Giuseppe Mangione


Sartana, A Sombra da Morte
Sartana (Jeff Cameron), um bandido com a cabeça a prêmio, é chamado pelo juiz de uma pequena cidade do Texas. O juiz e mais dois assistentes contratam Sartana para libertar o território de alguns bandidos perigosos, especialmente o bando de Randall. Em troca, Sartana teria seu nome limpo e o prêmio por sua cabeça suspenso. Sartana inicia os trabalhos pelo xerife Logan (Dino Strano), que, anos antes, o tinha acusado, injustamente, de roubo de cavalos. Assim, Sartana mata Logan em um duelo, para, em seguida, enfrentar todo o bando, eliminando um a um todos os bandidos do território. No final, ele luta com Randall (Dennis Colt), que morre acidentalmente (por sua própria arma) durante a briga. Ao final de sua tarefa, Sartana retorna ao juiz, e ele lhe dá a anistia.
Garter Colt
At the border with Mexico, a brave young woman defends herself from the attack of the fearsome bandit, "Red", mastering a gun and the game of poker. Falling in love with a young Frenchman, he asks her to give up gambling and start a quiet and normal life, but when the young man is killed by "Red", she is determined to seek revenge. Source: SWDB
A Few Dollars for Django
Django, bounty killer, hunter and repentant bandit wants to start a new life. No more bullets and blood, after years of killing and horror. Django wants to replace the sherrif and restore law and order to lawless land, but faces the history and bloodshed of his own past. Helped by the love of the daughter of a bandit Django can finally bring his life of violence to and end and spend his days in peace... If he can live that long!
A Man for Burning
Political activist Salvatore returns to his native Sicily and stirs up trouble among the peasants, urging them to confront the Mafia and demand the right to plough their own fields. The peasants refuse to help him, and Salvatore is marked by the Mafia as a troublemaker.
Rocco e le sorelle
A Sicilian leaves for Milan, in search of fortune, with the four sisters he supervises fiercely.