
Nascimento : 1929-06-23, Madagascar

Morte : 1999-08-22


Le Billard écarlate
Errors of Youth
The oddest things come in pairs. In 1989, there were two foreign films on the market whose titles translated to Errors of Youth or Youthful Indiscretion. One was a Russian film, the other was a French picture, originally titled Erreur de Jeunesse. In this one, would-be poet Francis Frappat breezes through a number of relationships. Of paramount importance to Frappat are his attempts to seduce the lovely Géraldine Danon.
A Lei do Cão
A criminal shows up at a farmhouse with the law on his heels and several million dollars in his possession.
Esse Obscuro Objeto do Desejo
A história de uma jovem que instiga e faz de tudo para manter a obsessão de um homem mais velho por ela, mas que não permite que ele concretize sua fantasia. Baseado em obra de Pierre Louys. Elenco: Fernando Rey, Carole Bouquet e Ángela Molina.
Femmes Fatales
A candidate
Two men, fortyish, worn out by their wives, abandon everything to go and live in the back of beyond. There they meet a truculent priest, a boozer, Émile who recalls them to life's simple pleasures. Calm is what they want. But soon their example inspires thousands of disorientated males, fleeing the feminist 1970s. Soon, too, there arrives a squadron of nymphomaniac Amazons.
One Must Live Dangerously
Richard is a private detective. He makes a good money from marital infidelity: the deceived husband and wife generously paid him for proof of their infidelity "halves"...
O Fantasma da Liberdade
Uma série de situações surreais que criticam os padrões da sociedade: o homem que mostra fotos 'pornográficas' para duas crianças, o atirador que mata as pessoas do topo de um prédio, a falta de educação à mesa, os monges e sua sexualidade, e por aí vai.
O Discreto Charme da Burguesia
Um grupo de amigos de classe média/alta tenta várias vezes promover um jantar, mas alguma coisa sempre dá errado e lhes impede de conseguir todo o requinte necessário para uma digna refeição burguesa.
Promise at Dawn
A single mother raises her son in impossible circumstances first in Leningrad, then Krakow, and then France, and is over-ambitious about him but never gives in.
A Via Láctea
Mother Superior
Dois peregrinos decidem percorrer o sagrado Caminho de Santiago de Compostela. Durante a travessia, eles encontram personagens bíblicos e confrontam os dogmas do cristianismo.
Young Wolves
Irma, la femme de chambre (uncredited)
Alain, "a young wolf", elegant and racy, is maintained by the princess Linzani. At the same time, he goes out with a girl of his age, Sylvie, who despite her bold attitude has never had a lover.
The Girl Across the Way
La femme de ménage
A young student visits the home of a friend who has all the good looks, women and luck. Every day, through binoculars from his friend's window, he sees a young girl in front of her home. Although attractive, the woman's face has been badly scarred. He finds out her phone number and the two engage in pleasant conversation. He gets up enough nerve to ask to meet her in person, but the socially inept young man becomes paralyzed with fear. He again summons the courage to meet with her before he is plagued with fear once again.
A Bela da Tarde
Séverine é bela, jovem, rica e frustrada com a vida que tem. Com o marido trabalhando o dia todo a moça resolve trabalhar num discreto prostíbulo todos os dias a tarde, o momento em que pode largar sua vida real e se tornar a Bela da Tarde sem que ninguém saiba. O problema é que os clientes que recebe são pessoas que podem estar tentando fugir da mesma vida vazia que ela.
Diário de uma Camareira
Após o estupro e assassinato de uma garotinha, camareira de uma família excêntrica muda de emprego e vai trabalhar com o homem que acredita ser o autor do crime. Ironicamente, se trata de ninguém mais, ninguém menos que seu noivo, e passa a reunir indícios que comprovem a autoria do crime.
Cage of Girls
Micheline, who fled to Paris with the man she is in love with, finds herself on her own when he abandons her. She lands in a reformatory from which she manages to escape.