Jamie Brown

Jamie Brown

Nascimento : 1945-11-03, Brantford, Ontario, Canada


Jamie Brown is a Canadian film and television producer based in London, England. He grew up in Brantford, Ontario. During his time in Montreal, Brown was a partner at Telescene. Starting in 1994, he ran Studio Eight Productions, a London-based independent film production company, along with his wife, Lorna Ingrid Strom, and younger son, Alexandre Brown. The couple has three children, Jean-Pierre, Alexandre and Elizabeth Brown. He is the former President of Red Square Television. He launched Grand River Productions in 2019. Brown is also a novelist and the author of two non-fiction books, The Lively Spirits of Provence and its sequel, Love and Provence.


Jamie Brown


De Encontro com o Amor
Jeremy Taylor (Joshua Jackson) é um jovem escritor que está à procura de seu ídolo, Weldon Parish (Harvey Keitel). Parish vive atualmente recluso, decisão que tomou após passar por um grave bloqueio criativo. Jeremy consegue encontrá-lo no interior da Itália e, após uma resistência inicial, consegue se aproximar e tornar-se seu amigo. Parish passa então a lhe dar ensinamentos para que possa lapidar seu talento, ao mesmo tempo em que Jeremy se apaixona por Isabella (Claire Forlani), filha de seu mestre.
Nature Unleashed: Earthquake
An earthquake destroys a Russian Nuclear Power plant.
Nature Unleashed:  Avalanche
It begins on a glacier nestled on a frozen peak high in the wild Ural Mountains of Russia, kissed by clouds, the top of the world. A lonely, forbidding place, it's home to THOM CUSSLER and brother, JOCK, a pair of transplanted westerners seeking their fortune in Russia's new capitalist economy. They run a hard-luck snowmobile tour business that takes adventurous winter tourists up the mountains to experience the ultimate extreme winter thrill. During one such excursion, a massive ledge of snow at the top of the ridge suddenly collapses and an avalanche crashes down! Only the quick thinking and expert driving of Thom and Jock saves them. The tiny village of Dubroz, nestled far below, is not so lucky. Avalanche sirens wail, but the panicked villagers barely have time to act as the avalanche crashes down! A wall of snow smashes into one end of the village, blasting-in windows, collapsing and burying buildings... Written by GFT Entertainment
Zeyda and the Hitman
Executive Producer
The Keeper
When an apparently exemplary cop abducts and secretly imprisons a beautiful dancer, a deadly battle of wills between captor and captive ensues.
Resgate Sem Limites
Há 10 anos, Jake Hopper (Steven Seagal) trabalhava como agente da CIA na Tailândia. Até que um dia, uma missão em que ele e seu parceiro Sunti (Byron Mann) estavam encarregados de cuidar termina tragicamente. Ele pede demissão e volta para os Estados Unidos, onde recomeça a vida e cria sua filha Jessica (Sara Malakul Lane). Sunti parte em busca de redenção e se torna um monge budista. Quando a filha de Jake e uma amiga chamada Sarah (Elidh MacQueen) são sequestradas durante um passeio na Ásia a dupla aposentada de agentes se vê obrigada a voltar à ativa. Os dois irão enfrentar um grupo de fundamentalistas islâmicos conhecidos como Abu Karaf.
Em 2007, o mundo foi devastado por uma epidemia que surgiu por conta da destruição das florestas tropicais. Uma droga recém-desenvolvida chamada Absolon consegue controlar o progresso da doença aparentemente sem cura. A produção desse remédio está nas mãos de uma poderosa empresa farmacêutica. Porém, quando um detetive (Christopher Lambert) resolve investigar a misteriosa morte do cientista que criou o Absolon, ele se depara com um segredo surpreendente que pode lhe custar a vida. A direção do filme é de David Barto.
The Death and Life of Nancy Eaton
A film based on the tragic death in 1985 of Nancy Eaton, department store heiress, brutally murdered by her childhood family friend.
Ripper: Mensageiro do Inferno
No dia de seu aniversário de 16 anos, Molly Keller, torna-se a única sobrevivente de um violento massacre ocorrido numa pacífica ilha de férias onde estava com seus amigos. Traumatizada pelo fato, Molly direcionou toda a sua vida a pesquisar a psique dos serial killers, o que a levou ao programa de ciência na Universidade de Berkeley, orientado pelo famoso autor e caçador humano, professor Martin Kane. Mas, por incrível que pareça, o mesmo assassino que matou seus amigos no passado, parece estar de volta, desta vez no campus da universidade, obrigando-a a, com o auxilio de novos amigos, investigar os crimes. Descobrem que o modo de agir do assassino é semelhante ao de outros crimes não resolvidos em Londres: os de Jack - O Estripador. Agora, enquanto Molly luta para descobrir a identidade do assassino, novamente, um a um de seus amigos vão sendo eliminados.
Turbulência 3
Slade Craven é um superstar de rock que promete aos seus fãs um concerto de despedida que o mundo jamais assistiu. Um show de rock dentro de um Jumbo 747, durante o vôo de Los Angeles à Toronto. Um espetáculo em pleno ar, ao vivo, pela rede ZTV Wed. Mas a viagem alcança proporções mortais. Morte e confusão passam a ocorrer quando o avião é seqüestrado por um fã perturbado que não hesita em eliminar quem estiver no seu caminho. Uma viagem extremamente tensa para todos os passageiros e internaltas que assistem a tudo sem nada poderem fazer, enquanto o avião, fora de sua rota, caminha em direção ao desastre.
O Enigma do Tempo
Catherine meets Nick by accident and, after a whirlwind romance, the two get married and Catherine moves into Nick's apartment only that's the start of problems when an unseen intruder begins playing strange mind games with Catherine in an apparent attempt to drive her insane.
O Enigma do Tempo
Catherine meets Nick by accident and, after a whirlwind romance, the two get married and Catherine moves into Nick's apartment only that's the start of problems when an unseen intruder begins playing strange mind games with Catherine in an apparent attempt to drive her insane.
The Brylcreem Boys
In 1941, as part of an effort to remain strictly neutral, the Dublin government made a deal with both Berlin and London whereby any soldier, sailor or pilot captured on Irish soil, whether of German or Allied forces, would be interned for the duration of the war. What the Irish failed to tell was that they would intern everybody in the same camp. It is here that Canadian pilot Miles Keogh and German pilot Rudolph Von Stegenbeck meet after a fight in which both their planes were downed.
The Brylcreem Boys
In 1941, as part of an effort to remain strictly neutral, the Dublin government made a deal with both Berlin and London whereby any soldier, sailor or pilot captured on Irish soil, whether of German or Allied forces, would be interned for the duration of the war. What the Irish failed to tell was that they would intern everybody in the same camp. It is here that Canadian pilot Miles Keogh and German pilot Rudolph Von Stegenbeck meet after a fight in which both their planes were downed.
A Cry in the Night
A divorced mother suspects that she and her two children may be in danger because of her insanely jealous new husband
Malarek is a film directed by Roger Cardinal in 1989. Ex-juvenile offender Victor Malarek catches a break when he's hired as a cub reporter for the Montreal Star. After witnessing a cop murder a street kid, Malarek dedicates himself to exposing corruption in the social welfare system.
Hitting Home
Canadian businesswoman Dinah Middleton's is devastated when her teenage son, Alex, is killed by a hit-and-run driver. When the police fail to turn up any suspects, she turns private detective to track the killer down. She traces the murderer to New York, only to discover that the crime is not covered by the extradition treaty between Canada and the US. She becomes obsessed with bringing the criminal to justice.
Keeping Track
The CIA, KGB and RCMP are after a lady banker (Kidder) who has a piece of mutated microchip that engages directly with brain cells.
Keeping Track
The CIA, KGB and RCMP are after a lady banker (Kidder) who has a piece of mutated microchip that engages directly with brain cells.