Sound Designer
Víctor se apaixona perdidamente por Elena, mas não é correspondido. Ela gosta de David, um policial que chega para separar uma briga entre os dois. Porém, esse encontro toma um rumo inesperado e leva os personagens por um caminho sombrio e sinuoso.
Sound Designer
A romancista de meia-idade Leo escreve usando um pseudônimo e despreza o próprio trabalho. Em casa, ela também se sente miserável. Seu marido trabalha no exterior e é distante física e emocionalmente. No entanto, a aparição de um novo editor oferece a Leo a oportunidade de reavaliar sua vida.
A divorcing couple remembers the best years of their lives.
After the death of her husband Bernarda Alba puts her daughters under a rigurous mourning which does not even allow them to leave the house.
Sound Engineer
A sobrecarregada faxineira Gloria trabalha em vários lugares para conseguir se manter. Sua vida implacável está repleta de excêntricos: um marido taxista abusivo, um filho adolescente traficante, uma sogra ingrata e uma vizinha prostituta que paga Gloria para estar com clientes exibicionistas.
A documentary about the lives of six transsexual women in post-Franco Spain.
Juan Sahagún, since childhood, feels passion for his mother. One day in the street he sees a woman identical to her. He follows her and finds out that she works as an actress in a theater company, so Juan decides to hire the whole company to represent the people who have influenced him in his past. They recreate the same situations of yesteryear and Juan acts as the child he was, to relive the memories already forgotten.
Sound Designer
Mostra a história de dois jovens apaixonados que são impedidos pelas suas famílias de ficarem juntos. O reencontro acontece justamente no dia do casamento da jovem com um outro homem. Um trágico destino selará este triângulo amoroso. Baseado na peça homônima de Federico Garcia Lorca.
Angela is a young waitress who turns her back on society when she meets and falls in love with Pablo, a reckless criminal delinquent. Along with Pablo’s gang of car thieves, the pair embark on a drug and disco-fueled robbery spree as they hurtle toward oblivion.
In a town near Salamanca, an eccentric widower, aged 60, is captivated by an imp, a precocious 13 year old. Alejandro is wealthy and alone, passing time with music, chess, and his shotgun. Gregoria (Goyita) the daughter of a weak-willed policeman and his bullying wife, is a budding naturalist who conspires to meet Alejandro. Even though he knows the village is talking, Alejandro spends time with Goyita, on walks, horseback rides, and dinners. He's enchanted and tells his friend the village priest that he's living for the first time. Goyita makes new demands on Alejandro, and he must decide how to be true to his ethics and to this Platonic yet highly-charged relationship.
A drama teacher casts a woman in a play about torture, and the two eventually become lovers. As production of the play develops, the director begins to receive threatening letters.
José, a fifty-year-old homosexual magician, feels the need to return to Granada, the place where he spent his childhood, perhaps to embrace the painful memory of tragic experiences, perhaps to bury it definitively.
Elisa has not seen her father Luis for nine years, but she receives a telegram from her sister Isabel in a moment of crisis of her marriage with Antonio telling that her father is ill and she decides to travel to the countryside of Madrid with Isabel and her brother-in-law Julián and their two children to visit Luis for his birthday. Elisa decides to stay with his father when her sister returns to Madrid with her family and she gets closer to Luis, understanding why he left her mother years ago. Later she tells him that Antonio cheated her with her best friend Sophie and their relationship has ended. When Antonio unexpectedly arrives in the house, Elisa takes a decision about her life.
Juanito, a peaceful fan of bullfighting, has become picador's assistant to see from the same arena the show in which he brags he is one of the protagonists. Furthermore, he believes he has discovered in a neighbor a potential figure of bullfighting sphere.
Sound Director
This film is a documentary about the poet Leopoldo Panero. His widow and his sons talk about death in general in this special case, and also about their own family problems.
Na Extremadura, Espanha, Pascual Duarte, um camponês humilde, simples e ignorante, condenado a uma existência aborrecida e humilhante sem futuro, comete um acto horrível durante um dia de tal calor que lhe deu energia à mente perturbada e à raiva, que só conseguirá acalmar quando, depois de seguir um caminho sangrento de violência sem sentido, enfrentar o seu próprio destino trágico.
Em uma casa velha no centro de Madrid, Ana, uma menina de 9 anos de idade, é o veículo usado para contar, mais do que uma história, um clima, uma atmosfera, uma chave vital, os costumes e sentimentos que destróem sua família. Ana acredita ter em suas mãos o poder de vida e morte sobre aqueles que a rodeiam. Assim, neste universo fechado e do ponto de vista de uma criança, o tempo passa, trazendo paixões, esperanças, descobrindo frustrações e impassível, profetizando a morte.
Sound Director
The chronicle of the political tension in Chile in 1973 and of the violent counter revolution against the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende.