Radoslav Vladić


Prince Rastko of Serbia
The story of the life of a Serbian prince Rastko Nemanjić - Saint Sava.
The Last Hope
When a person is denied justice in the courts in his country, he reaches out to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg as a last resort, with many unexpected obstacles.
The Tour
Director of Photography
Year 1993, the bleakest time of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A group of actors from Belgrade, utterly unaware of what they're setting themselves up for, embark on a search for quick earnings - on a "tour" around the Serbian Krajina. However, there they are thrust into the heart of war and begin to wander from war front to war front, from one army to the next.
Awakening from the Dead
The story takes place at the beginning of the bombing, both in Belgrade and in one small town in Serbia, at the end of March 1999. Forty-year-old Mickey, an unaccomplished writer, a disillusioned assistant professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, a discouraged democrat and a columnist, dismissed from a famous daily newspaper, emerges from his own grave and enters into his own life. Within 48 hours, he will try to achieve all those things he couldn't while he was alive. At the same time, post-mortem, he will try to save the dignity of his own community and his tribe, not taking too much care of himself.
Eleições de Frango
Sérvia, 2003. O que pode parecer um país moderno nas capitais não pode ser igual em suas áreas rurais. O Eurochannel recebe o campo sérvio para descobrir em primeira mão, os dois lados de um país em mudança. Através de um telefone celular, uma sociedade inteira é retratada, criticada e glorificada nas Eleições De Frango. Ao filmar a vida da velha Milena e seu neto, o policial Zoran, o diretor Goran Radovanovic representa a sociedade contemporânea do campo sérvio. Combinando imagens antigas em preto e branco com cenas modernas, o documentário oferece um melancólico retrato de uma pequena aldeia rural à beira da mudança, enquanto as eleições parlamentares de 2003 estão se aproximando. - See more at: http://www.eurochannel.com/pt/Eleicoes-de-frango-Goran-Radovanovic-Servia.html#sthash.5OL7UKu1.dpuf
Columba urbica
A film about Jasar, a homeless Roma from Belgrade.
The Tragic Burlesque
Director of Photography
In a way of protesting for inhuman living conditions and the shortage of medications caused by the disintegration of Yugoslavia and its sanctions, a doctor in a hospital decides to close his clinic for mental illness. His wish is to return the patients to their homes or give them to someone who is willing to accept them temporarily.
Hole in the Soul
Director of Photography
A self-portrait documentary of Dusan Makavejev who travels to former Yugoslavia, and charts the changes of the society which parallels to his own life.
Batalha do Kosovo
Director of Photography
Batalha do Kosovo é um filme histórico, drama/bélico jugoslavo de 1989 filmado na Sérvia. O filme é baseado no drama escrito pelo poeta Ljubomir Simović. Descreve a histórica Batalha do Kosovo entre a Sérvia Medieval e o Império Otomano, que teve lugar a 15 de Junho (de acordo com o calendário Juliano, 28 de Junho de acordo com o calendário Gregoriano) num campo cerca de 5 Km a noroeste de Priština.
Maternal Half-Brothers
This story about two maternal half-brothers, a Croat and a Serb. Although they never met, and both lose their loved ones in ethnic clashes, there is a bond between them. Filmed in 1988, it prophetically forsees the war that would engulf former Yugoslavia three years later.
It Happened on This Very Day
Belgrade in 1963. In a yard surrounded by buildings, a group of young people of different backgrounds and social status, but of similar views about love and self-affirmation, spend their time together. Their friendship is dyed with various events typical for socialism, such as working actions or Youth Day's parade. All what happens within this yard may become an allegory of one generation's destiny.
The Beauty of Vice
Director of Photography
In the mountains of Montenegro people have lived by strict and Draconian laws for centuries, almost untouched by modern civilization. However, a young couple are going to seek their fortune on the more liberal coast and there they find jobs in the nudist colony. Hundreds of naked bodies and atmosphere of joie d'vivre make the husband and wife question their rigid way of life.
Landscapes in the Mist
Director of Photography
Naturalistic and almost documentary account of the heroin addicts in Belgrade, in the form of a sad life story of young girl and her wasted life.
Variola Vera
Director of Photography
An Albanian pilgrim, infected with an unknown disease, is on his way back to Belgrade from the Middle East. When doctors realize that it is a disease that has been considered eradicated, it is already too late - variola vera begins to languish and the hospital is quarantined.
Film consists of shots of Belgrade Zoo, animals inside it, and the medieval fortress it was built within. Features a bizarre soundtrack of experimental music. It also features cinematography by Ratko Vladic, famous Serbian cinematographer.
Mystery and Melancholy of a Street
16mm film by Radoslav Vladić.
Mystery and Melancholy of a Street
16mm film by Radoslav Vladić.
Mystery and Melancholy of a Street
16mm film by Radoslav Vladić.
Mystery and Melancholy of a Street
16mm film by Radoslav Vladić.
Film about a cozy household.
Film about a cozy household.