Director of Photography
In the mid-fifties, El Nini lives in the poorest and most forgotten rural Castile (Spain). He is a child with no more knowledge than those provided by nature. El Nini lives with his father in a cave, and with him he devotes himself to the hunting of water rats, the only means of subsistence they know. But when they are tried to deprive them of their roof and their livelihood, violence will erupt uncontrollably.
Director of Photography
An air-hostess is pregnant but she does not know the name of the father, a foreigner. When the baby is born, she gives it to her sister that has already two children. The child grows up as another member of the family. Although the adults keep the secret, the children know that he is different.
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
Um filme do diretor Carlos Saura. O diretor espanhol nos mostra este processo de uma forma particular, viva e eficaz, demonstrando a força de um homem fiel aos seus desejos e ideais, Doutor da Igreja e padroeiro dos poetas espanhóis.
Director of Photography
In Cold War-era West Berlin, Lola (Julia Migenes-Johnson), an American blues singer with a nightclub band, falls for the piano player, David (Jose Coronado). Their romance is cut short when David must return to his native East, and Lola soon begins an affair with Huessler (Keith Baxter), the bandleader. But any guilt Lola may feel for betraying David is assuaged when Huessler saves her from unexpected misfortune.
Director of Photography
A história de uma expedição pelos rios Orinoco e Amazonas em 1560 por soldados espanhóis em busca da lendária cidade do ouro, El Dorado.
Camera Operator
A group of generals of the army meet for a course about NATO and new weapons. In the beginning everything is normal but as the time passes they behave more and more like school children.
Director of Photography
A group of generals of the army meet for a course about NATO and new weapons. In the beginning everything is normal but as the time passes they behave more and more like school children.
Director of Photography
Elvira, daughter of a disgraced military, who entered a convent at a young age leaves him and returns home to settle in Madrid with his beloved nanny, seeking help to overcome their crisis. However, the country has changed so much in his years of confinement that has little or nothing to do with his childhood memories ...
Director of Photography
When a group of gangsters sets out to retrieve a stolen gem, they run into some of the fiercest and most bloodthirsty minions hell has to throw at them, including demons, zombies and witches, all intent on stopping them by any means possible.
Director of Photography
This 1985 Spanish film reveals one of the many terrible aspects of 16th century Spain, still plagued by the radical Christian Inquisition, one of a plethora of difficulties Spaniards faced at the time. Spanish super star Carmen Maura plays a nun who agrees to a selfless scam, a fake stigmata, only to avoid separation from her lover, another nun. It's a serious and passionate work, highlighting the theme of outspoken women-against-repression, seen in other good gay and lesbian films. This is not a lesbian "Nun sense" or another "Dark Habits" (by Almodovar, which also starred Carmen Maura, and also set in a Spanish convent, with some lesbian nuns). Perhaps, best of all, 'Extramuros' is realistic and frank. It isn't shy about its characters' sexuality. Their sexuality, and the film as a whole are genuine.
Director of Photography
Leopoldo Contreras, a professor emeritus of Roman law has serious economic problems. His translations of classical authors do not give enough money to live and had to sell even their floor. To remedy the situation is offered as a slave to a former student in exchange for room and board.
In their spare time, after their studies or their work, children and adolescents between the ages of eight and sixteen meet at the School of Bullfighting in Madrid to learn the Art of Cúchares: Torear. In their stomachs there is no hunger as in the past, their dreams do not lie in having a farmhouse and being famous. Their only dreams are to be in front of a bull, animal with which death goes, fact of which they are fully aware, as their teachers continually remind them. These, retired bullfighters, some by age, others by force and all with their bodies full of scars produced by the horns of a bull.
In their spare time, after their studies or their work, children and adolescents between the ages of eight and sixteen meet at the School of Bullfighting in Madrid to learn the Art of Cúchares: Torear. In their stomachs there is no hunger as in the past, their dreams do not lie in having a farmhouse and being famous. Their only dreams are to be in front of a bull, animal with which death goes, fact of which they are fully aware, as their teachers continually remind them. These, retired bullfighters, some by age, others by force and all with their bodies full of scars produced by the horns of a bull.
In their spare time, after their studies or their work, children and adolescents between the ages of eight and sixteen meet at the School of Bullfighting in Madrid to learn the Art of Cúchares: Torear. In their stomachs there is no hunger as in the past, their dreams do not lie in having a farmhouse and being famous. Their only dreams are to be in front of a bull, animal with which death goes, fact of which they are fully aware, as their teachers continually remind them. These, retired bullfighters, some by age, others by force and all with their bodies full of scars produced by the horns of a bull.
Director of Photography
An amateur detective helps a hotel owner to find her younger sister.
This fantasy about a young man who becomes a bear, who becomes a young man again is equally ambivalent in its identity -- it is a drama that becomes a comedy that becomes a satire, and is not quite a straightforward fable. After the young man runs away from being shackled to a cabin, he spends the winter in a cave and emerges as a bear (obviously a man wearing a bear suit). He is taken in by a writer who teaches him how to use a computer, which somehow poses no problem. The bear speaks like the young man and for awhile tries working as a computer operator, undoubtedly raising questions about the standards in that field. While invited to tea one afternoon, the bear kills a dog in self-defense and is forced to head back to his cave for the winter -- where he emerges after a long hibernation as the young man. In retrospect, contact with the computing world had quite a transforming effect.
Director of Photography
Coreógrafo procura dançarina para o papel-título de espetáculo baseado na ópera Carmen, de Bizet. A narrativa não é linear: a vida real confunde-se com a própria trama de Bizet. Forma, com "Bodas de Sangue" e "Amor Bruxo", a trilogia musical de Saura. Prêmio de contribuição artística no Festival de Cannes.
Director of Photography
Juan Sahagún, since childhood, feels passion for his mother. One day in the street he sees a woman identical to her. He follows her and finds out that she works as an actress in a theater company, so Juan decides to hire the whole company to represent the people who have influenced him in his past. They recreate the same situations of yesteryear and Juan acts as the child he was, to relive the memories already forgotten.
Sister Patrocinio is a nun who is stigmatized by Christ in her hands and feet. Although some believe in this mystical fact, others suspect of manipulation and take it to the court of justice.
Director of Photography
Mostra a história de dois jovens apaixonados que são impedidos pelas suas famílias de ficarem juntos. O reencontro acontece justamente no dia do casamento da jovem com um outro homem. Um trágico destino selará este triângulo amoroso. Baseado na peça homônima de Federico Garcia Lorca.
Director of Photography
Actress Lola Herrera and her ex-husband, actor Daniel Dicenta, face the camera with honesty as they tell each other what they needed to about their professional and personal lives.
Director of Photography
With the help of drawings and comic strips. brings together short films, on children's themes, in which rights that children and adults should enjoy are defended. For the first time, a whole series of important Spanish directors meet to make a children's film.
With the help of drawings and comic strips. brings together short films, on children's themes, in which rights that children and adults should enjoy are defended. For the first time, a whole series of important Spanish directors meet to make a children's film.
Angela is a young waitress who turns her back on society when she meets and falls in love with Pablo, a reckless criminal delinquent. Along with Pablo’s gang of car thieves, the pair embark on a drug and disco-fueled robbery spree as they hurtle toward oblivion.
A young Catholic girl takes viewers through a changing Spanish political and social landscape as she develops from her confirmation day to adulthood. Her first experience with the real Spain comes when her Jewish godfathers cannot come to her confirmation. One of the godfathers, using a ring, poses an early challenge to her innocence that puts her in danger. He later returns, indirectly introducing her to a new boyfriend. If he is one of the symbols for Jewish life under Franco, or for a Judeo-Christian interaction, that interaction is complex. The young woman encounters different lovers as she grows into adulthood, but at the same time she is burdened with financially supporting her father and his own rather decadent lifestyle. Again, this difference in generations could be understood as a difference between the "new" and "old" Spain; it is up to the viewers to interpret the story elements as they decide.
Director of Photography
In a town near Salamanca, an eccentric widower, aged 60, is captivated by an imp, a precocious 13 year old. Alejandro is wealthy and alone, passing time with music, chess, and his shotgun. Gregoria (Goyita) the daughter of a weak-willed policeman and his bullying wife, is a budding naturalist who conspires to meet Alejandro. Even though he knows the village is talking, Alejandro spends time with Goyita, on walks, horseback rides, and dinners. He's enchanted and tells his friend the village priest that he's living for the first time. Goyita makes new demands on Alejandro, and he must decide how to be true to his ethics and to this Platonic yet highly-charged relationship.
Director of Photography
A mix of characters and actions create only a semblance of a plot in this confusing tale of intrigue, undefined crimes, and incest. A newspaper reporter is working on a story about a criminal serving time in jail. He interviews the prisoner, has an affair with the criminal's daughter, and also spends some time in bed with his editor's wife. His amorous life is an adjunct to his searching out the details of the prisoner's case -- though tragedy strikes before the journalist can wrap everything up. In the meantime, it becomes clear that the daughter and imprisoned father had an incestuous relationship, raising more questions than answers.
Director of Photography
Two former students of a strict religious school decide to return there during the summer holidays to make those who were their teachers experience all the suffering they experienced as students, beginning a sinister game in which the buried violence, the dark traumas of the past and the desire to heal old wounds will lead them to an unexpected climax.
Camera Operator
Ana and her husband Antonio arrive in the manor in the countryside of Spain where she worked as a nanny many years ago, for the centennial birthday of the matriarch.
Director of Photography
Told in a manner more common during the Franco era, this movie tells the story of a man who fought with the Republican forces during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) and has been hiding in the hills for 10 years. Local people help him avoid constant searches by the police, who know he is there. A returning exile seeks him out to try and get him to surrender, with tragic consequences for both of them.
Director of Photography
The action takes place in the XIV century, in times of the reconquest, in Levantine lands. Father Vicente is a chaste monk who fights against all kinds of vices and sins, against superstition and against the beliefs of Muslims and Jews. Carles Mira's first feature film was inspired by the great amount of popular imagery that has provoked the supposed miracles of San Vicente Ferrer. The repertoire includes anecdotes of grotesque and eschatological character with an eminently esperpéntica will.
Director of Photography
A drama teacher casts a woman in a play about torture, and the two eventually become lovers. As production of the play develops, the director begins to receive threatening letters.
Director of Photography
Antonio and Teresa are a couple who live in a flat in San Sebastian. Ursula Michelena, an elderly woman over 70 years old, lives on the top floor. Ursula is secretly in love with Antonio, whom he continually spies from one of the windows of her house. One night she sees Antonio and Teresa making love and that fact excites her violently, in such a way that she asks Antonio for a secret appointment and tells her that she is pregnant and that the son she is waiting for is his. Úrsula, according to her version, has become pregnant looking at Antonio and Teresa making love.
Director of Photography
José, a fifty-year-old homosexual magician, feels the need to return to Granada, the place where he spent his childhood, perhaps to embrace the painful memory of tragic experiences, perhaps to bury it definitively.
Director of Photography
A writer loses his beloved, in the hands of another man, wihtout having expressed his feelings to her.
Director of Photography
Elisa has not seen her father Luis for nine years, but she receives a telegram from her sister Isabel in a moment of crisis of her marriage with Antonio telling that her father is ill and she decides to travel to the countryside of Madrid with Isabel and her brother-in-law Julián and their two children to visit Luis for his birthday. Elisa decides to stay with his father when her sister returns to Madrid with her family and she gets closer to Luis, understanding why he left her mother years ago. Later she tells him that Antonio cheated her with her best friend Sophie and their relationship has ended. When Antonio unexpectedly arrives in the house, Elisa takes a decision about her life.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Don Diego goes to war and his son Don Gonzalo is, in his absence, the new lord of the region. The milling Elvira, one of the mistresses of Don Diego, has a beautiful daughter, Elena, who has the desire of Don Gonzalo. But Elena is also the daughter of Don Diego and to separate the love of his brother, they marry her to Rodrigo, the pastor. This will be the beginning of the tragedy.
The film depicts ten years of Catalan history, from 1899 with the defeat of the Spanish side in the Cuban War of Independence to the Tragic Week 1909.
Director of Photography
This film is a documentary about the poet Leopoldo Panero. His widow and his sons talk about death in general in this special case, and also about their own family problems.
The daily routine of a female worker from the moment she wakes up to the very end of it all.
Director of Photography
Em uma casa velha no centro de Madrid, Ana, uma menina de 9 anos de idade, é o veículo usado para contar, mais do que uma história, um clima, uma atmosfera, uma chave vital, os costumes e sentimentos que destróem sua família. Ana acredita ter em suas mãos o poder de vida e morte sobre aqueles que a rodeiam. Assim, neste universo fechado e do ponto de vista de uma criança, o tempo passa, trazendo paixões, esperanças, descobrindo frustrações e impassível, profetizando a morte.
Director of Photography
Vampire comedy.
Camera Operator
In a fictitious South American country there's lots of political tension, the labor-unions have all their members on strike. The public demands the return of politician B. from exile. However private trucker Pal can't afford to strike, so he's beaten up and his truck burned. In the headlines he's described as strike-breaker. This is only part of an intrigue which shall get him to murder B.
Camera Operator
During the last years of Franco's dictatorship, Fernando, an old Republican exile, returns to his home in the Castilian village of Trescabañas and befriends Aurora, a young and very attractive teacher, with whom Juan, one of her teenage students, falls in love.
Director of Photography
Assistant Camera
Don Santiago, a forty-year-old owner of a pastry shop in Madrid de los Austrias, receives surprising news: a woman, in fact his real mother, leaves him with a brothel in England.
Camera Operator
Two sisters running a small hotel in Spain kill female tourists whose morals do not meet their strict religious standards.
Camera Operator
Uma expedição organizada por uma sociedade geológica britânica na Manchúria, em 1906, liderada pelo Prof. Alexander Saxton (Christopher Lee), descobre uma criatura congelada que pode ter milhões de anos. O antropólogo encaixota seu achado e embarca num trem trans-siberiano de volta à Europa. Porém, o monstro desperta e espalha o terror durante a viagem de trem, sugando o conhecimento de suas vítimas e deixando-as com os olhos brancos, enquanto torna-se uma ameaça cada vez mais perigosa.
Camera Operator
A woman living in a small town discovers after fifty years that she is actually a man. Will she change her sex and suffer the reaction of a narrow-minded society?
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Four part anthology horror film, with segments featuring witchcraft, ghosts, Frankenstein and his monster, and Romans battling Celtic vampires.
Camera Operator
John is a rogue that convinces two friends to be trusted with your money, ensuring that you will place in Switzerland in very good condition, but his plan will encounter some difficulties.
Camera Operator
Miguel is a married architect with children; Blanca, an attractive young woman who has attempted suicide by cutting her veins. The relationship between them develops through continuous persecutions, first of him to her and then to him. In their meetings, they reflect on their empty lives, loneliness, boredom and obsession with death.
Camera Operator
Teresa and Peter settle down in their new home after the wedding. Things are going well until her childhood furniture arrives, sending Teresa into horrible flashbacks of turmoil from memories of her youth.
Camera Operator
Nocturno 29 começa onde No compteu amb els dits terminou: com uma tela preta e a materialidade da projeção. Ele aprofunda a futura estrutura Eisensteinesca dos filmes de Portabella que não avançam em tempo linear, mas sim por uma sucessão de cenas autônomas.
Second Unit
Camera Operator
Set in one-day, three people embark together on a car trip from Madrid to Almeria. Antonio (Cebrián) is a successful industrialist, however he is dismayed that his personal life does not reflect his glittering career. He is insecure about his faltering marriage to Teresa (Chaplin), whom he believes is having an affair with his best friend, Antonio (Galiardo).
Camera Operator
Vicenta Verruguillo came to Madrid to work as a bridesmaid in the house of a doctor and falls in love with his son. The boy, to keep his family is left without service, follow the advice of his father and pretends to be in love with her. Meanwhile, his cousin Manolo, a likeable rogue, who works as a nurse, several maids dupes that get her salary every month because he has promised to buy a flat before marrying them.
Camera Operator
Diego, retired from flamenco due to an illness, is obsessed with the memory of Antonia Jiménez, a beautiful woman he loved in the past and with whom he formed an artistic duet. Now, after having triumphed on the stages of half the world, she returns from America, while he is dedicated to survive in the suburbs of Madrid mixed up in shady business. He kills the man who stole his woman. A tragedy could be sensed in the air.
Camera Operator
Matilde is a former prostitute who gets married to an american soldier with an uncertain future, due to the possibility of being recruited to the Vietnam War.
Camera Operator
For eleven months a year, Evaristo, Máximo and Jacinto have only thought of one thing: summer vacations. Each one, in his own way, will try to deal with the forty degrees in the shadow of Madrid. Evaristo is a beach man and this year, as always, he approaches the coast with Filomena, his wife. The agglomerations to get a square meter of sand, the cakes in the chiringuito to eat the tortilla will be about to kill him. But it does not matter, September will come to rest from the summer. Maximum, on the contrary, is of the mountain. And this year he has rented a villa for himself and his family, including mother-in-law. Finally, Jacinto, owner of a gym, has sent his wife and children to Benidorm, while he remains "rodríguez" in the capital,
Camera Operator
After seeing that Nelson kisses his lover, Barlow poisons him. But it turns out that Nelson comes back to life when he was about to be buried. From that moment, Barlow does not stop chasing him to finish his work.
Camera Operator
Several stories about marriages that receive the news that they will be parents. Alejandro and Mercedes are newly married and receive the news with enthusiasm; Margarita and Enrique have been married for a while, but it will also be their first offspring; Ines and Luis have been in this situation several times, but this is the first time that the pregnancy is real. The reaction of the parents, the cravings of the pregnant women, the name search for the child, everything is always the same and always different. None of the couples resembles the others, but when the moment of delivery arrives, the nerves will be the same.
Camera Operator
Assistant Camera
After graduating in Economics, Luis is seeking to burst through in life. His partner Ana sees how his way of being is changing by the standards of his company into a different person. Ana tries to draw his attention in a failed suicide attempt.
Assistant Camera
Lorenzo is a young man who has just returned to Salamanca (Spain) from England, where he fell in love with Berta, a girl daughter of exiled parents who have never seen Spain. Lorenzo tries through some beautiful letters that she understands how is the world where her parents once lived.
Camera Operator
The film is an adaptation of three fairy tales classics of children literature. "The Maiden of the Sea" tells the story of Coraline, a mermaid who wants to be human afte she falls in love with a Sailor Prince. "The 3 hairs of the Devil" tells the story of Tomasin, a young man of humble background, which a seer had a presentiment that he would marry the daughter of the king, who must perform a series of tests to avoid death, and marriage the princess is accepted by the king. "The Wizard of Oz" tells the story of Sylvia, a girl who get lost in the woods with her dog Toto, and along with her friends The Scarecrow, The Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion, have been snatched the brain, heart and courage, respectively. They go the Emerald City to request help from the Wizard of Oz adapting three children’s stories: , The three hairs from the devil and The Wizard of Oz.
Assistant Camera
Jose Antonio Amor co-stars with Sonia Bruno and Maria Blanco in this comedy drama about a married man with three children. When his family leaves on vacation, the man has an affair with a pretty office worker. The relationship between the two develops slowly before they end up in bed together. Speeded up shots are used effectively to illustrate the thoughts of the characters. Technical aspects and performances are fine and overshadow some uneven editing.
Camera Operator