie
Key Animation
This is the story of a young self-reliant girl called Ai, who one day, moves into the Animal Village. While working at Tom Nook's shop "Nook's Cranny" she begins living her life away from her family. To begin with, she doesn't know left from right, but under the guidance of Mayor Tortimer, the angry but correct Mr. Resetti, and the wandering musician K.K. Slider among others, she is eventually accepted as a member of the village. One night as she walked along the beach, she finds a message in the bottle. It sets her off on a quest of planting pine trees around the village to fulfill a miracle on the eve of the Winter Festival
Lupin III: The Fuma Conspiracy
Key Animation
O casamento de Goemon, um tesouro oculto e um Clã de ninjas assassinos. Esses são os ingredientes dessa empreitada de Lupin em que era para ser seu primeiro OVA, mas que depois foi lançado como um Movie. Muita ação frenética, comédia e intrigas temperam essa excelente aventura. O casamento de Goemon com Murasaki Inabe, filha do líder de um clã samurai, é interrompida quando sofre um ataque de ninjas Fuma, sequestrando a noiva e exigindo como resgate um antigo tesouro de sua família. Lupin, Jigen, Goemon e Fujiko trabalham juntos mais uma vez para tentar salvar Murasaki e chegar ao tesouro antes dos Fuma.
Sherlock Hound: The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle / Treasure Under the Sea
Key Animation
The famous blue ruby is stolen in such an elaborate way, that only one villain can be suspected - Professor Moriarty. It is up to Sherlock Holmes to return it and, in the process, to turn a young pick-pocket on the right path. In the second part, Moriarty sets his sights even higher, stealing a top-secret submarine from the Navy. What does he need it for? Holmes is once again on the trail.