Cécile Decugis
Nascimento : 1930-05-15, Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Morte : 2017-06-11
This ‘roman’ (both romance and novel) of her father is narrated by Cécile Decugis’ voice – somewhat hoarse, unsentimental and unforgiving. It is a ‘photo-roman’, a story in stills (a few cinematic shots excepted). It starts as a chronology of her father’s and mother’s lives: characters like everybody else – and thus unique. The photographs in the family album record the feeling of time past through the gradual changes in body language, in women’s dresses, in artefacts of self-representation – cars, planes.
Narrator (Voice)
In 2007 Cécile found the soundless negative of The Refugees (Les Refugiés), and decided to remake the film. Recording new narration, she re-evaluated the 50 year old images.
Director of Photography
In 2007 Cécile found the soundless negative of The Refugees (Les Refugiés), and decided to remake the film. Recording new narration, she re-evaluated the 50 year old images.
In 2007 Cécile found the soundless negative of The Refugees (Les Refugiés), and decided to remake the film. Recording new narration, she re-evaluated the 50 year old images.
In 2007 Cécile found the soundless negative of The Refugees (Les Refugiés), and decided to remake the film. Recording new narration, she re-evaluated the 50 year old images.
Between 1931 and 1993, the main Renault plant occupied the whole of an island in a loop in the river Seine to the west of Paris. This was one of the most modern factories in Europe. It was also a bastion of trade-unionism, one of the major hotspots of the events of May and June 1968. Decugis’ film records a process of dismantlement, month-by-month, from April 2004 to March 2005. Demolition began at the downstream end, with the generating plant, then proceeded building by building. The camera remains on the opposite banks, filming the island from across the river. The narration pinpoints and expounds on what is being shown. By March 2005, ‘deconstruction’ is complete. Depollution lasts into 2006.
Between 1931 and 1993, the main Renault plant occupied the whole of an island in a loop in the river Seine to the west of Paris. This was one of the most modern factories in Europe. It was also a bastion of trade-unionism, one of the major hotspots of the events of May and June 1968. Decugis’ film records a process of dismantlement, month-by-month, from April 2004 to March 2005. Demolition began at the downstream end, with the generating plant, then proceeded building by building. The camera remains on the opposite banks, filming the island from across the river. The narration pinpoints and expounds on what is being shown. By March 2005, ‘deconstruction’ is complete. Depollution lasts into 2006.
Kino-eye and ciné-tract: the skippers of the inland waterways are demanding a revaluation of their services and blocking the traffic on the Seine in Paris, between the Pont Alexandre III and the Pont de la Concorde.
The last major cold snap of the twentieth century. An inventory of Paris locations: the Champ de Mars, the Invalides, the Grand Palais, the Bois de Boulogne.
Claude Ventura's documentary Chambre 12, Hotel de Suede, was made for the French television channel Arte in 1993. Ventura checks into room twelve in the hotel's final week of operation: it is demolished the day after he checks out. Room twelve was one of the principal locations for Jean-Luc Godard's New Wave masterpiece Breathless, and Ventura's documentary investigates the production of Godard's film.
A bicycle race is held every year in a pass of the Alps called Parpaillon. With the energy of a skillful cyclist perhaps as a great tribute to François, the mailman played by Tati in The Big Day, Moullet makes a comedy by pedaling at a pace that allows him to reinvent the possibilities of film gags. La Cabale des oursins is a guided tour to the northern France, transformed into a Geography lesson in the pataphysical style of an Alfred Jarry disciple.
Young actress in a man’s world. Dinner with a director. They observe people at neighbouring tables. The man’s pass comes to nothing. Then, back home, she fights with her boyfriend. Back home, there is another row, with her boyfriend.
Young actress in a man’s world. Dinner with a director. They observe people at neighbouring tables. The man’s pass comes to nothing. Then, back home, she fights with her boyfriend. Back home, there is another row, with her boyfriend.
"Nancy, Hotel de Guise, 25 November 1983"
"Nancy, Hotel de Guise, 25 November 1983"
Cansada dos subúrbios e do namorado bonzinho, a jovem decoradora de interiores Louise decide alugar um apartamento de forma independente em Paris, onde fica livre para explorar a vida de solteira. Mas isso também inclui lidar com os avanços do incansável amigo Octave.
Clotilde meets Richard whom she has not seen for a few years and who has been through a divorce. He is taking his two sons to Italy. He suggeests she join them with her own son in a house they have taken by the sea. Both this reunion and the holiday prove a disappointment,
Clotilde meets Richard whom she has not seen for a few years and who has been through a divorce. He is taking his two sons to Italy. He suggeests she join them with her own son in a house they have taken by the sea. Both this reunion and the holiday prove a disappointment,
Prestes a se divorciar do marido, Marion leva a sobrinha Pauline, de 15 anos, para passar férias na Normandia. Ali, as duas se encontram com todos os tipos de homens. Marion apresenta uma paixão antiga a Pauline, mas ela se envolve com um homem mais velho.
A estudante de arte Sabine está cansada da vida livre e fácil de solteira e decide que quer se casar. Em uma festa de casamento, ela conhece Edmond e planeja um romance na própria cabeça, visto que ele não está propriamente interessado.
Um jovem obcecado pelos verdadeiros sentimentos da namorada começa a pensar em todas as possibilidades quando a vê com outro homem. Seu encontro casual em um parque com uma garota de 15 anos o ajudará na sua missão. No fim, a verdade o atingirá na cabeça.
Recall of the events which, from 1914, favored Philippe Pétain's access to power in France in 1940.
The film chronicles Perceval's knighthood, maturation and eventual peerage amongst the Knights of the Round Table, and also contains brief episodes from the story of Gawain and the crucifixion of Christ.
Werner Schroeter's rhapsody of excess leaps from 1949 Cuba to contemporary France to points in between, while its feverishly shifting visual style evokes and parodies everything from kitschy Mexican telenovelas to silent French art films.
A German Marquise has to deal with a pregnancy she cannot explain and an infatuated Russian Count.
A semi-fictional account on the fatidic September 11, 1973, when the military commanded by General Pinochet took over the power from socialist president Salvador Allende, initiating a dictatorship that lasted until 1988 causing the deaths and disappearances of many people.
Everything starts when a journalist François decides to investigate the world of working class people. He gets into the lives of Claude, a worker and his wife Lily who has left him.
The young artist Wanda Leibovitz comes to Paris, hoping to forget unfortunate love. Soon after arrival directly at the station Wanda meets the mysterious old woman suggesting to rent at it the room (whom the old woman, allegedly, held ready for the now deceased sister). Wanda doesn't know yet that this room will change all her life shortly after it slightly opens a mysterious forbidden door.
Apesar de ter um casamento feliz, o empresário burguês Frédéric não consegue deixar de pensar na diversidade de mulheres atraentes de Paris que passam por ele todos os dias. Seus flertes e fantasias permanecem inofensivos até que Chloe, uma antiga paixão, aparece no seu escritório.
“Por que me prenderia a uma mulher se outras ainda me interessassem?” São essas as palavras de Jerôme enquanto planeja se casar com a filha de um diplomata no fim do verão. Até lá, ele passa seus dias em uma pensão à beira do lago, paquerando Laura, de 16 anos, e sua meia-irmã loira, Claire.
O narrador (Jean-Louis), um católico devoto, se muda para uma cidade provinciana e se apaixona por uma linda loira que ele vê na rua. Vidal, um velho amigo de escola, convida-o a visitar Maud, uma mulher divorciada com uma personalidade descomunal. Os princípios rígidos de um homem católico devoto são desafiados durante uma estadia de uma noite com Maud, tendo discussões filosóficas em seu quarto. Na manhã seguinte, o engenheiro narrador encontra a linda loira Françoise e consegue marcar um jantar com ela.
Two young women leave claustrophobic city life behind and move to a small border town. There they meet a border guard, involved in smuggling to and from the country. Both women fall for him, resulting in jealousy.
Episodes in the lives of two country girls at school in Paris and their opinions.
A family's life is transformed into an object of art.
A woman comes home from a long illness (read: a long absence). The city hasn't changed, the man she's returning to has. She will have to learn how to live all over again.
A woman comes home from a long illness (read: a long absence). The city hasn't changed, the man she's returning to has. She will have to learn how to live all over again.
Charlie é um pianista clássico que mudou de nome e agora toca jazz em um bar parisiense. Seus irmãos Richard e Chico estão com problemas com os mafiosos, e Charlie os ajuda a fugir. A partir desse momento, ele também se torna um alvo para os criminosos.
Após roubar um carro em Marselha, Michel Poiccard (Jean-Paul Belmondo) ruma para Paris. No caminho mata um policial, que tentou prendê-lo por excesso de velocidade, e em Paris persuade a relutante Patricia Franchisi (Jean Seberg), uma estudante americana com quem se envolveu, para escondê-lo até receber o dinheiro que lhe devem. Michel promete a Patricia que irão juntos para a Itália. No entanto, o crime de Michel está nos jornais e agora não há opção. Ele fica escondido no apartamento de Patricia, onde conversam, namoram, ele fala sobre a morte e ela diz que quer ficar grávida dele. Ele perde a consciência da situação na qual se encontra e anda pela cidade cometendo pequenos delitos, mas quando é visto por um informante começa o final da sua trágica perseguição.
Assistant Editor
Antoine Doinel, a figura representativa do cinema de Truffaut, vive uma infância marcada pela ausência dos pais, a severidade dos professores e pequenos delitos. Baseado nas próprias experiências do diretor, o filme fez parte da inovação cinematográfica que deu origem à Nouvelle Vague.
Charlotte e Véronique são jovens amigas que dividem o mesmo quarto e possuem gostos parecidos. Em uma certa tarde marcam um encontro em uma praça, quando Charlotte é interceptada por um insistente rapaz, Patrick. Com seu estilo patético, Patrick conquista as garotas usando os velhos truques. Sendo assim consegue marcar um encontro para o dia seguinte, crente ter conseguido uma nova mulher.
Charlotte retorna para visitar seu ex-namorado Jean, que vive em um pequeno quarto em Paris. Antes dela dizer uma palavra, Jean lança-se em um agressivo discurso, alternadamente reprovando-a pelo fim do namoro e então dizendo que não pode viver sem ela. Tudo o que Charlotte pode fazer é esperar e sorrir, até chegar o momento certo para manifestar-se.
Um grupo de rapazes tem uma queda por Bernadette e, por inveja de seu namorado Gérard, tentam destruir o relacionamento dos dois. Um dos meninos leva uma surra de Gérard quando é flagrado espionando o casal. Para se vingar, eles tentam fazer Bernadette duvidar do amor de Gérard.
At the time of Tunisian independence, owners of large boats decide to sell, while many small fishermen soon find themselves without work. Their wives then decide to pool their gold rings to sell them and thus buy boats.