11-year-old Alfonso, heir of Don Quixote, and his three imaginary and musical rabbits, are joined by Pancho and Victoria to save their beloved town of La Mancha from a huge storm, caused by an evil corporation who wants to own the land. Along the way, Alfonso discovers the power of friendship and falls in love.
11-year-old Alfonso, heir of Don Quixote, and his three imaginary and musical rabbits, are joined by Pancho and Victoria to save their beloved town of La Mancha from a huge storm, caused by an evil corporation who wants to own the land. Along the way, Alfonso discovers the power of friendship and falls in love.
11-year-old Alfonso, heir of Don Quixote, and his three imaginary and musical rabbits, are joined by Pancho and Victoria to save their beloved town of La Mancha from a huge storm, caused by an evil corporation who wants to own the land. Along the way, Alfonso discovers the power of friendship and falls in love.
VFX Artist
A advogada Ivana enfrenta o preconceito da sociedade e suas próprias dúvidas em relação ao seu namoro com León, um arquiteto de baixa estatura.
Visual Effects Director
Alex nasceu com ambas as características sexuais. Tentando fugir dos médicos que desejam corrigir a ambiguidade genital da criança, seus pais a levam para um vilarejo no Uruguai.