Peter Kaboth


A community maintains its peace, with everything working according to fixed rules. However, two members dare to break their structures.
A community maintains its peace, with everything working according to fixed rules. However, two members dare to break their structures.
A community maintains its peace, with everything working according to fixed rules. However, two members dare to break their structures.
A community maintains its peace, with everything working according to fixed rules. However, two members dare to break their structures.
Lissi no Reino dos Malucos
Animation Director
Dos mesmos autores que deixaram os criadores de SHRECK e A IDADE DO GELO à beira de um ataque de nervos! A Imperatriz Lissi e o seu apaixonado Franz vivem felizes num tranquilo palácio, onde a valsa e a paixão se misturam com os seus divertidos e tresloucados servos. Mas a sua vida vê-se alterada quando o Yeti sequestra Lissi e o valente Imperador Franz tem que partir para a resgatar, apesar do perigo que a missão encerra. Decidido a salvar a sua romântica princesa e trazê-la de novo para o palácio, Franz terá de enfrentar o horripilante, embora terno, abominável homem das neves, descobrindo um segredo muito, muito especial. Uma divertida comédia para todas as idades"
The main action in this film is the pair of people falling gently from the sky. We never see their final impact, or even how they come to be falling in the first place, but we are privy to the reactions, or lack there of, from all the by-standers below.
The main action in this film is the pair of people falling gently from the sky. We never see their final impact, or even how they come to be falling in the first place, but we are privy to the reactions, or lack there of, from all the by-standers below.