Richard Addinsell

Richard Addinsell

Nascimento : 1904-01-13,

Morte : 1977-11-15


Richard Addinsell


Alice in Wonderland
Original Music Composer
From the elaborate Broadway revival of the 1932 Eva Le Gallienne/Florida Friebus production comes a whimsical retelling of the Lewis Carroll classic.
Life at the Top
Original Music Composer
Successful businessman Joe Lampton is married to the wealthy Susan, has two children, and lives in the mill town of Warley in northern England. But his career seems to have plateaued, leaving him disillusioned. This feeling is only exacerbated when he discovers his wife's infidelity with local man Mark. So he takes up with attractive TV host Norah and moves with her to London, aiming to reignite the fire that drove him to the top.
Original Music Composer
Hallmark Hall of Fame's second version of Shakespeare's classic play, with the same two stars and the same director as its first version, but a different supporting cast.
O Amante da Guerra
Original Music Composer
Buzz Rickson é um temerário piloto de bombardeiro da WW2, com um desejo de morte. Falhando em tudo que não seja voar, Rickson vive para as missões mais perigosas. Sua tripulação convive com este aspecto de sua personalidade só porque sabem que ele sempre os traz de volta vivos.
A Valsa dos Toureadores
Baseada na peça homônima de Jean Anouih, esta comédia romântica estrelada por Peter Sellers (A Pantera Cor-de-Rosa) tem toque picantes. Sellers é o general Fitzjohn que, apesar de sua imensa lista de conquistas, nunca consumou seu affair com a bela Ghislaine (Danny Robin), seu primeiro e verdadeiro amor. Ela quer tentar corrigir isso e toma uma drástica atitude, fingindo se afogar, apenas para ser salva pelo protegido de Fitzjohn e não pelo próprio general.
Em Roma na Primavera
Original Music Composer
Critics and the public say Karen Stone is too old -- as she approaches 50 -- for her role in a play she is about to take to Broadway. Her businessman husband, 20 years her senior, has been the angel for the play and gives her a way out: They are off to a holiday in Rome for his health. He suffers a fatal heart attack on the plane. Mrs. Stone stays in Rome. She leases a magnificent apartment with a view of the seven hills from the terrace. Then the contessa comes calling to introduce a young man named Paola to her. The contessa knows many presentable young men and lonely American widows.
Fruto de Verão
Original Music Composer
Sensitive story of a British girl's awakening from childhood into life and love on vacation in France.
A Sombra da Guilhotina
Original Music Composer
British barrister Sydney Carton lives an insubstantial and unhappy life. He falls under the spell of Lucie Manette, but Lucie marries Charles Darnay. When Darnay goes to Paris to rescue an imprisoned family retainer, he becomes entangled in the snares of the brutal French Revolution and is himself jailed and condemned to the guillotine. But Sydney Carton, in love with a woman he cannot have, comes up with a daring plan to save her husband.
O Príncipe Encantado
Original Music Composer
Em 1912, o príncipe Charles (Laurence Olivier), regente de um reino na Europa, faz uma visita a Londres para participar da coroação do novo rei britânico. Ele passa a noite em um clube, onde conhece Elsie (Marilyn Monroe), uma corista americana. O regente fica encantado pela jovem e resolve chamá-la para um jantar na embaixada. A convite da rainha, Elsie fica mais tempo e começa a trazer Charles de volta à vida.
Alice in Wonderland
Original Music Composer
A young girl named Alice falls down a rabbit-hole and finds herself in Wonderland, a fantasy land of strange characters and ideas.
O Belo Brummel
Original Music Composer
Lavishly told story of George Bryan Brummel, a commoner born in the era of Napoleon who uses wit, brilliance and sartorial flair to align himself with the future King George IV. Lush settings in authentic locations and Taylor in Regency …
Gigantes em Fúria
Original Music Composer
Gilliatt, a fisherman-turned-smuggler on the isle of Guernsey, agrees to transport a beautiful woman to the French coast in the year 1800. She tells him she hopes to rescue her brother from the guillotine. Gilliatt finds himself falling in love and so feels betrayed when he later learns this woman is a countess helping Napoleon plan an invasion of England. In reality, however, the "countess" is an English agent working to thwart this invasion. When Gilliatt finds this out, he returns to France to rescue the woman who's true purpose has been discovered by the French.
Contos de Natal
Original Music Composer
Ebenezer Scrooge (Alastair Sim) é um velho rico, avarento e grosseiro. Na noite de Natal, ele recebe a visita de três espíritos, representando o passado, o presente e o futuro. Os espíritos mostram a Scrooge sua vida, os sonhos que já teve, seus erros e o que ele pode vir a ser. Com isso Scrooge percebe seu egoísmo e muda seu jeito de ser. Considerada a melhor dentre as adaptações do livro Contos de Natal, de Charles Dickens.
Original Music Composer
Encore is a 1951 anthology film composed of adaptations of three short stories by W. Somerset Maugham: "The Ant and the Grasshopper", directed by Pat Jackson and adapted by T. E. B. Clarke; "Winter Cruise", helmed by Anthony Pelissier, screenplay by Arthur Macrae; "Gigolo and Gigolette", directed by Harold French, written by Eric Ambler. It is the last film in a Maugham trilogy, preceded by Quartet and Trio.
Tom Brown's Schooldays
Original Music Composer
When Tom Brown arrives at Rugby boarding school, he’s mercilessly tormented by the school’s evil bully Flashman. With the help of his friend East, plucky Brown devises a plan to get back at Flashman; in the meantime, he’s asked to look out for a timid new student, whose life is accidentally put in peril during a school race.
Missão nos Balcãs
Original Music Composer
A US newsman and a British entomologist spy on germ-warfare research in a mythical country.
A Rosa Negra
Na Inglaterra do século XIII, o nobre Walter de Gurnie e o exímio arqueiro Tristram decidem seguir em uma caravana para a distante China. No caminho, Walter conhece e ajuda a bela mestiça Maryam, que tenta fugir do impiedoso general mongol Bayan.
Sob o Signo de Capricórnio
Original Music Composer
Em 1831 o irlandês Charles Adare (Michael Wilding) viaja à Austrália para começar uma nova vida. Logo ao chegar conhece o poderoso Sam Flusky (Joseph Cotten) e descobre que a esposa deste, Henrietta (Ingrid Bergman), foi sua colega de infância. Bela e instável, Henrietta é agora uma atormentada alcoólatra e sua reaproximação de Charles desperta ciúmes em Sam.
The Passionate Friends
Original Music Composer
A woman is torn between the love of her life, who is married to someone else, and her older husband.
A Diary for Timothy
Original Music Composer
This brief documentary-style film presents the status of Great Britain near the end of the Second World War by means of a visual diary for a baby boy born in September, 1944. Narration explains to "Timothy" what his family, his neighbors, and his fellow citizens are going through as the war nears its end, and what problems may remain for new Englishmen like Timothy to solve.
Uma Mulher do Outro Mundo
Original Music Composer
Adaptado de uma peça de Noel Coward, Charles e sua segunda esposa Ruth, são assombrados pelo fantasma de sua primeira esposa, Elvira. A Medium Madame Arcati tenta ajudar as coisas entrando em contato com o fantasma. Para obter ideias para um novo livro, o escritor Charles e sua ingênua segunda esposa Ruth, marcam com a mística Madame Arcati, uma sessão espírita. O resultado infeliz é que a primeira esposa de Charles, Elvira, retorna do além-túmulo para fazer de sua vida uma miséria. Ruth também fica cada vez mais irritado com sua rival sobrenatural, mas Madame Arcati é quem no final, com sua sagacidade, consegue resolver as coisas.
The New Lot
A new batch of Army recruits, from diverse backgrounds and with varying degrees of commitment, is shaped into an efficient fighting unit.
The Day Will Dawn
Sports journalist Colin Metcalfe is picked for the job of foreign correspondent in Norway when Hitler invades Poland. On the way to Langedal his boat is attacked by a German U-Boat, however when he tells the navy about it they do not believe him and, to make matters worse, he is removed from his job. When German forces invade Norway, Metcalfe returns determined to uncover what is going on and stop the Germans in their tracks.
The Big Blockade
Original Music Composer
Wartime propaganda piece reporting on the success of the economic blockade of Germany in the early years of the war.
This England
Original Music Composer
Set in Claverly Village, it follows the fortunes of the Rookebys (Clements) and the ne'r-do-well Appleyards (Williams) from the time of the Normans, 1588, 1804, 1914, and 1940. Made to support morale during the war, its message is basically that you can't suppress the British; they've been there since the beginning; they'll be there to the end.
Love on the Dole
Original Music Composer
Depressing and realistic family drama about the struggles of unemployment and poverty in 1930s Lancashire. The 20-year-old Kerr gives an emotionally charged performance as Hardcastle, one of the cotton workers trying to make life better. Interlaced with humour that brings a ray of sunshine to the pervasive bleakness, this remains a powerful social study of life between the wars, and was a rare problem picture to come out of Britain at the time.
Dangerous Moonlight
Original Music Composer
Stefan Radetzky, a Polish pilot and famous concert pianist, is hospitalised in England from injuries sustained while in combat, and having lost his memory. As Radetzky plays the piano in a trance-like state, the story moves back in time to war-torn Warsaw. During an air-raid, Radetzky meets American journalist Carole, and there is a mutual attraction. Following the fall of Poland, Radetzky and Irish pilot, Mike, escape to Rumania and then on to America. Radetzky continues his musical career in America and meets up again with Carole.
Old Bill and Son
Original Music Composer
Old Bill has grumbled his way through the trenches of the First World War. Now it is the Second and, envious of his son, Young Bill, he decides to enlist. He finally enters the Pioneer Corps, which is based near his son. When Young Bill goes missing during a raid, Old Bill shows that there's still life in the old dog yet!
The Green Girdle
In a bid to encourage city-dwellers to leave behind the restrictions of war, 'The Green Girdle' escapes from the austere urban landscape of inner-city London and savours the natural delights of the capital’s rural surroundings.
Britain at Bay
Wartime morale-boosting propaganda short, looking at the greatness of Britain and the efforts of all to preserve her power and integrity.
Original Music Composer
Twenty years removed from Alice Barlow's murder by a thief looking for her jewels, newlyweds Paul and Bella Mallen move into the very house where the crime was committed. Retired detective B.G. Rough, who worked on the Barlow case, is still in the area and grows suspicious of Paul, who he feels bears a striking resemblance to one of Barlow's relatives. Rough must find the truth before the killer can strike again and reclaim his bounty.
Original Music Composer
When a neutral Danish merchant ship is forced to put into port after trying to evade British wartime contraband control, its captain becomes involved in a beautiful British Naval Intelligent agent's efforts to capture a group of German spies operating from a London cinema.
The Lion Has Wings
Original Music Composer
This early, influential propaganda film blends documentary and studio footage to show the valiant efforts of the Royal Air Force to defend the British people against the Nazis.
Adeus, Sr. Chips
Original Music Composer
O filme, baseado no romande de James Hilton, conta a história do Sr. Chipping (Robert Donnar), um respeitado professor de latim, obcecado pelo trabalho. Um dia, este homem com uma vida muito discreta, conhece e se apaixona pela extrovertida Katherine (Greer Garson). Sua convivência com a moça o torna mais amigável e ele ganha a confiança de seus alunos. Tudo parecia bem, mas uma tragédia acontece e muda sua vida novamente.
The Beachcomber
Original Music Composer
Ginger Ted, AKA Edward Claude Wilson, a drunkard and womanizer, and Miss Jones, a missionary, live in the Alas Islands. During a cholera epidemic, Ginger Ted and Miss Jones are sent to an outlying part of the islands to run a hospital; on their return, their motorboat breaks down, and they are marooned overnight on a small island.
Jornada Sinistra
Original Music Composer
Madeline Goddard, is a British double agent who meets and falls in love with a German spy Baron Karl Von Marwitz during World War I. This tale of espionage blends high adventure and romance making perfect order from wartime chaos and growing in faith from despair.
Fogo Sobre a Inglaterra
Durante o reino da Rainha Elizabeth I, na Inglaterra, as tensões militares com a Espanha são evidentes. Em meio a um ambiente de amor e guerra, um espião é enviado à Península Ibérica para investigar possíveis suspeitos e futuros ataques ao seu país.
Farewell Again
Original Music Composer
Farewell Again is a multiplotted British comedy/drama about soldiers on leave and the people they've left. Given a six-hour pass after a tour of duty in India, several British Tommies (among them Robert Newton, Sebastian Shaw and Anthony Bushell) try to unravel their domestic tribulations before having to ship out again. American expatriate Tim Whelan was the directorial hand who kept the various plot threads from entangling, while another Hollywood vet, James Wong Howe, manned the cameras. The film became instantly dated with the advent of World War II, but in its own time Farewell Again was a box-office smash. The film was issued in the US as Troopship.
The Amateur Gentleman
A former boxing champion, now an innkeeper, is accused of stealing a watch from a party of guests at his inn, who happen to be members of English royalty. The old man is arrested and thrown in prison. His son, knowing that his father didn't steal the watch and suspecting a frame-up, follows the royal party to London, where he poses as a wealthy "gentleman" and insinuates himself into the English court in an effort to find out who framed his father and why.
His Lordship
The commoner is a happy cockney plumber by the name of Bert Gibbs. Bert comes into contact with the celebrated Russian movie star Ilya Myona. Desperate for publicity and aware that nobility make for good copy, Ilya persuades Bert to pose as her fiancé (with the possibility of persuading him to go through with the marriage if need be). Things are complicated by a pair of anarchic Bolsheviks, one of whom has a daughter named Lenina who knows Bert from his plumber days and is quite in love with him.