Valerie Whittington


Vidas Marcadas
Elvi Stanfield
The story of "The Tolpuddle Martyrs". A group of 19th century English farm labourers who formed one of the first trade unions and started a campaign to receive fair wages.
Punição Para a Inocência
Hester Argyle
Dr. Arthur Calgary visits the Argyle family to return an address book lost some time ago by Jack Argyle, only to find out that Jack has been executed for the murder of his mother. Calgary can prove that Jack was innocent. In spite of opposition from a hostile family, he is determined to solve the crime.
Monty Python - O Sentido da Vida
Mrs. Moore
O humor corrosivo que caracteriza os filmes do grupo Monty Python está afiadíssimo nas histórias de O Sentido da Vida. Nesse filme, a trupe de comediantes britânicos ganha a tela para satirizar a medicina, a igreja, os militares, o sexo, e tudo o que é levado a sério demais pelos seres humanos normais. A ousadia lhes valeu o Prêmio Especial do Júri no Festival de Cannes. O Sentido da Vida mostra porque eles fazem sucesso há três décadas na TV e no cinema de todo o mundo. O Monty Python começou na BBC de Londres em 1969 e logo se espalhou pelo mundo com suas apresentações ao vivo, livros e filmes imperdíveis. Este foi o último filme da trupe que se separou após este trabalho. Em seus filmes, já satirizaram desde Rei Arthur, símbolo máximo da nobreza, justiça e coragem britânicas (Monty Phyton e o Santo Graal, 1975) à Jesus (A Vida de Brian, 1979), personagem que dispensa apresentações.
O Retorno do Soldado
The horrors of World War I have robbed returning veteran Chris Baldry of his memory. The traumatized soldier doesn't even recognize his own wife, Kitty, or remember their years together. While Baldry attempts to cope with the unfamiliar surroundings of his own home, he seeks out the company of an old flame from his childhood, Margaret Grey. His amnesia also makes him a ready target for the affections of his older cousin, Jenny.
The Remainder Man
Jack is obsessed with nuclear armageddon and takes his wife, Ellen, and their children into a fallout shelter in their garden to wait out the atomic bomb.
O Padre Apaixonado
In 1905, after 10 years of missionary work in Africa, the Rev. Charles Fortesque is recalled to England, where his bishop gives him his new assignment - to minister to London's prostitutes.