The story follows Yasuyuki, an amateur musician living alone in Tokyo, supported by an allowance from his parents. He doesn't go to college or have a steady job, but instead spends his days traveling through Tokyo with artist Eriko (Kahori Fujii) and punk pizza delivery boy Kinta (Kazuhiko Kanayama). Yasuyuki cannot figure out his place in the world, or what he truly wants. One day, the group runs into a man who turns out to be Eriko's fiancé, and it is revealed that Eriko is actually from a wealthy elite family. She leaves with the man, and seems to disappear, with rumors circulating that she's going to marry him in South America after graduation. The trio breaks up, and it's up to Yasuyuki to search for his friends, and his own purpose in life.
A woman living alone is visited by her ex-husband. At the same time a young couple who are about to break up get trapped in the town as public transport is cut off.
At a Japanese school, a desperate student council struggles with a recurring problem. The aggressive and relentless members of the Yagyu biker gang stop by the school each semester to beat up the kids, steal their lunch money and vandalize their belongings. The kids want to fight back but realize they're too weak and undermanned against the bikers, and so they hire a handful of tough gals to train and defend them.