George Partleton

Nascimento : 1909-01-21, West Ham, Essex, England, UK

Morte : 1992-10-17


Pop Pirates
Makeup Artist
A story of adventure in the pop music world. A schoolboy pop group who call themselves The Pirates find themselves involved with a different sort of piracy when they discover a secret video tape-copying factory
A Mansão da Meia-Noite
Makeup Artist
Autor de best-sellers americano vai a Londres para promover seu novo livro e aposta com seu editor que é capaz de escrever um romance em 24 horas. Para cumprir o prometido, o escritor se isola numa estranha casa onde acontecimentos bizarros o tomam de surpresa.
Permissão Para Matar
Makeup Artist
An unsavory intelligence agent (Dirk Bogarde) plots the downfall of a Third World political leader (Bekim Fehmiu).
In Celebration
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In a Yorkshire mining town, three educated brothers return to their blue-collar home to celebrate the 40th wedding anniversary of their parents, but dark secrets come to the fore.
Makeup Artist
In 1957, Dorothy and Edmund Yates were committed to an institution for the criminally insane, she for acts of murder and cannibalism and he for covering up her crimes. Fifteen years later, they are pronounced fit for society and released. However, in Dorothy's case the doctors may have jumped the gun a bit. Edmund and eldest daughter, Jackie, try to discover just how far Mother's bloodlust has taken her. Meanwhile, youngest daughter Debbie begins to explore the crazy roots of her family tree as fully as possible.
House of Whipcord
Makeup Supervisor
Somewhere in the middle of the English countryside a former judge and a group of former prison warders, including his lover, run their own prison for young women who have not been held properly to account for their crimes. Here they mete out their own form of justice and ensure that the girls never return to their old ways.
The Lovers!
Makeup Artist
Reprising the television series roles which first made them household names, Richard Beckinsale and Paula Wilcox star as Geoffrey Scrimshaw and Beryl Battersby, a hesitant, inexperienced, young couple attempting to negotiate the sexual minefield of the ‘permissive’ society. This big-screen transfer of Jack Rosenthal’s hugely likeable sitcom sees old-fashioned girl Beryl continuing to slap down the advances of her frustrated boyfriend, whose clumsy attempts to initiate ‘Percy Filth’ suggest he’s not quite up to speed himself! Like everyone else, Geoffrey and Beryl want to fall in love – or they think they do; like everyone else, since Adam and Eve. But Adam and Eve didn’t live in Manchester in 1972…
Diário de um Gângster
Makeup Artist
Vivendo em Roma, Mickey King (Michael Caine) é um escritor de histórias policiais de 3ª categoria, que é contactado por Ben Dinuccio (Lionel Stander), que lhe oferece uma grande quantia para ser o ghost-writer da auto-biografia de uma celebridade, que não quer se revelar ainda. Isto deixa King intrigado, mas ele concorda e é levado para uma remota ilha, onde fica sabendo sobre quem vai escrever: Preston Gilbert (MIckey Rooney), um ator de cinema do passado que ficou conhecido por ter feito papel de gângster várias vezes e ter tido ligações na vida real com criminosos. Logo depois Gilbert é assassinado durante uma festa, deixando King sem a conclusão da sua história. Assumindo um papel de detetive, como os heróis das suas histórias, Mickey tenta juntar as peças para tentar descobrir quem estaria muito interessado em ver Gilbert morto.
Carter, o Vingador
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Jack Carter trabalha como cobrador de dívidas para um agiota em Los Angeles e viaja para Newcastle em virtude do funeral de seu irmão. Ele começa a desconfiar que a morte do irmão não foi um acidente e inicia uma busca no submundo da cidade para descobrir a verdade.
A Morte Tem Cara de Anjo
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Martin é um jovem problemático. Com uma mãe que insiste em tratá-lo como uma criança, um padrasto que não vê a hora de manda-lo embora, e um irmão trancafiado em uma instituição.Com o nome de Georgie,faz amizade com Susan Harper, mas a amizade logo se transforma em obsessão. Quando Susan começa a distanciar-se, as coisas vão de mal a pior.
O Continente Esquecido
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An eclectic group of characters set sail on Captain Lansen’s leaky cargo ship in an attempt to escape their various troubles. When a violent storm strikes, the ship is swept into the Sargasso Sea and the passengers find themselves trapped on an island populated by man-eating seaweed, giant crabs and Spanish conquistadors who believe it’s still the 16th century.
O Aniversário
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Mrs Taggart always celebrates her anniversary with her grown sons. It’s a tradition practised since the death of her husband and she is determined for it to continue. None of her three sons have dared to cross their ruthless domineering mother but this anniversary they intend to try. With cruel and brutal twists, the family get-together becomes a social nightmare beyond endurance.
The Penthouse
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Three thugs--Tom, Dick and Harry (a woman)--break into the penthouse apartment of an adulterous couple and proceed to terrorize them, but as it turns out, things aren't exactly what they seem to be.
Danger Route
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Jonas Wilde, a British secret agent licensed to kill, wants to resign from his murderous work, but his superiors pressure him into taking on a new assignment-the assassination of a defecting Soviet scientist. In the course of the dangerous mission, he discovers a mole has infiltrated British intelligence.
The Mummy's Shroud
Makeup Artist
Archaeologists discover the final resting place of a boy king, removing the remains to be exhibited in a museum. By disturbing the sarcophagus they unleash the forces of darkness. The Mummy has returned to discharge a violent retribution on the defilers as the curse that surrounds the tomb begins to come true. One by one the explorers are murdered until one of them discovers the ancient words that have the power to reduce the brutal killer to particles of dust.
...E Frankenstein Criou a Mulher
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O barão Frankenstein descobre uma técnica para preservar a alma após a morte do corpo, e transfere a de um jovem executado injustamente para o de sua namorada. Mas a moça acaba servindo como instrumento de vingança do rapaz.
As 13 Noivas de Fu Manchu
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Desta vez, Fu Manchu e seu exército de capangas estão sequestrando as filhas de cientistas proeminentes e levando-as para sua sede na ilha remota. Em vez de pedir resgate, Fu exige que os pais o ajudem a construir um raio da morte, que ele pretende usar para dominar o mundo. Mas o arquiinimigo de Fu, Nayland Smith, da Scotland Yard, está determinado a não deixar isso acontecer.
A Colina dos Homens Perdidos
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Durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial, o exército britânico mantém um acampamento para disciplinar militares, que tenham uma conduta reprovável, principalmente a deserção. Lá, os militares são obrigados diariamente a escalar uma colina, sob o sol escaldante. Um dia chegam 5 novos prisioneiros e cada um enfrentará de modo diferente a autoridade e o sadismo dos seus comandantes.
The Black Torment
Makeup Artist
A lord returns to his manor with his new wife, to hear rumours that he had already secretly returned and had committed several murders. Has he lost his mind, or is something dark afoot ?
A Máscara Mortal
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No Século XIII, o sinistro príncipe Prospero (Vincent Price) vive afastado do mundo, enclausurado em seu castelo, enquanto a temível Peste Vermelha toma conta do resto da cidade. As injustiças do monarca serão vingadas durante um baile à fantasia realizado no interior do seu castelo, quando uma misteriosa figura vestida com uma máscara vermelha revela sua identidade.
Makeup Artist
Humbert é um professor europeu que muda para os Estados Unidos e aluga um quarto da viúva Charlotte, com quem acaba de casando. Porém, se apaixona pela filha sedutora de sua esposa, Lolita, de 12 anos, na esperança de tê-la só para si.
Armadilha a Sangue Frio
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When a robbery at a racetrack goes wrong ex-con Johnny Bannion is caught and sent back to prison. He won't tell the rest of the gang where he has stashed the loot leading to violent consequences.
Subway in the Sky
Makeup Artist
Berlin provides the backdrop for this crime drama that centers on a military doctor falsely accused of dealing illegal drugs. Determined to prove his innocence, he escapes from the MPs and ends up holing up in the apartment his wife rented. He doesn't know that she has sublet the flat to a nightclub singer. When he finds out, he begs the singer to assist him. She is attracted to him and agrees. The doctor believes that his wife is behind the black-market dealings, but in the end, they find the real culprit.
SOS Pacific
Makeup Artist
A flying boat has to ditch off an island in the Pacific. Along with the injured owner-pilot the passengers include a policeman and his smuggler prisoner, a slimey limey witness against him, a physicist, and a globe-hopping good-time girl. On the island they find a fleet of derelict ships, farm animals tethered, and cameras in a lead-lined bunker and a stark realisation soon dawns.
The Constant Husband
Makeup Artist
Charles Hathaway wakes up in West Wales with no recollection of who he is or how he got there. With the help of a Cardiff specialist he traces his life back to his gorgeous wife and their large London house, so all seems well with the world. But more detective work starts to uncover an alarming chain of further stunning wives and a way of going on that the new Charles finds pretty unacceptable.
A Garota Diabólica de Marte
Makeup Artist
Eight people at a remote Scottish inn find themselves confronted by a woman from Mars, who has landed her flying saucer for repairs but intends to soon conquer the Earth and enslave its men for breeding purposes.
Papai é do Contra
Makeup Artist
Henry Hobson (Charles Laughton) é dono de uma sapataria de sucesso na cidade de Salford, no século XIX. Os motivos de tantas vendas são dois: Willie Mossop (John Mills), um jovem analfabeto que tem um talento especial para trabalhar com couro e uma de suas filhas, Maggie Hobson (Brenda De Banzie), que tem um dom especial para vendas. Apesar do seu talento para os negócios, Hobson não quer que Maggie se case, prefere que as duas filhas mais novas façam isso, enquanto ela continue nos negócios. Revoltada, ela decide tomar uma decisão crucial em sua vida.
Nosso Natal em Família
Makeup Artist
An English clergyman's neglect of his grown children, in his zeal to tend to his parishioners, comes to the surface at a Christmas family gathering.
Sem Barreira no Céu
Makeup Artist
História ficcional dos engenheiros aeroespaciais britânicos que tentam resolver o problema do voo supersônico. O piloto de caça Tony, bem-sucedido durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, se casa com Susan, filha de um magnata do petróleo que também projeta aviões. O filme mostra a tentativa da empresa de quebrar a barreira do som, bem como as tensões entre pai e filha. Muitas filmagens do início dos anos 50 da aviação a jato na Grã-Bretanha, bem como cenas reais do avião Comet, primeiro avião a jato de passageiros do mundo. e Livre.
Who Goes There!
Makeup Artist
When Miles Cornwall returns suddenly to the home he shares with his father and sister in a grace-and-favour house at St. James's Palace, he's amazed to find a pretty Irish girl in his favorite armchair. Intrigued, he turns on the charm but, as she explains her situation, he finds himself unaccountably falling in love with this pretty interloper.