Mackenzie Gray
Nascimento : 1957-11-22, Toronto, Canada
Mackenzie Gray was born and raised in Toronto. A professional actor for over 40 years, he has appeared in over 150 films and television shows. As of 2017, he is a series regular on the Marvel/FX Series Legion (2017) playing "The Eye" and is a recurring cast member on both the CW series Riverdale (2016) as "The Pathologist" and plays "The Time Master" on DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016).
Since moving to Vancouver in 1998 as a series lead for the television series The Net(1998), he has appeared as a guest star in scores of Vancouver or Calgary-filmed productions, recently including the BBC America/Netflix series Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (2016), Fargo (2014), R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour (2010), Alcatraz(2012), and Project Mc² (2015). He returned to Toronto to Guest-Star in the series Bitten(2014).
Guest-Starring roles include "John Amos" in If There Be Thorns (2015), "David Bowie" in Some Assembly Required (2014), "Lex Luthor" in Season 10 of Smallville (2001), "The Djiin" in Supernatural (2005), "The Observer" in the series finale of Fringe (2008), as the Devil, in the form of Keith Richards, in R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour (2010), as a Southern U.S. Senator opposed to Civil Rights in the mini-series The Kennedys (2011) and as a Graphic Novelist with a dark secret again in R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour(2010).
Other Guest-Star or Lead roles include work on the TV series Human Target (2010), Young Blades (2005), Da Vinci's Inquest (1998), The Collector (2004), First Wave (1998), So Weird (1999), Once Upon a Time (2011), True Justice (2010), The Bridge (2010), Sanctuary (2008), Psych (2006), Kyle XY (2006), The L Word (2004), Romeo! (2003), The Twilight Zone (2002), Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers: To Live and Die in Starlight (2002), Big Sound (2000), Andromeda (2000), Cold Squad (1998), Voyage of the Unicorn (2001) and Welcome to Paradox (1998).
Mackenzie was recently seen on the big screen in Warcraft: The Beginning (2016), and was celebrated around the world for his portrayal of "Jax-Ur" in Warner Brothers' Zack Snyder-directed Superman film Man of Steel (2013). He appeared as the band's Road Manager in Metallica's 3-D IMAX Feature Metallica Through the Never (2013) and appeared in Terry Gilliam's The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009). Other feature film work includes co-starring roles in Grave Encounters (2011), Shooter (2007), Storm Seekers (2009), Riddles of the Sphinx (2008), Destination: Infestation (2007), Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead (2008), Strip Search (1997), Christmas on Chestnut Street (2006), 2103: The Deadly Wake (1997), Word of Honor (2003), The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting(2003), Falling Fire (1997), In Her Mother's Footsteps (2006), Hard Ride to Hell (2010), Shepherd (1998), Fugitives Run (2005), Replikator (1994) and The Long Kiss Goodnight(1996).
He co-produced and acted in the upcoming feature film Heart of Clay (2017), and the award-winning feature film Poe: Last Days of the Raven (2008). Mackenzie has written, produced and directed 7 short films. His Crazy 8's Film Noir short Under the Bridge of Fear(2013) screened at Cannes Court Métrage at The Cannes Film Festival, the Vancouver International Film Festival, the Whistler Film Festival and was broadcast by the CBC. It was nominated for 10 LEO Awards, winning one.
Family man Peter gets more than he paid for when he books a 36-hour session with the sadistic Mistress Satana who seems more intent on making him suffer for his sins. Is it blackmail? Is it torture? Or is it the Devil come for his soul? Will Peter’s faith save him from his own personal Hell or is he already damned? A brilliant depiction of how Kink Culture can heal past trauma and be a source for shocking redemption.
After a routine prison transfer crashes in the forest, young Inuit paramedic Melina finds herself surrounded by murderers with a mere 100 feet to climb out of a ditch to escape. When they are attacked by an unseen force in the forest, Melina's short journey to safety becomes the ultimate contest of wills.
Photographer Allie and Detective Sam's investigation into a priceless stolen necklace leads to danger and an unexpected death.
A tranquila Rose trabalha com roupas de moda feminina, na esperança de ser designer. Um acidente de trânsito danifica seu rosto. Ela recebe tratamento experimental com células-tronco, deixando-a mais forte e mais bonita do que nunca, mas há um efeito colateral.
Ao tentar escrever um artigo para a revista, Emma descobre um romance inesperado com um colega que a apóia, e se encarrega de realizar um milagre de Natal para um artista de rua solitário.
King Kristof
When Carly, secretly a princess, plans Snowden Peak’s Snow Ball with Jesse, their attraction is undeniable. In planning the event, the two make the gala a fundraiser to help infuse much needed resources into the resort. But without a celebrity draw, investors aren’t interested, and Snowden Peak is put up for sale. Will Carly allow her royal identity to be exposed to save the resort?
The Mad Man
A scavenger discovers a valuable artifact deep within an abandoned facility on a desolate planet. Hoping for a big payout, he ventures inside, only to find something much more sinister.
After a random school shootout leaves a scientist's daughter and the shooter dead, he uses nano-robots to look into a psychopath's memories to find reasons for violence and a way to treat it.
Travis Paulson
A runaway bride, Kate, making herself scarce for the holidays, meets a ski patrol rescuer, Jason, at a resort. Her December days begin to brighten, until her parents and jilted fiancé, Alex, show up at the mountain to reset the wedding for Christmas.
Villager with Axe
First in a series of medieval giants. Inspired by the artwork of Jakub Różalski.
George arrives uninvited at his daughter Lily's house. He becomes the life of the party and solves every- one's problems but his own. It's never too late for a coming of age story.
Lordaerian Delegate
A região de Azeroth sempre viveu em paz, até a chegada dos guerreiros Orc. Com a abertura de um portal, eles puderam chegar à nova Terra com a intenção de destruir o povo inimigo. Cada lado da batalha possui um grande herói, e os dois travam uma disputa pessoal, colocando em risco seu povo, sua família e todas as pessoas que amam.
Dr. Hitz
In the year 2204, the Earth has become a dystopian wasteland. In order to maintain strict population levels, any newborn is only permitted to live if another person's life is traded in and a receipt issued. Edward K. Wehling, Jr. sits in Chicago Lying-In Hospital waiting for the birth of his triplets, except he has no receipts to collect them.
John Amos
Após os conturbados acontecimentos familiares, Cathy (Rachael Carpani) e Christopher (Jason Lewis) Dollenganger se estabelecem e começam uma vida normal juntamente com os dois filhos de Cathy, ao menso tão normal quanto sua família pode ser. os dois levam uma vida feliz, até que a mãe deles, Corrine (Heather Graham), decide se mudar para a casa ao lado, na tentativa de restabelecer uma relação com os filhos. Quando o filho mais novo de Cathy, Bart (Mason Cook), encontra com Corrine, a verdade vem a tona e o garoto descobre sobre seus pais que são irmãos e sobre seu avô Malcom, o que leva Bart a desenvolver explosões de psicopatia, as quais diz que é Malcom quem faz, e não ele. .
It's 1949. Marco Dejardin (36) is a waiter at the bustling Starlight Room. He’s handsome, funny, and compassionate. But he lets people walk all over him. All Marco really wants is to marry Elizabeth and create a life together. But he has crippling numbness and stabbing pain in his hands from a degenerative condition. He’s been putting away for a surgery to save the use of his hands, and storing the cash in the company safe. But when Marco needs the money, his bosses can’t pay him out. They’re overextended and need the loot to pay the mob. So aided by his fiancé, Marco decides to rob the safe during the New Year’s Eve party, and take back his surgery fund. Otherwise, he’ll become permanently crippled when his bosses use his savings to pay off the mob.
It's 1949. Marco Dejardin (36) is a waiter at the bustling Starlight Room. He’s handsome, funny, and compassionate. But he lets people walk all over him. All Marco really wants is to marry Elizabeth and create a life together. But he has crippling numbness and stabbing pain in his hands from a degenerative condition. He’s been putting away for a surgery to save the use of his hands, and storing the cash in the company safe. But when Marco needs the money, his bosses can’t pay him out. They’re overextended and need the loot to pay the mob. So aided by his fiancé, Marco decides to rob the safe during the New Year’s Eve party, and take back his surgery fund. Otherwise, he’ll become permanently crippled when his bosses use his savings to pay off the mob.
It's 1949. Marco Dejardin (36) is a waiter at the bustling Starlight Room. He’s handsome, funny, and compassionate. But he lets people walk all over him. All Marco really wants is to marry Elizabeth and create a life together. But he has crippling numbness and stabbing pain in his hands from a degenerative condition. He’s been putting away for a surgery to save the use of his hands, and storing the cash in the company safe. But when Marco needs the money, his bosses can’t pay him out. They’re overextended and need the loot to pay the mob. So aided by his fiancé, Marco decides to rob the safe during the New Year’s Eve party, and take back his surgery fund. Otherwise, he’ll become permanently crippled when his bosses use his savings to pay off the mob.
Allan Swan
It's 1949. Marco Dejardin (36) is a waiter at the bustling Starlight Room. He’s handsome, funny, and compassionate. But he lets people walk all over him. All Marco really wants is to marry Elizabeth and create a life together. But he has crippling numbness and stabbing pain in his hands from a degenerative condition. He’s been putting away for a surgery to save the use of his hands, and storing the cash in the company safe. But when Marco needs the money, his bosses can’t pay him out. They’re overextended and need the loot to pay the mob. So aided by his fiancé, Marco decides to rob the safe during the New Year’s Eve party, and take back his surgery fund. Otherwise, he’ll become permanently crippled when his bosses use his savings to pay off the mob.
Bea Barkley is an eight-year-old horror fanatic with a serious problem: her mom's brought her new boyfriend home to meet the family, and no-one but Bea seems to notice he's a werewolf.
After being stood up by her dream guy, a perpetually single Holly and her best friend Lucy decide to take a stand for women everywhere and hunt him down.
Tall Man
Trip (Dane DeHaan) é um jovem roadie da famosa banda de trash metal Metallica. Ele trabalha nos bastidores dos shows e nem sempre consegue assistir às apresentações. Durante um show do grupo, ele é chamado para solucionar um assunto urgente e irá se deparar com uma série de desafios sobrenaturais.
Annie é uma mulher recém divorciada que se matricula na New Life Fitness, onde rapidamente é motivada e inspirada por seu novo treinador, Alex. No entanto, Alex esconde um segredo que poderá custar caro para Anne, inclusive sua vida..
Um garoto descobre que não é deste planeta e que tem poderes extraordinários. Quando se torna adolescente, viaja para descobrir de onde veio e para o quê foi enviado a fazer. Mas o herói nele deve emergir se quiser salvar o mundo da aniquilação e se tornar o símbolo de esperança para toda a humanidade.
Sarah Montgomery (Sarah Lind) é resgatada por Kane (Steven Seagal), Johnny Garcia (Jessie Hutch) e Mark Simms (Lochlyn Munro), que acabam surpreendidos por bandidos em uma emboscada. Abdul Hassan (Amir Arison), um terrorista egípcio, esconde um artefato misterioso depois de encontrar Milan Saric (Mike Dopud) em um bordel. Kane resolve rastrear os passos de Salim Abboud e envia sua equipe nessa missão. Eles descobrem que Abboud está disposto a pagar 650 milhões de dólares pelo conteúdo misterioso do tal artefato o que, Kane suspeita, pode ser uma arma nuclear. Começa então uma incansável busca para descobrir onde e o que Hassan está escondendo, e evitar que o objeto seja vendido no mercado negro. Décimo filme da série True Justice. Sequência: Tiro Certo
Em Vancouver, a CIA pede para que Elijah Kane (Steven Seagal) e sua equipe derrubem um chefe de gangue de alto nível, envolvido no tráfico de seres humanos, mas a investigação de Kane o leva a uma grande conspiração, envolvendo também o tráfico de órgãos. Oitavo filme da série True Justice. Sequência: Ação Violenta
Houston Gray
A equipe de um reality show que investiga atividades paranormais passa a noite em um hospital psiquiátrico abandonado onde há rumores de fenômenos misteriosos.
While I Breathe is the intimate story of two people affected by human trafficking, and how one chance hour together changes their respective lives forever.
A group of family and friends on a camping trip through the Texas badlands are taken on a on-way ride to Hell after they inadvertently witness a ritual sacrifice at a deserted campsite. Pursued by the devil worshiping biker gang responsible, they hole up in an abandoned church near the border, only to discover that they are pawns in a decades-old battle between good and evil.
Director McGraw
Brace yourself for this mind-blowing battle against one of nature?s most deadly phenomena! Daryl Hannah (Kill Bill Vols. 1 and 2) is a dedicated scientist who reluctantly agrees to fly with a reporter... read more read more... (Dylan Neal, Blood Ties) on a routine storm-seeking mission. But they soon find themselves at the mercy of nature at its most awesome and destructive when a low-level hurricane off the Florida coast unexpectedly turns into one of the most powerful storms in America?s history. As the violent winds buffet and batter the small aircraft, knocking out the pilot, it?s a race against time as the pair struggle to escape with their lives and warn everyone about the fast-moving danger.
First Monk
O Doutor Parnassus, líder de um espetáculo artístico, tem um obscuro segredo: há muitos anos, ele trocou a alma de sua filha com o diabo. Agora o diabo voltou para cobrar o acordo, e Dr. Parnassus terá que coletar cinco almas para salvar a jovem.
Rick (voice)
Conheça a pequenina garota chamada Polegarzinha. Ela vive em harmonia com a natureza no mundo mágico de Twillerbees, um vasto jardim coberto por uma área verde exuberante. Tudo parecia tranqüilo, até que Polegarzinha e sua amiga são surpreendidas por uma gigantesca máquina que as transportam para um lugar muito estranho... um grande apartamento na cidade. Lá elas conhecem Makena, uma menina egoísta que acaba virando amiga das fadinhas. Além disso, descobrem os planos que ameaçam destruir Twillerbees. Aproveitando a magia da natureza, Polegarzinha e suas amigas tentarão salvar o jardim e provar que pequenas pessoas podem fazer uma grande diferença.
Pesquisadores descobrem uma série de túneis e, sem querer, libertam uma perigosa esfinge. Para que possam capturá-la e devolvê-la a sua tumba, eles devem resolver uma série de enigmas que podem levar à destruição de todo o planeta.
While on a flight home from Colombia, the plane that Dr. Carrie Ross and her daughter are on is attacked by bullet ants whose sting is the most painful and deadliest on the planet. Joining forces with air marshal Ethan Hart, Dr. Ross, an entomologist, tries desperately to save the flight from disaster. In the end, their struggle brings them closer together and offers the couple hope for the future.
Jacques La Shank
A store decides to start a contest to sell off 60,000 Christmas lights, ordered by accident. The competition soon causes unrest among the locals, but the store's owner, Diane, wants to keep what has become a very profitable competition going, at all costs.
Marshall / Boris / Stilt Walker / Floor Worker
Tony Hawk's Boom Boom HuckJam arrives in the town of Lincolville and bumps a crummy circus. The evil circus ringleader, Grimley, exacts his revenge by kidnapping Tony and jacking the HuckJam. Tony's only hope is a bunch of local skater punks.
Carl Brookes
Soon after Kate moves into the house she inherits from her father, she begins to see strange images of young women being murdered. At first it appears as if she's losing her mind, but Kate soon discovers that her visions may be hereditary. As this young mom begins to piece together the mystery behind her new haunted home, she realizes that not everything is as it seems. Each clue she gathers in solving this puzzle brings her - and her daughter - another step closer to danger!
The Husband
A young married woman is haunted by dark visions.
A vida de Jill Thompson é abalada quando o corpo de um homem encontrado morto em uma remota ilha da costa oeste é de Leonard seu marido, supostamente falecido em um trágico incêndio há 10 anos atrás. Com a ajuda de Mike McCoy um investigador de seguros, ela descobre que nos últimos 10 anos, Leonard viveu na maravilhosa cidade de Hillbrook.
Dale Young
Mr. Henry (voice)
Madeline attempts to stop the theft of the Mona Lisa in the Louvre, but no one believes her; so, she is sent to a manners school in London. But now the thieves are also in London, and they will try to rob the Crown Jewels! Would Madeline be able to stop them?
Dr Nightingale
The cheerleaders in this animated adventure do more than flips, call-outs and somersaults -- they also solve crimes! These three talented girls (one voiced by Jennifer Love Hewitt) manage to take their squad to the national competition, but in between rounds, they must battle the evil forces that surround them.
Minister Kafta
Um patrulheiro, que caiu em desgraça, assume comando de uma nave assombrada para uma missão de escoltar um grupo de embaixadores que estão indo visitar um planeta com uma escavação arqueológica.
Spenser attends a play at his girlfriend's insistence to meet a director who is allegedly being stalked. During the performance, the lead actor in a hale of fake arrows is suddenly killed by a real arrow from a crossbow. This launches Spencer into an investigation of everyone involved with the theatrical company and leads him up against a Chinese mobster, who warns Spencer to quit questioning his wife, one of the theater's patrons. However, everything changes when the mobster is found beaten to death.
One day the Aislings find themselves magically transported to a ship called the Unicorn. Here, they discover that they've been chosen to fulfill an incredible quest! They undergo an incredible journey of discovery in strange lands with enchanted creatures, but find their voyage is really one of the spirit, as they each learn faith and the power of love.
Anne Wheeler’s short links filmmaking to the pain and turmoil of giving birth.
Nigel Dickson
Renegade Los Angeles cop Riley Davis is forced to seek the help of his estranged brother, a homicide detective, when his model fiancee and a photographer friend are kidnapped.
In a futuristic wasteland, a mercenary saves a woman and her son from lethal cultists.
Lyndon / Alter Lyndon
The continuing saga of Dakota, Lilith and gang center on the idea that the Earth surface may be habitable again. Miles, determind not to lose control of the underground cities decides to launch the last orbiting nuclear weapons to assure that Earth's surface remains unihabitable, forcing the populations to stay underground where he is the master of all things. All Dakota has to do is stop him.
Nigel Chan
Proxate Corporation recruits a boozy former ship captain and offers him a new identity: Sean Murdoch. His job: to take charge of large ship on one voyage. Once aboard, Murdoch realizes that the ship is a prison ship, and the cargo are criminally insane inmates. Murdoch's other problem: someone has planted bombs aboard the vessel. Murdoch's acrimonious relationship with the prison warden lends extra drama to the story.
Joe Schneider
In the not so distant future mankind has squandered their resources. A team of specialists is sent to the nearby asteroid field to retrieve an asteroid that will serve to replenish some of our natural resources. However, unbeknownst to the team, there is a killer on board determined to take control of the asteroid and destroy all mankind.
Lawrence Durrell
Robby Durrell is the prince of the vice squad. A man who's seen it all and done a little of it too. But when the enchanting Sela hires him to help track down her stripper-stepdaughter, Robby learns there's more to Sela than meets the eye.