Director of Photography
Viena, 2 de março de 1998. A jovem Natascha Kampusch de 10 anos é arrastada para dentro de uma van pelo engenheiro de telecomunicações Wolfgang Priklopil enquanto ia para a escola. O sequestrador não quer resgate, ele quer apenas possuí-la. Embaixo de sua casa numa zona residencial de classe média, Priklopil construiu uma cela secreta para aprisioná-la. Baseado na história real de Natascha Kampusch.
Desde a invenção do cinema, o formato padrão para gravar imagens em movimento tem sido o filme. Nas últimas duas décadas, surgiu uma nova forma de filmagem digital, criando uma evolução inovadora no meio. Keanu Reeves explora o desenvolvimento do cinema e o impacto do cinema digital por meio de entrevistas aprofundadas com mestres de Hollywood, como James Cameron, David Fincher, David Lynch, Christopher Nolan, Martin Scorsese, George Lucas, Steven Soderbergh e muitos outros.
This absolutely top-notch documentary by Robert Fischer is a fascinating look back at not just the film in question, but Fassbinder's meteoric career which ended all too soon with his untimely death. Archival footage of Fassbinder is utilized (including several fascinating snippets culled from interviews he did at the disastrous Cannes premiere of Despair), as well as many others involved in the film and its release. Even if you're not a particular fan of Despair, or even in fact of Fassbinder, this is stellar documentary film making and is an intriguing look at one of the most enigmatic masters of the New German Cinema.
A retrospective look at the making of "World on a Wire".
A retrospective look at the making of "World on a Wire".
Faultlessly fitting tuxedo, hair slicked back, a cheeky look and Max Raabe sings the best of the 20s and early 30s with amusing nostalgia. The ironic lyrics suit the times today as much they did eighty years ago. The movie features a February 2009 performance from Max Raabe & The Palast Orchester in Berlin, Germany’s Admiralpalast.
By accompanying 20 very different individuals in today's Berlin, cinematographer Michael Ballhaus and filmmaker Ciro Cappellari sketch a portrait of a modern, stimulating metropolis.
By accompanying 20 very different individuals in today's Berlin, cinematographer Michael Ballhaus and filmmaker Ciro Cappellari sketch a portrait of a modern, stimulating metropolis.
By accompanying 20 very different individuals in today's Berlin, cinematographer Michael Ballhaus and filmmaker Ciro Cappellari sketch a portrait of a modern, stimulating metropolis.
Vera Tschechowa, actress and filmmaker and a close friend of Michael Ballhaus. One of Germany's stars of cinematography, embarks on the journey through my life. The film begins in the US and Hollywood - where Ballhaus established his international fame,
This is not merely another film about cinema history; it is a film about the love of cinema, a journey of discovery through over a century of German film history. Ten people working in film today remember their favourite films of yesteryear.
A documentary about the life of Karlheinz Böhm from his film career to his charity activities in Ethiopia.
Filmmaker Jonas Mekas follows his friend, film director Martin Scorsese, and his cast and crew, through various locations during the shooting of his film The Departed, released in 2006.
Director of Photography
Billy Costigan, um jovem policial, recebe a missão de se infiltrar na máfia, mais especificamente no grupo comandado por Frank Costello. Billy conquista sua confiança ao mesmo tempo em que Colin Sullivan, um criminoso que atuou na polícia como informante de Costello, também ascende dentro da corporação. Tanto Billy quanto Colin se sentem aflitos devido à vida dupla que levam. Mas quando a máfia e a polícia descobrem que há um espião entre eles, a vida de ambos passa a correr perigo.
110 of the world's top cinematographers discuss the art of how and why films look the way they do.
Director of Photography
Quando Harry Sanborn, um homem já envelhecido. e sua jovem namorada Marin chegam à casa de sua família de praia nos Hamptons, eles descobrem que a mãe dela, a dramaturga Erica Barry, também pretende ficar para o fim de semana. Erica se escandaliza com o relacionamento e o machismo de Harry. Porém quando Harry tem um ataque cardíaco e um médico prescreve repouso na casa de Barry, ele se apaixona por Erica.
Director of Photography
Molly Gunn nunca trabalhou um dia na vida e vive como uma rainha desde que seu pai, um famoso astro do rock, morreu e lhe deixou sua fortuna. Mas tudo muda quando Molly percebe que seu empresário roubou seu dinheiro. Ela arranja um emprego como babá de Ray, uma menina cuja atitude séria é o oposto de Molly. Com a ajuda de seu namorado, Neal, ela tenta criar um vínculo com Ray para aprender a amadurecer.
Director of Photography
William Cutting é o líder de uma gangue violenta na Nova York do século 19 que confronta seus rivais. Um jovem jura se vingar do perverso gângster que matou seu pai, mas fica dividido entre a sede de vingança e o fascínio pelo carismático Cutting.
Though he never actually worked in Hollywood, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, who died in 1982 at the age of 36, was influenced greatly by Amercian studio films of the 1950s and the convention of melodrama (the link most often mentioned is Douglas Sirk).
Twenty-five years after the death of Holger Meins, filmmaker and former student friend of the deceased, Gerd Conradt takes an in-depth look at the helmsman of the Baader-Meinhof gang. Who was Holger Meins? What led him into the underground? What circumstances resulted in his death, a death which made him the declared symbol of the radical opposition in Germany? What remains of his legacy?
Director of Photography
Um jogador de golfe desiludido tenta recuperar o seu swing e restabelecer a sua confiança com a ajuda de um misterioso caddy que surge do nada. O carregador de tacos que cobra apenas US$ 5 faz com que ele enfrente desafios e encontre sentido na vida.
Director of Photography
Anywhere in the world, 20 years from now. Underground. Watch out for the signs...
Director of Photography
O alienígena Harold (Shandling) é enviado à Terra para salvar seu planeta que é habitado apenas por homens. Sua missão é procriar com uma terráquea. Mas ele está mundos de compreender o sexo oposto. E, a cada mulher que conhece, ele passa por uma dificuldade técnica: seu “membro” faz um zunido quando ele está excitado. E o seu estranho comportamento social não ajuda em nada. Despertando as suspeitas de um oficial (John Goodman) e seu desleal colega de trabalho (Greg Kinnear), a missão de Harold parece impossível. Mas as aventuras amorosas desse divertido extraterrestre passam a ter uma nova perspectiva quando ele conhece a Srta. Right (Annette Bening).
Director of Photography
Quando o presidente Ulysses S. Grant fica sabendo que o diabólico inventor Arliss Loveless planeja assassiná-lo e conquistar os Estados Unidos com suas máquinas modernas, ele encarrega James West, o herói da Guerra Civil americana, e o militar Artemus Gordon de capturá-lo. A personalidade dos dois nem sempre combina, mas a dupla consegue trabalhar junto. Com a ajuda de uma mulher misteriosa, West e Gordon chegam a Loveless.
Executive Producer
Um homem acorda e descobre uma camisa ensanguentada em casa. Seu chefe foi assassinado na noite anterior, e ele não consegue se lembrar de nada. Esta ficção científica explora a possibilidade sinistra e assustadora de universos simulados por computadores, onde as pessoas apenas acreditam que são reais.
Director of Photography
Jovem idealista junta-se ao comitê para eleger Jack Stanton, governador de estado do sul do Estados Unidos que, ao longo da campanha, comprova sua fama de sedutor incorrigível, causando grandes problemas para seus colaboradores mais próximos.
Cameraman (uncredited)
Eddie Adams (Mark Wahlberg) é um jovem de 17 anos sexualmente bem-dotado. Ele é descoberto por Jack Horner (Burt Reynolds), um diretor veterano que o transforma em Dirk Diggler, uma celebridade da subcultura do mundo pornô no apogeu dos anos 1970. O sucesso faz com que Eddie se envolva no mundo das drogas e a súbita fama pode ter seu preço.
Director of Photography
Ao visitar a Rússia, o presidente americano faz um pronunciamento de nunca ceder às exigências de terroristas. Quando o presidente volta para casa em companhia de sua família, alguns partidários de um ditador preso pelos EUA assumem o controle do avião e exigem a libertação de seu líder. Caso contrário, matarão a mulher e a filha do presidente. Ele precisa escolher entre negociar com os terroristas e negar o que pregou, ou decidir não negociar e ver sua família ser assassinada.
Director of Photography
Quatro garotos da periferia de Nova York são condenados a passar um ano em um centro correcional depois de um trote malsucedido. Trinta anos depois, se reencontram e têm a chance de se vingar das surras e humilhações sofridas durante a detenção.
Director of Photography
Um médico do Exército e sua equipe lutam para salvar os habitantes de uma pequena cidade americana contra a propagação de um vírus mortal e contagioso trazido da África por um macaco que foi levado de forma clandestina para a Califórnia, nos Estados Unidos. O contágio é rápido e o Exército coloca a cidade sob quarentena. Mas quando um cientista do Exército tenta ajudar a população, ele é inexplicavelmente afastado do caso.
Director of Photography
Programa de perguntas e respostas na TV, nos anos 1950, é investigado e se descobre que, visando a audiência, produtores passam a dar as respostas a um jovem de família rica, que passa a ganhar de um rapaz judeu muito mais inteligente.
Director of Photography
Matt Hobbs é um ator respeitável, que vive uma má-fase profissional. As coisas se complicam quando sua mulher decide abandonar o casamento e sua filha de 6 anos, fazendo-o mudar completamente de vida.
Director of Photography
Triângulo amoroso entre membros da alta sociedade na Nova York de 1870. Um homem nobre se casa com uma moça bem educada e bonita, porém sem charme, e acaba se apaixonando por uma mulher independente com um passado escandaloso.
A documentary about the life and work of director Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
Director of Photography
O vampiro Conde Drácula vem à Inglaterra atrás de quem ele acredita ser sua antiga paixão, de quando ainda era um mortal.
Cameramen and women discuss the craft and art of cinematography and of the "DP" (the director of photography), illustrating their points with clips from 100 films, from Birth of a Nation to Do the Right Thing. Themes: the DP tells people where to look; changes in movies (the arrival of sound, color, and wide screens) required creative responses from DPs; and, these artisans constantly invent new equipment and try new things, with wonderful results. The narration takes us through the identifiable studio styles of the 30s, the emergence of noir, the New York look, and the impact of Europeans. Citizen Kane, The Conformist, and Gordon Willis get special attention.
A documentary about the making of director Martin Scorsese's 1993 film adaptation of Edith Wharton's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Age of Innocence. It features a conversation between Scorsese and the star of the film, Daniel Day Lewis, as well as rare behind-the-scenes footage.
Director of Photography
Dois irmãos aventureiros abandonam Havana e partem para Nova York em busca de sucesso como astros da música. No caminho para a fama, eles conhecem várias pessoas que cruzam seus destinos, trazendo alegrias e tristezas.
Short documentary on the making of Francis Ford Coppola's "Dracula" (1992).
Director of Photography
Leo Marvin (Richard Dreyfuss) é um psiquiatra que atravessa o momento mais importante da carreira. Leo acabou de lançar o livro "O Passo do Bebê" e está prestes a ser entrevistado pela televisão, mas sua vida é tumultuada quando lhe é passado um paciente (Bill Murray) extremamente inseguro, que quando descobre que seu terapeuta vai sair de férias fica desesperado e usa diversos ardis para descobrir onde seu médico está passando férias com a família. Quando ele chega ao local o psiquiatra fica irritado, mas em contrapartida toda a família dele se simpatiza rapidamente com este paciente neurótico mas extremamente amável, que sempre diz que está indo embora mas retorna pelos motivos mais diversos, deixando o terapeuta totalmente descontrolado.
Director of Photography
Nos anos 50, David Merrill é um cineasta chamado a prestar depoimento para um comitê que investiga atividades ligadas ao regime comunista, mas se nega a cooperar porque não quer prejudicar um amigo. Ele é incluído na lista que circula em Hollywood e que cita nomes de profissionais suspeitos de ter relações com o comunismo e não devem ser contratados. Surge o dilema: ajudar o amigo ou retomar sua carreira?
Director of Photography
The Immaculate Collection is the first commercially released greatest videos compilation by singer Madonna. Released on November 13, 1990 to accompany the audio CD, it contained hits spanning 1983-1990. The collection won "Best Long Form Video" category at the 1991 MTV Video Music Awards. Includes the following videos: 1. Lucky Star 2. Borderline 3. Like a Virgin 4. Material Girl 5. Papa Don't Preach 6. Open Your Heart 7. La Isla Bonita 8. Like a Prayer 9. Express Yourself 10. Cherish 11. Oh Father 12. Vogue 13. Vogue (1990 MTV Awards Show Performance)
Director of Photography
A atriz de Hollywood Suzanne Vale, viciada em drogas, está quase no fundo do poço. Depois de uma passagem por um centro de desintoxicação a produtora do filme insiste como uma condição para continuar: que ela viva com sua mãe Doris Mann, uma antiga estrela e agora uma alcoólatra. Esse exigência é uma má notícia para Suzanne que tem lutado por anos para sair da sombra de sua mãe, que quando a encontra ainda a trata como uma criança. Apesar desses problemas - e muitos outros mais com os homens em sua vida - Suzanne começa a ver o lado engraçado dessa situação, e também lhe ocorre que não só as filhas têm mãe, mães também tem mãe.
Director of Photography
Um jovem cresce na máfia e trabalha arduamente para crescer entre seus companheiros. Ele gosta da vida de dinheiro e luxo, mas não liga para o horror que provoca. Infelizmente, a dependência de drogas e alguns erros finalmente destroem sua escalada até o topo. Baseado no livro Wiseguy por Nicholas Pileggi.
Providing behind the scenes footage of the director on set with clips from his own films, Martin Scorsese Directs depicts to riveting effect the way Scorsese brings the written story to life on the big screen. Additional interviews with the likes of Joe Pesci, Harvey Keitel, Thelma Schoonmaker, the director’s own parents, and others build a perception of Scorsese that not everybody knows.
Director of Photography
Frank (Beau Bridges) e Jack (Jeff Bridges) são dois irmãos de Seattle que tocam piano juntos desde a infância. Seus shows em bares estão cada vez mais perdendo público e, com isso, eles cada vez menos são chamados para tocar. Na tentativa de reerguer o show, decidem contratar uma cantora para participar do número deles. Após testar sem sucesso 37 candidatas, a dupla acaba encontrando Susie Diamond (Michelle Pfeiffer), uma mulher sensual, desbocada e agressiva que acaba se envolvendo com Jack e cria atritos entre os irmãos.
Director of Photography
Tess McGill tem tudo para subir na vida. Charme, beleza e ambição. Menos as roupas certas, o penteado certo, a atitude certa e o mais importante: o emprego certo. Mas ela não desiste facilmente. Mesmo que tenha que fazer o jogo do sistema e da sedução. Aliada ao belo Jack Trainer, essa simples secretária vai provar que vale tudo para se chegar ao topo.
Director of Photography
Lawrence Jamieson (Michael Caine) é um trambiqueiro de classe que vive na Riviera francesa seduzindo milionárias americanas de meia idade. Seu estilo de vida passa a ser ameaçado após a chegada de Freddy Benson (Steve Martin), um vigarista folgado e bem menos sofisticado que também quer aplicar golpes no local. Após muita insistência, Freddy consegue convencer Jamieson a lhe ensinar alguns truques, mas logo ambos passam a disputar os mesmos alvos. Cansados da disputa, eles resolvem fazer uma aposta: Quem conseguir US$ 50 mil da primeira milionária que aparecer no local vence, com o derrotado tendo que deixar a Riviera.
Director of Photography
Jesus (Willem Dafoe) é um carpinteiro que vive um grande dilema, pois é quem faz as cruzes com as quais os romanos crucificam seus oponentes. Resumindo, Jesus se sente como um judeu que mata judeus. Vivendo um terrível conflito interior ele decide ir para o deserto, mas antes pede perdão a Maria Madalena (Barbara Hershey), que se irrita com Jesus, pois não se comporta como uma prostituta e sim como uma mulher que quer sentir um homem ao seu lado. Ao retornar, Jesus volta convencido de que é o filho de Deus e logo salva Maria Madalena de ser apedrejada e morta. Então reúne doze discípulos à sua volta e prega o amor, mas seus ensinamentos são encarados como algo ameaçador, então é preso e condenado a morrer na cruz. Já crucificado, é tentado a imaginar como teria sido sua vida se fosse uma pessoa comum.
Director of Photography
Emily Crane is fired after refusing to give names to a 1951 House Un-American Activities Committee, and takes a part-time job as companion to an old lady. One day her attention is drawn to a noisy argument being conducted largely in German in a neighbouring house, the more so since one of those involved is her main senator prosecutor. Starting to look into things, she gradually enlists the help of FBI officer Cochran who was initially detailed to check her out. Just as well when things turn nasty
Director of Photography
Juanita Hutchins works at Texas bar, but she aspires to be a country songwriter. When she's not looking after her impulsive daughter, Candy, or vouching for her promiscuous friend, Doris Steadman, she's trying to maintain some semblance of a romantic life. As Juanita prepares to make the leap to Nashville, her former boyfriend, Slick Henderson, returns to town, further complicating her situation.
Director of Photography
m Washington D.C., a produtora (Holly Hunter) do telejornal de uma grande rede tenta manter um alto padrão de qualidade, apesar de ter que se virar de alguma maneira para aceitar o mais elegante âncora da rede, que representa tudo que ela odeia em notícia. Porém, mesmo assim ela se apaixona por ele. Quem vê tudo isto de perto é um colega de trabalho que é um ótimo profissional (mas não fotografa bem) e melhor amigo dela, além de ser por ela apaixonado, apesar de não revelar este amor.
Director of Photography
Tom analisa seu relacionamento com a mãe e a irmã. Todos foram abandonados pelo pai há 16 anos. Tom tem um emprego sem perspectivas, a mãe quer a estabilidade do passado e se preocupa com o futuro da filha, que tem uma deficiência física.
Documentary about the shooting of BOURBON STREET BLUES.
Director of Photography
Veterano de bilhar conhece jovem e promissor jogador, vê nele uma versão mais nova de si mesmo e se oferece para ensinar os truques do ofício. O jovem aceita e sai em turnê pelo país com a namorada e o veterano. Logo surgem conflitos entre eles.
Director of Photography
Two friends from Miami are in the French Riviera enjoying life by scamming money off of rich women. One day, they read about a young woman set to inherit $50 million from her father. At first, Tricky has Christopher Tracy talked into romancing her for her money, but in getting to know her, Christopher falls in love with her. This love comes between the brothers, and Tricky tells about the plan.
Playwright Arthur Miller, director Volker Schlöndorff and actor Dustin Hoffman are seen creating the Roxbury Productions and Punch Productions teleplay Death of a Salesman (1985).
Director of Photography
Em um café de Manhattan, o processador de texto Paul Hackett se reúne e fala de literatura com Marcy. Mais tarde naquela noite, Paul pega um táxi para o apartamento de Marcy no centro da cidade. Sua nota de 20 dólares voa para fora da janela durante a corrida anunciando a noite inesperada que ele terá. Ele não pode pagar pela corrida e encontra-se em uma série de situações embaraçosas e com risco de morte.
Director of Photography
Willy Loman passou toda sua vida acreditando que ele e sua família atingiriam o poder, seriam ricos e muito felizes. Porém, lutando dia a dia como um caixeiro viajante, ele está prestes a perder seu emprego. Willy não consegue mais pagar suas contas e começa a perder o senso de realidade derivando por coisas de seu passado e mergulhando em uma crise profunda e desesperadora. Enquanto isso, toda sua família, Linda sua esposa e seus filhos Biff e Happy, tentam lutar contra sua autodestruição e os fantasmas de seu passado.
Director of Photography
Blue, a yet-to-be discovered painter, is left by his longtime girlfriend because she considers him too immature for a lasting relationship. Eli, Blue's best friend, works for his father's garment business and is still searching for a woman who's interesting enough to spend more than one night with. Blue and Eli's friendship is put to the test when they both fall for Liliane, Blue's exotic gallerist.
Director of Photography
Lonnie Sloan, de 12 anos, é uma garota rica e próspera de Nova York e Karen Bruckner é a garota mais comum e pobre de Nova York. Acontece que elas se conheceram um dia na rua de seu bairro e se deram bem.
Director of Photography
The bandoneon player Daniel and the boxer Toni arrive independently from each other in a provincial town in Latin America where they are booked to perform at a folk festival. Both of them are completely apolitical but are forced by external circumstances to take a political position. Toni falls in love with the daughter of an influential attorney but has to keep his love a secret. Meanwhile, Daniel learns about the atrocities committed by the Junta from the town’s residents.
Director of Photography
Rebellious footballer Johnny, falls for cheerleader Tracy. They come from opposite backgrounds; she's from a comfortable well off family, he is poor and broken. Tracy already has a boyfriend but he acts like a jerk, so Johnny has to win Tracy's heart - something she seems reluctant to let him do.
Director of Photography
Edith runs a left-wing journal and when her marriage starts to fall apart (her husband is unfaithful), she can find no solace in her son who is more of a problem than an asset. On top of heading toward a divorce and being unable to handle her son's asocial tendencies, her neurotic uncle moves in, demanding personalized care. Just to keep her sanity intact, Edith starts writing in her diary to vent her own feelings and ambitions. As her son goes from bad to worse over a five-year period, it turns out that Edith's diary may be of more benefit than she could have ever imagined. In this adaptation of Edith's Diary by Patricia Highsmith, director and writer Hans W. Geissendoerfer has maintained Highsmith's psychologically tormented characters while changing the location and time of her story from the U.S. of the 1960s to Germany in the early 1980s.
Director of Photography
In a 1966 New Jersey high school, Jill and new student Sheik from the other side of the tracks make their way in a first love romance.
Director of Photography
Olga and Ruth become friends. Olga is independent, separated from her husband, living with an immigrant pianist, and teaching feminist literature. Ruth is withdrawn, a painter, possibly mentally ill. Ruth dreams in black and white, sometimes of her suicide. Olga lectures on a 19th-century writer, von Günderrode, a suicide after the breakup of her intense friendship with Bettina Brentano. Ruth's husband Franz encourages the women's friendship, then, as Olga draws Ruth out and the friendship deepens, he becomes jealous. After the women travel to Egypt, Franz has a tirade. Ruth seems crushed between her husband and her friend, and how she responds is the film's climax.
Director of Photography
Ruby Dennis is an middle-aged man with an unfulfilled ambition as a singer. As he begins to pursue that ambition, his family falls apart.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Hans Castorp, fresh from university and about to become a civil engineer, comes to the Sanatorium Berghof in the Swiss Alps to visit his cousin Joachim, an army officer, who is recovering there from tuberculosis. Intending to remain at the Berghof for three weeks, Hans is gradually contaminated by the morbid atmosphere pervading the place. Wishing very much to be considered a patient like the others, he achieves his ends and stays in the sanatorium for years. During this time, he has enough time to take part in the furious philosophical debates pitting against each other Settembrini, a secular humanist, and Naphta, a totalitarian Jesuit. And to fall in love with the beautiful but enigmatic Clawdia Chauchat. When he is finally discharged in 1914 - along with all the other patients - it is only to plunge into the horrors of World War I.
Director of Photography
Film extras take possession of a bogus film production company and acting as ideal world of film to persuade one associates mother-in-law of marriage.
Director of Photography
Two life stories. That of Malou, a French woman, married to a German Jew, a refugee stranded in South America: a picture of the pre-war generation reflected in the unusual destiny of an individual woman. And that of Hannah, an alert, independent, modern woman, seeking after freedom and her own identity, and trying in present-day Berlin to save her shaky marriage.
Additional Photography
Ao gravar a canção "Lili Marlene", Wilkie (Hanna Schygulla) se torna a cantora mais popular da Alemanha de Hitler. Mas mesmo no auge da fama, não encontra a felicidade por viver um amor proibido com Robert (Giancarlo Giannini), um músico judeu que participa da resistência contra os nazistas. Baseado na autobiografia da cantora Lale Andersen.
Director of Photography
A small carnival is in dire financial straits. Their show is attracting fewer and fewer paying customers, as their "attractions" are ageing, out of shape and beset by internal feuds and bickering. One day a beautiful young woman shows up and suggests a way of attracting customers: put on a strip show, with her as the main attraction. Her act attracts customers in droves, but it turns out that the girl has her own agenda, and it isn't to help out the carnival.
Director of Photography
This movie is about the liberation by the Sandinistas of the Anastasio Somoza regime in NIcaragua. The movie covers some of te key points in the fight for León, a city close to the capital Managua, and the first liberated territory. Many of the inhabitants of León who participated in the guerrilla and members of the sandinista army participated in the film.
Director of Photography
Follows a woman, Lotte, who travels through Germany and seeks human connections, but is unsuccessful as every person she encounters is locked into his own world. Based on the play by Botho Strauß.
Director of Photography
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Maria e Hermann Braun se casam apressadamente, mas ficam juntos menos de 24 horas porque Hermann precisa voltar à frente de batalha. Ao final da guerra, ele é dado como desaparecido. Maria se emprega em um bar, conhece um soldado americano e fica grávida. Certa noite, Hermann volta para a casa e a surpreende com o soldado. Enfurecido, ele os agride e acaba sendo preso. Pouco depois, Maria vai trabalhar para um homem de negócios, sendo sua secretária e confidente. Ao sair da prisão, Hermann decide tentar a sorte em outro país. Alguns anos mais tarde, ele e Maria se reencontram e procuram esclarecer seu trágico passado.
Director of Photography
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Maria e Hermann Braun se casam apressadamente, mas ficam juntos menos de 24 horas porque Hermann precisa voltar à frente de batalha. Ao final da guerra, ele é dado como desaparecido. Maria se emprega em um bar, conhece um soldado americano e fica grávida. Certa noite, Hermann volta para a casa e a surpreende com o soldado. Enfurecido, ele os agride e acaba sendo preso. Pouco depois, Maria vai trabalhar para um homem de negócios, sendo sua secretária e confidente. Ao sair da prisão, Hermann decide tentar a sorte em outro país. Alguns anos mais tarde, ele e Maria se reencontram e procuram esclarecer seu trágico passado.
Director of Photography
The intertwined lives of people of both Polish and German extraction who live on the pre-World War II border between the two countries are explored in this drama. Valeska is the Polish/German matriarch of a family living on the German side of the border. Her son is involved with the Hitler youth, but nonetheless keeps secret the presence on family land of a Jew who is hiding from the authorities. When the son inadvertently kills a soldier to prevent his sister from being raped, he runs away after borrowing money from the Jewish man. When soldiers come to the family's door looking for the missing soldier who had been billeted there, the Jewish man commits suicide. In another episode, one of the family's daughters marries a German soldier in a ceremony presided over by a Polish priest.
Director of Photography
An adaptation of Tennessee Williams' "The Lady Larkspur Lotion" created by Douglas Sirk with the assistance of his film students and Rainer Werner Fassbinder. It depicts the conflict between a dreamy, delusional heroine and her brusque, practical landlady, who wants to kick her out of her apartment.
Director of Photography
Documentary film.
Dr. Müller
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Berlim, década de 1930, durante a ascensão do nazismo. Hermann Hermann, um emigrante russo e fabricante de chocolate, casado com a caprichosa Lydia, perde cada vez mais a calma nas suas relações com os seus trabalhadores e outros empresários; até conhecer Felix, um vagabundo, que parece ser fisicamente idêntico a ele; um facto desconcertante que leva Hermann Hermann a traçar um caminho particular para sair de um mundo falso que ele realmente odeia.
Director of Photography
Germany in Autumn does not have a plot per se; it mixes documentary footage, along with standard movie scenes, to give the audience the mood of Germany during the late 1970s. The movie covers the two month time period during 1977 when a businessman was kidnapped, and later murdered, by the left-wing terrorists known as the RAF-Rote Armee Fraktion (Red Army Fraction). The businessman had been kidnapped in an effort to secure the release of the orginal leaders of the RAF, also known as the Baader-Meinhof gang. When the kidnapping effort and a plane hijacking effort failed, the three most prominent leaders of the RAF, Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, and Jan-Carl Raspe, all committed suicide in prison. It has become an article of faith within the left-wing community that these three were actually murdered by the state.
Director of Photography
The lackluster and plodding Bolweiser has the (mis)fortune to be married to the town’s siren; his trusting nature leads him into serious trouble when she beds nearly every available guy.
Director of Photography
The main characters in this film are wives of rich men who have nothing to do because they have staff – like the cook, the maid, the hairdresser, the manicurist, the governess, the teacher, the tailor etc. – who work for them. Naturally, the wives themselves do not pursue careers, they depend on their husbands’ money. This is why most of their thoughts revolve around the husband. And because the husband only appears as “the” man, there is no man in this film. All women fight for the same man. Those who have one, want to keep him no matter what. And those who do not have one yet only have one goal: To take away somebody else’s husband.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Documentary film.
Director of Photography
When Hitler watches Marlene Dietrich in a movie, he falls in love with her. He persuades her to come back to Germany to be with him, but upon her arrival she constantly insults and provokes him until he eventually, on her command, bites the carpet to bits.
Director of Photography
A husband and wife lie to each other about their weekend travel plans, only to both show up at the family's country house with their lovers.
This fast-paced black comedy by wunderkind director Rainer Werner Fassbinder follows the frantic efforts of a starving and confused writer, Walter Kranz to beg, borrow or steal enough money to survive on, and at the same time make some sense of his confusing life. Unable to write enough to keep his publisher's royalty advances coming, he seeks out a woman he imagines is a prostitute and interviews her for material. He is also inspired to utter some poetry, which his brassy, outspoken wife identifies as coming from the famous homosexuality-advocating mystical German poet, Stefan George. This inspires Walter to take a closer look at the gay scene, and he quickly becomes a sort of celebrity there.
Director of Photography
This fast-paced black comedy by wunderkind director Rainer Werner Fassbinder follows the frantic efforts of a starving and confused writer, Walter Kranz to beg, borrow or steal enough money to survive on, and at the same time make some sense of his confusing life. Unable to write enough to keep his publisher's royalty advances coming, he seeks out a woman he imagines is a prostitute and interviews her for material. He is also inspired to utter some poetry, which his brassy, outspoken wife identifies as coming from the famous homosexuality-advocating mystical German poet, Stefan George. This inspires Walter to take a closer look at the gay scene, and he quickly becomes a sort of celebrity there.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
The story of the young man Peter, who grew up during the economic miracle, bereft of parental care and love. Learning early on that interpersonal relationships are based on the principles of exchange or purchase, he abides by these rules and gives generous presents to his family and his wife Erika. But when he is unable to keep up this life-style, his story takes a horrendous turn ...
Director of Photography
The western film that was filmed in Bavaria is located in the Montana Mountains. At the end of the 19th century, an Indian Boy called Tschetan meets the shepherd Alaska in the Montana Mountains. Alaska prevents him from being hanged as a cattle thief but from then on engages him as a deputy shepherd and forces him to do hard work. But when they have to fight against a powerful stock farmer together, they eventually become friends.
Director of Photography
A group of people from the wealthy middle class in engage in quasi intellectual quarrels and discussions trying to find some meaning in their comfortable and indolent life. Adaptation of the play by Maxim Gorky.
Director of Photography
Corinna witnesses how three guys chase and shoot a man in front of her lonesome house. As only witness, they force her to come with them and care for the guy's wound. But she manages to flee shortly after and takes Blondi to a doctor. He tells her his story, how he used to smuggle drugs, but one day fled with a suitcase full of money. Corinna inexplicably falls in love with him and decides to accompany him on his further flight. But the villains are close behind them.
Director of Photography
After a worker kills a superior and commits suicide, each of his family members attempts to forge a path forward in life.
Director of Photography
Franz Biberkopf é um gay pobre, que viaja com um circo. Consegue ganhar na loteria um milhão de marcos e atrai a atenção de um rapaz que está apenas interessado em seu dinheiro. Será que eles continuarão juntos após acabar a grana?
Director of Photography
A commissioned work for a television series on WDR, A House for Us. FROM THE FAMILY OF REPTILES and THE ISLAND are a complete program in two episodes. After all with Michael Ballhaus as the cinematographer.
Ute (Katja Wulff), an 8 year old girl, constantly runs away from home and the youth center to escape into her own world. She spends many hours at the zoo and especially in front of the crocodil compound. Monika Brehm (Lisa Kreuzer), the kindergarten teacher, tries to find an entrance into Ute’s world. She realizes that her escapes are a form of withdrawal from her parents and the grown up world.
Director of Photography
A commissioned work for a television series on WDR, A House for Us. FROM THE FAMILY OF REPTILES and THE ISLAND are a complete program in two episodes.
Monika manages to convince Mr. and Mrs. Hagedorn that their daughter is not mischievous or insidious but that her parents should consult a Psychotherapist with her. But as usual all the therapists are booked out and have a long waiting list for patients. So Ute is left alone once more with her helpless parents and she is more and more drawn to the zoo and her beloved crocodiles. Thanks to Monika’s sense of responsibility and her commitment, Ute manages to break free from her isolation.
Director of Photography
A couple (Karin Thome and Eberhard Klasse), whose relationship can't hold up to the pressure of their financial and career problems, only have their child left as the remaining connecting link. But even their child becomes a pawn in their egoistic power games and possessiveness. The crisis reaches a peak first then, when the husband finds out about an affair that the wife is having and sets out to claim the same rights for himself. This takes him to New York, where he settles. The wife gets her hands on all the cash reserves and follows him there. In spite of the new location, they still remain a couple with a disturbed and insensitive miscommunication, that instinctively cling even more to each other in the new and alienating environment.
Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
After the death of her abusive father, lonely librarian Martha is caught in a strange, sadomasochistic relationship with a monstrous husband whom she begins to suspect may be trying to murder her.
Director of Photography
After the death of her abusive father, lonely librarian Martha is caught in a strange, sadomasochistic relationship with a monstrous husband whom she begins to suspect may be trying to murder her.
Director of Photography
An antique bed relates passionate stories about various people who have made love on it throughout the decades of the 20th century. Said folks include a sweet young virgin, a sly prostitute who helps a jilted woman get revenge on her unfaithful husband, a German soldier fighting in World War II who's on leave for two hours, and a carefree modern couple.
Director of Photography
Adaptado da peça homônima do próprio Fassbinder, Petra von Kant é uma estilista de sucesso extremamente arrogante e egocêntrica, que tem como única pessoa próxima sua secretária. Num dia, ela se apaixona por uma jovem aspirante à modelo chamada Karin, que vai morar em sua casa e usá-la até não precisar mais.
Director of Photography
The true story of Adele Spitzeder, who started her own private bank in 1870s Bavaria by promising everyone that gave her money high interest rates. Initially dubbed the "Angel of the poor", she was arrested for fraud after the whole scheme collapsed.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Tensions between members of a film crew build while they wait for the arrival of the director and star to arrive on location.
Director of Photography
"Whity" é o mordomo mulato da família Nicholson disfuncional no sudoeste americano em 1878. O pai, Ben Nicholson, tem uma atraente jovem esposa Katherine e dois filhos de um casamento anterior; o homossexual Frank e o retardado Davy. Whity tenta cumprir todas as suas ordens, ainda que humilhantes, até que vários membros da família lhe pedem para matar alguns dos outros.
Director of Photography
Two former lovers start a new relationship.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Brother and sister meet again after 15 years and fall in love with each other.
Director of Photography
A student of chinese languages tries to find a wife.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
The burial of an old woman leads to several complications among family and friends.
Director of Photography
Essentially an extensive travelogue through Greece and its islands, this 103-minute documentary was written, directed, and shot over a two-year period by Wolfgang Mueller-Sehn. Aside from a tour of the scenic and historical wonders of the country, Mueller-Sehn spends a lot of time in Athens examining its famous attractions like the Acropolis. Perhaps over-long at its current running time, this docu introduction to Greece would certainly be ideal for anyone planning a first visit to the country.
Director of Photography
Still Photographer
Num circo decadente, a cortesã Lola Montes (1820-1861) estrela um espetáculo sobre a sua vida de aventuras, marcada pelos romances com o compositor Franz Liszt e o rei Ludwig I da Baviera. Por meio de flashbacks, entramos no universo de memórias dessa fascinante e melancólica personagem.