Jean-Jacques Beineix

Jean-Jacques Beineix

Nascimento : 1946-10-08, Paris, France

Morte : 2022-01-13


French director Jean-Jacques Beineix is best-known for making two of the most provocative films of the 1980s; Diva (1982) and 37.2 le matin (Betty Blue, 1986). Dark, haunting, and filled with substantial helpings of violence and/or sex, both films were great successes in France, winning a number of awards and a degree of cinematic immortality for their director. The director's screen work during the 1990s was sporadic, and he concentrated much of his energy on such offscreen projects as his presidency of the ARP (an association for writers, directors, and producers) and his efforts to protect European film from North American cultural hegemony. He breathed his last on Januray 14, 2022.


Jean-Jacques Beineix


Yves Montand, l'ombre au tableau
The Clown
A documentary directed by Eric Friedler about Jerry Lewis' never released movie "The Day The Clown Cried".
Blue Notes and Bungalows
A documentary about the making of Jean-Jacques Beineix's 1986 film BETTY BLUE.
Les Gaulois au-delà du mythe
Les Gaulois au-delà du mythe
On bosse ici! On vit ici! On reste ici!
Call for the regularization by the French government of all undocumented workers living in the country, a short film co-directed by 320 filmmakers and directors, producers, distributors and cinema owners.
Loft Paradoxe
Reality TV has invaded the world television space for several years. Garbage television, attack to the human dignity, cultural desertification for some, phenomenon of society, new frontiers of the intimacy, formidable gas pedal of television particles for the others; the debate on reality TV arouses a deep and lasting emotion, in short, it produces word. It is this word that we decided to relay by the glance and the images, we propose to decipher some of the paradoxes which riddle the multiple reflections of the many personalities that we interviewed.
Transferência Mortal
É como fazer um salto "bungee jump" sem elástico... Um Thriller repleto de suspense que o vai deixar na duvida até ao fim... Michel Durand é um psicanalista! Os seus dias passam-se no consultório, entre lamentos de um professor de matemática e histórias sado-masoquistas de Olga Kubler, uma perversa cleptomaníaca. Uma existência bastante vulgar para um terapeuta, se a estranha e sedutora Sra. Kubler não tivesse a infeliz ideia de se deixar estrangular no seu divã, precisamente quando ele adormecera... São Sete da tarde... O telefone toca. A sessão acabou. Michel acorda. Olga não se mexe. O queaconteceu? Quem matou a mulher de Max Kubler? Porque razão doem os braços a Michel? É possível matar alguém durante o sono? Basta de perguntas… é preciso agir. Livrar-se do corpo. E depressa, porque é o Comissário Chapireau que chefia as investigações... e Max Kubler anda à procura da mulher como um louco...
Transferência Mortal
É como fazer um salto "bungee jump" sem elástico... Um Thriller repleto de suspense que o vai deixar na duvida até ao fim... Michel Durand é um psicanalista! Os seus dias passam-se no consultório, entre lamentos de um professor de matemática e histórias sado-masoquistas de Olga Kubler, uma perversa cleptomaníaca. Uma existência bastante vulgar para um terapeuta, se a estranha e sedutora Sra. Kubler não tivesse a infeliz ideia de se deixar estrangular no seu divã, precisamente quando ele adormecera... São Sete da tarde... O telefone toca. A sessão acabou. Michel acorda. Olga não se mexe. O queaconteceu? Quem matou a mulher de Max Kubler? Porque razão doem os braços a Michel? É possível matar alguém durante o sono? Basta de perguntas… é preciso agir. Livrar-se do corpo. E depressa, porque é o Comissário Chapireau que chefia as investigações... e Max Kubler anda à procura da mulher como um louco...
Locked-In Syndrome
On December 8, 1995, at the age of 43, Jean-Dominque Bauby, editor-in-chief of ELLE Magazine, suffered from a stroke and fell into a coma. When Bauby awoke he found himself completely speechless and paralyzed. In Locked-In Syndrome, director Jean-Jacques Beiniex follows Bauby's efforts to write The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, which was later adapted into a critically acclaimed film.
Locked-In Syndrome
On December 8, 1995, at the age of 43, Jean-Dominque Bauby, editor-in-chief of ELLE Magazine, suffered from a stroke and fell into a coma. When Bauby awoke he found himself completely speechless and paralyzed. In Locked-In Syndrome, director Jean-Jacques Beiniex follows Bauby's efforts to write The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, which was later adapted into a critically acclaimed film.
A documentary that explores the life styles of various otakus in Japan. Various interviews are given to selected otakus who express how interesting it is to be an otaku as oppose to not being one at all. Along with various shots of various Japanese city landscapes and the inside of an average otaku home from rooms filled with videos, models, and the latest in technology.
A documentary that explores the life styles of various otakus in Japan. Various interviews are given to selected otakus who express how interesting it is to be an otaku as oppose to not being one at all. Along with various shots of various Japanese city landscapes and the inside of an average otaku home from rooms filled with videos, models, and the latest in technology.
The King of Ads, Part 2
Part II of a compilation movie featuring European T.V. commercials directed by a variety of well-known directors from across Europe and the U.S. Compiled and produced by Jean-Marie Boursicot.
IP5 - A Ilha dos Paquidermes
Dois jovens e um enigmático homem (Yves Montand) saem juntos para uma viagem de auto-descoberta por uma floresta (Pirinéus), aliando-se a outros personagens, com a intenção de chegar a um 'retiro sagrado'.
IP5 - A Ilha dos Paquidermes
Dois jovens e um enigmático homem (Yves Montand) saem juntos para uma viagem de auto-descoberta por uma floresta (Pirinéus), aliando-se a outros personagens, com a intenção de chegar a um 'retiro sagrado'.
Roselyne and the Lions
Thierry drops out of school to apprentice as a lion tamer at the zoo where he meets Roselyne, who shares his passion. They fall in love and when he loses his job, the young lovers journey across France finding odd jobs at several circuses. In Germany, they fall under the tutelage of ageing big cat trainer, Klint, and while they are closer to realising their dreams, they find that their success drivers them part.
Roselyne and the Lions
Thierry drops out of school to apprentice as a lion tamer at the zoo where he meets Roselyne, who shares his passion. They fall in love and when he loses his job, the young lovers journey across France finding odd jobs at several circuses. In Germany, they fall under the tutelage of ageing big cat trainer, Klint, and while they are closer to realising their dreams, they find that their success drivers them part.
Roselyne and the Lions
Thierry drops out of school to apprentice as a lion tamer at the zoo where he meets Roselyne, who shares his passion. They fall in love and when he loses his job, the young lovers journey across France finding odd jobs at several circuses. In Germany, they fall under the tutelage of ageing big cat trainer, Klint, and while they are closer to realising their dreams, they find that their success drivers them part.
Betty Blue
Zorg é um faz-tudo que cuida de vários bangalôs de praia na França. Ele vive uma vida tranquila, trabalhando seriamente e escrevendo no seu tempo livre. Um dia, Betty aparece em sua vida, uma jovem tão linda quanto selvagem e imprevisível. Inesperadamente, o jeito irreverente de Betty começa a fugir do controle. Zorg percebe que a mulher que ama está lentamente ficando louca. Quando o relacionamento dos dois se torna um caos, será que o amor pode prevalecer?
Betty Blue
Zorg é um faz-tudo que cuida de vários bangalôs de praia na França. Ele vive uma vida tranquila, trabalhando seriamente e escrevendo no seu tempo livre. Um dia, Betty aparece em sua vida, uma jovem tão linda quanto selvagem e imprevisível. Inesperadamente, o jeito irreverente de Betty começa a fugir do controle. Zorg percebe que a mulher que ama está lentamente ficando louca. Quando o relacionamento dos dois se torna um caos, será que o amor pode prevalecer?
Betty Blue
Zorg é um faz-tudo que cuida de vários bangalôs de praia na França. Ele vive uma vida tranquila, trabalhando seriamente e escrevendo no seu tempo livre. Um dia, Betty aparece em sua vida, uma jovem tão linda quanto selvagem e imprevisível. Inesperadamente, o jeito irreverente de Betty começa a fugir do controle. Zorg percebe que a mulher que ama está lentamente ficando louca. Quando o relacionamento dos dois se torna um caos, será que o amor pode prevalecer?
A Lua na Sarjeta
A dockworker seeking revenge on the killer of his sister finds himself the object of desire for two women.
A Lua na Sarjeta
A dockworker seeking revenge on the killer of his sister finds himself the object of desire for two women.
Diva: Paixão Perigosa
O diretor Jean-Jacques Beineix lançou o movimento Cinéma du Look com este thriller, cult, elegante sobre um jovem carteiro (Frédéric Andréi) que percebe uma dupla de contrabandistas taiwaneses atrás dele para recuperar uma gravação ilegal captada por Frederic, de um cantor de ópera que vive recluso.
Diva: Paixão Perigosa
O diretor Jean-Jacques Beineix lançou o movimento Cinéma du Look com este thriller, cult, elegante sobre um jovem carteiro (Frédéric Andréi) que percebe uma dupla de contrabandistas taiwaneses atrás dele para recuperar uma gravação ilegal captada por Frederic, de um cantor de ópera que vive recluso.
De Paris, Com Amor
First Assistant Director
French Postcards rings both comic and true. The believable, fresh-faced characters are young naives from American colleges spending their French-English dictionaries, they compulsively seek out hundreds of monuments, romanticize the nomadic artist's life, and look for grown-up love. The French tutor them well, as befits their reputation. Jean Rochefort is the harassed headmaster with a hankering for affairs, and Marie-France Pisier is his very sexy wife. Watch for a newcomer named Debra Winger, and another-Mandy Patinkin.
Mr. Michel's Dog
In 1977, after working as an assistant director on several features, BETTY BLUE filmmaker Jean-Jacques Beineix directed the following short film about a man and his dog.
Mr. Michel's Dog
In 1977, after working as an assistant director on several features, BETTY BLUE filmmaker Jean-Jacques Beineix directed the following short film about a man and his dog.
The Wild Goose Chase
Assistant Director
The whole intrigue is centered around carte-blanche documents kept in a vault. Whoever fills in the blank becomes the owner of a revue. Big money is involved. The nephew of the owner of the vault is trying to cheat his uncle and have his name in the documents. Everything is even more complicated because the manager of the bank has a finger in the pie, too. Who but a humble bank-teller (Pierre Richard) will ruin the scheme?
Par le sang des autres
Assistant Director
In a little French town everything goes on as usual and people seem friendly and good-natured, until the day two women arrive from Paris. A man gets off the same bus, and that very night he seizes the two women and asks for the most beautiful woman in town as their ransom. After the initial shock, the mayor, his brother, the prefect, the police, and the gendarmerie gather around the house where the two woman are imprisoned. It will be a test for everyone and each of them will show his/her real stuff: hypocrisy, meanness, or humanity concealed under their provincial respectability.
Forbidden to Know
Second Assistant Director
When the police find Simone seated near her husband's corpse it is predictable that she is charged with the murder. Jean-Pierre Laubray is appointed counsel for the defence. He begins an inquiry into the case and he finds out that the murdered man had killed a barman in a robbery the night before. He finds out as well he was a leg-man of Cristiani's for his election campaign. He tries to contact Juliette, Cristiani's daughter, and he discovers that Bruno, Juliette's brother, also died that same night in a car accident...
A Full Day's Work
First Assistant Director
A father plans to kill in the same day the nine members of the jury who condemned his son to death.
O Homem Que Surgiu de Repente
Second Assistant Director
A crook on the run hooks up with a criminal gang to commit a kidnapping. However, things don't go quite as planned.