Earl Hundt


Well Done
Chef Nicholas dazzles the patrons of Cafe Luna with his delectable cuisine, but when it comes to professing his love for the waitress Penelope, he can't muster a single word. Bringing his culinary skills to bear on the problem, he plans to tell her he loves her ... with a cake. But flour and sugar won't be enough to win Penelope's heart
Well Done
Chef Nicholas dazzles the patrons of Cafe Luna with his delectable cuisine, but when it comes to professing his love for the waitress Penelope, he can't muster a single word. Bringing his culinary skills to bear on the problem, he plans to tell her he loves her ... with a cake. But flour and sugar won't be enough to win Penelope's heart
Rome Citizen (uncredited)
Nos dias finais do reinado de Marcus Aurelius, o imperador desperta a ira de seu filho Commodus ao tornar pública sua predileção em deixar o trono para Maximus, o comandante do exército romano. Sedento pelo poder, Commodus mata seu pai, assume a coroa e ordena a morte de Maximus, que consegue fugir antes de ser pego e passa a se esconder sob a identidade de um escravo e gladiador do Império Romano.