William Alwyn

Nascimento : 1905-11-07, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England, UK

Morte : 1985-09-12


A Sombra de uma Fraude
Original Music Composer
When pilot Rex Black destroys his plane in a crash the day after his insurance policy expires, the insurance company refuses to give him any money. To strike back at the agency, Rex fakes his death, changes his identity, and escapes to Spain, with 50,000 pounds in life insurance money. His wife joins him in Spain, but when an insurance investigator arrives unexpectedly, Rex's paranoia causes him to flee again.
As Grandes Aventuras do Capitão Grant
Original Music Composer
Ninguém pode deter a agitada Mary Grant (HAYLEY MILLS) de viajar pelos quatro cantos do mundo para encontrar seu pai, Capitão Grant - mesmo que tudo o que ela saiba sobre seu paradeiro seja uma mensagem dentro de uma garrafa. Maurice Chevalier junta-se a ela nesta fantástica aventura pelo mundo. Um filme repleto de efeitos especiais, baseado no livro de Julio Verne.
Life for Ruth
John Harris finds himself ostracized and placed on trial for allowing his daughter Ruth to die. His religious beliefs forbade him to give consent for a blood transfusion that would have saved her life. Doctor Brown is determined to seek justice for what he sees as the needless death of a young girl.
A Filha de Satã
Original Music Composer
Cético professor universitário é contrariado pela crença de sua esposa na feitiçaria, prática que conheceu em uma viagem à Jamaica. Ele tenta convencê-la a abrir mão disto, mas a mulher está cada vez mais obcecada em rodeá-lo de amuletos e outros aparatos de magia para que tenha sucesso profissional.
A Tortura da Suspeita
Five years after George Radcliffe was the chief witness in a high profile murder case, his wife receives a blackmailing letter accusing him of the crime.
A Cidadela dos Robinsons
Original Music Composer
Depois de um naufrágio, a família Robinson fica abandonada em uma ilha habitada apenas por uma impressionante variedade de vida selvagem. Num verdadeiro espírito de pioneiro, eles rapidamente se sentem em casa, mas logo enfrentam um perigo ainda maior do que a natureza: piratas assustadores. É uma aventura estimulante, adequada para toda a família, adaptação Disney do romance clássico de Johann Wyss. Com as estrelas Dorothy McGuire e John Mills como mãe e pai Robinson.
The Professionals
Original Music Composer
A renowned safecracker and his crew try to rob a bank by entering the vault through the sewer system.
Devil's Bait
The police, with the help of a baker, try to find the owner a loaf of bread accidentally poisoned with potassium cyanide.
O Terceiro Homem na Montanha
Filme sobre um jovem aventureiro que apesar de perder seu pai escalando uma montanha irá tentar subir uma montanha jamais escalada.
Killers of Kilimanjaro
An American engineer reaches Mombasa to finish the works of an African railroad and to find his predecessor, who has mysteriously disappeared. While the work continues, will have to face several obstacles, especially violent local tribes, Arabs slave traders and wild animals.
De Mãos Dadas com o Diabo
Original Music Composer
In 1921 Dublin, the IRA battles the "Black & Tans," special British forces given to harsh measures. Irish-American medical student Kerry O'Shea hopes to stay aloof, but saving a wounded friend gets him outlawed, and inexorably drawn into the rebel organization...under his former professor Sean Lenihan, who has "shaken hands with the devil" and begun to think of fighting as an end in itself. Complications arise when Kerry falls for a beautiful English hostage, and the British offer a peace treaty that is not enough to satisfy Lenihan.
Somente Deus Por Testemunha
Original Music Composer
Conta a história do navio RMS Titanic, o maior, mais veloz, mais luxuoso e mais seguro transatlântico do mundo, que teria como percurso sair de Southampton, na Inglaterra, e ir para Nova York, nos Estados Unidos. Mas após quatro noites navegando pelo oceano, o navio cruza tragicamente com um gigantesco iceberg, vitimando 1.500 passageiros, sendo que pouco mais de 700 sobreviveram.
I Accuse!
Original Music Composer
Alfred Dreyfus, a German-Jewish captain serving in the French Army, is falsely accused of treason and made a scapegoat for military espionage in an act of institutional anti-Semitism. Sent to prison, he becomes a cause célèbre for the novelist Émile Zola, who dubs it the "Dreyfus Affair." Eventually, Dreyfus is pardoned when the military cover-up is made public, and he returns to France. But his name is forever tarnished by the accusations of treason.
Amanhã Sorrirei Outra Vez
Original Music Composer
Londres, Inglaterra, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Após uma trágica experiência de vida, a jovem Violette Szabo se junta ao Executivo de Operações Especiais e atravessa as linhas inimigas alemãs como agente secreto para ajudar um grupo da Resistência francesa.
A Clandestina
Original Music Composer
James Prothero, forty-three years old and up to his ears in alcohol, is the skipper of a tramp ship due to leave South America for Britain – and he’s sick to death of carting goods back and forth across the world. Then he meets Manuela, a beautiful native girl smuggled on board by one of his crew, and comes to realise that she, too, is a lost soul. Gradually a love affair develops between them, and Prothero becomes dangerously blind to the responsibilities of his position.
Na fronteira montanhosa entre Afeganistão e Índia britânica, cerca de 1860, Zarak Khan beija Salma, a mais jovem esposa de seu pai, Haji Khan.Indignado, as ordens de seu pai é açoitar Zarak Khan até a morte, mas poupa-lhe sua vida a pedido de um Mullah idoso… Zarak agora deixa sua aldeia e se torna um criminoso notório, o que levou os britânicos a ordenar ao major Ingram para capturá-lo. Zarak e Ingram ter vários encontros, desenvolvendo um respeito relutante um para com o outro . Quando Ingram é capturado por Ahmad, um dos rivais de Zarak, Zarak arrisca sua vida para salvar o oficial britânico.
A Morte Espreita na Floresta
Original Music Composer
Wealthy eccentric Sir Vincent Brampton and his fiancée Linda Latham hire Ken Duffield to lead them on a jungle hunt. Duffield is looking for the murderer of his son; he gets the killer and Linda.
The Black Tent
Original Music Composer
During the British retreat through Libya, a British officer takes shelter with a group of Arab Bedouin. He marries the chief's daughter. Sometime later, his younger brother, who had believed him to be dead, is informed that he may be alive in Libya - prompting him to set out and search for him.
Concerned about his small stature, a young Scottish boy applies for a mail-order body building course, successfully gaining both height and strength. The film was released as "Wee Geordie" in the USA.
A man hypnotizes a young woman into being an opera singer.
Loucuras de um Milionário
Original Music Composer
An impoverished American sailor is fortunate enough to be passing the house of two rich gentlemen who have conceived the crazy idea of distributing a note worth one million pounds. The sailor finds that whenever he tries to use the note to buy something, people treat him like a king and let him have whatever he likes for free. Ultimately, the money proves to be more troublesome than it is worth when it almost costs him his dignity and the woman he loves.
Tormento da Suspeita
Original Music Composer
A British girl disappears for three days after a frank talk with the wife of a Latin teacher she loves.
O Rebelde Aventureiro
Em 1745, enquanto a Escócia se levanta em rebelião para apoiar o último herdeiro da realeza escocesa caída em desgraça, dois irmãos, de uma pequena família nobre, decidem o que fazer: o mais velho e herdeiro da família, James, apoia os revoltosos, ao passo que Henry, o mais novo, irá manter-se do lado do rei inglês. Vença quem vencer, a família estará protegida. Acontece que, em meio à derrota da revolta patriota, James fica certo de que o seu irmão o traiu e deseja ver morto, revelando aos ingleses onde estava escondido. É o começo de uma grande aventura que irá levá-lo até às Caraíbas, antes do reencontro dos irmãos para o derradeiro acerto de contas.
Heróis de Malta
In 1942 Britain was clinging to the island of Malta since it was critical to keeping Allied supply lines open. The Axis also wanted it for their own supply lines. Plenty of realistic reenactments and archival combat footage as the British are beseiged and try to fight off the Luftwaffe. Against this background, a RAF reconnaissance photographer's romance with a local girl is endangered as he tries to plot enemy movements.
The Long Memory
Original Music Composer
An innocent man is released from prison after 12 years and tracks down the witnesses who lied about him in court.
O Pirata Sangrento
Original Music Composer
Burt Lancaster interpreta um pirata com gosto pela intriga e acrobacias que se envolve nos acontecimentos de uma revolução no Caribe no final dos anos 1700. Uma aventura de coração leve envolvendo fugas de prisão, um cientista estranho, veleiros, batalhas navais e toneladas de espadas. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
London, the early 1950s. Born deaf, Mandy is mute for most of her childhood. As she reaches school age her family itself is in danger of breaking up. Christine, Mandy's mother, has heard of a residential school for the oral education of the deaf.
Saturday Island
When their hospital ship sinks in the South Pacific during World War II, military nurse Elizabeth Smythe (Linda Darnell) and Marine Michael Dugan (Tab Hunter) find themselves stranded — and soon enough, falling in love — on an idyllic tropical island. But when British pilot William Peck (Donald Gray) crash-lands on their cozy little atoll, Dugan suddenly discovers he has a rival in love.
Às Voltas com 3 Mulheres
Original Music Composer
A charming and ambitious young man finds many ways to raise himself through the ranks in business and social standing - some honest, some not quite so. If he can just manage to avoid a certain very predatory woman...
A Caixa Mágica
Original Music Composer
Now old, ill, poor, and largely forgotten, William Freise-Greene was once very different. As young and handsome William Green he changed his name to include his first wife's so that it sounded more impressive for the photographic portrait work he was so good at. But he was also an inventor and his search for a way to project moving pictures became an obsession that ultimately changed the life of all those he loved.
Lady Godiva Rides Again
Marjory Clark wins a competition in her Midland town and finds herself in a Festival of Britain procession as Lady Godiva - though not in the buff. This leads by way of a suspect beauty competition to the show-business world of London. But it could be a slippery slope for simple home-town Marge.
Night Without Stars
Original Music Composer
A partially blind Englishman retires to the French Riviera. He meets and falls for the Widow of a French Resistance fighter but is horrified when he discovers she is involved with smugglers and murderers.
The Magnet
A classic Ealing comedy in which a young boy steals a magnet and becomes a hero.
Segredo de Estado
Original Music Composer
Visiting in England, an American surgeon Doctor John Marlowe is decoyed to a middle European country, and discovers the operation he is to perform is on the Vosnian dictator. When the latter dies, he is replaced by a look-alike, but Marlowe then becomes the object of a shoot-to-kill, vicious pursuit by the secret police of Vosnia since it is vital to Vosnia that the dictator's death does not become known. Fleeing, he seeks help from an actress, Lisa Robinson, and the two are harried across the countryside.
As Cartas de Madeleine
Original Music Composer
The middle-class family of a young woman cannot understand why she delays in marrying a respectable young man. They know nothing about her long-standing affair with a Frenchman.
A Salamandra de Ouro
An archaeologist stumbles into the territory of an evil crime syndicate and struggles to set things right.
The Cure for Love
Original Music Composer
Sergeant Jack Hardacre returns from the war to his contemptible fiancée Janey Jenkins intending to reconcile with her against all odds. But he falls in love with a charming new lodger Milly Southern instead.
The Rocking Horse Winner
Original Music Composer
A strange and tragic tale of a young boy who is able to predict race winners at the horse track by riding his own rocking horse to aid his parents out of their endless round of debts.
Daybreak in Udi
An African tribe in the Eastern Nigerian village of Umana work to build a maternity hospital, with the aid of government officials, and against the opposition of some tribal members.
The History of Mr. Polly
Quiet and somewhat direction-less, Alfred Polly uses the money he inherits from his father to marry and to set up shop in a small town. His heart is in neither of these enterprises and he eventually resorts to desperate measures to break free. His random wanderings in the countryside lead him to a new opportunity that just might be what he's been looking for all along.
Three Dawns to Sydney
A documentary that follows the flight of a BOAC Lancastrian airliner travelling from London to Sydney that offers some observations from the passengers and of the places en route (Sicily, Lydda, Karachi, Singapore and Darwin).
O Ídolo Caído
Original Music Composer
Um mordomo que trabalha em uma embaixada estrangeira em Londres torna-se o principal suspeito quando sua esposa cai acidentalmente e morre. A única testemunha é um menino impressionável. Philippe, filho de um diplomata e bom amigo de Baines, o mordomo, confunde-se com as complexidades e evasões da vida adulta. Ele tenta manter segredos, mas acaba dizendo a eles. Ele mente para proteger seus amigos, mesmo sabendo que deve dizer a verdade. Ele resolve não ouvir mais as histórias de adultos quando Baines é suspeito de assassinar sua esposa e ninguém vai ouvir as informações vitais de Philippe. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Alma Negra
Original Music Composer
In the late 19th century, on board a ship sailing from Jamaica to England, Olivia Harwood, a recent widow, takes on the task of caring for several malaria patients, including Mark Bellis, a mysterious and tormented painter.
Homem em Fuga
Original Music Composer
A convict sentenced to three years for killing a detective escapes from a prison and goes on the run aided by a local girl.
O Homem de Outubro
Jim Ackland, who suffers from a head injury sustained in a bus crash , is the chief suspect in a murder hunt, when a girl that he has just met is found dead on the local common, and he has no alibi for the time she was killed.
Captain Boycott
Original Music Composer
Based on real events, this historical drama is set in 19th-century Ireland, when poverty-stricken tenants dispossessed by greedy landowner Capt. Boycott (Cecil Parker) band together to assert their rights. Patriotic farmer Hugh Davin (Stewart Granger) leads the rebels. Choosing nonviolent resistance, the villagers ostracize their nemesis, who squanders his fortune to repair his ruined reputation and wagers what's left on a horse race.
Take My Life
Original Music Composer
When her husband is wrongly accused of murder, an opera singer sets out to find the real culprit.
Original Music Composer
Um líder nacionalista irlandês ferido tenta fugir da polícia após um roubo fracassado em Belfast. Johnny McQueen, líder de uma organização clandestina irlandesa, está se escondendo na casa de Kathleen e sua mãe, planejando um assalto que fornecerá ao seu grupo os fundos necessários para continuar suas atividades. Durante o assalto, as coisas correm mal: Johnny está ferido, não consegue voltar para o esconderijo e desaparece nos becos de Belfast. Imediatamente, é lançada uma caça ao homem em grande escala, e a cidade é rigidamente vigiada pela polícia, cujo chefe pretende capturar Johnny e os outros membros da gangue. Kathleen sai em busca de Johnny. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Verde Passional
Original Music Composer
In the midst of Nazi air raids, a postman dies on the operating table at a rural hospital. But was the death accidental?
I See a Dark Stranger
Original Music Composer
Determined, independent Bridie Quilty comes of age in 1944 Ireland thinking all Englishmen are devils. Her desire to join the IRA meets no encouragement, but a German spy finds her easy to recruit. We next find her working in a pub near a British military prison, using her sex appeal in the service of the enemy. But chance puts a really vital secret into her hands, leading to a chase involving Bridie, a British officer who's fallen for her, a German agent unknown to them both, and the police...paralleled by Bridie's own internal conflicts.
Land of Promise
Described as a 'film argument' about homes and houses, this film is in three parts showing houses as they were, houses as they are and houses as they might be.
The Rake's Progress
Original Music Composer
Vivian Kenway, a young Englishman from an aristocratic background, flunks out of Oxford, and decides to use his considerable charm to achieve his goal of, apparently, making dissipation his career. His derelictions include seduction, betrayals of sweethearts, family and friends, and Marriage for money. All this with no signs of remorse or redemption, since his life as a completely unprincipled rake is quite enjoyable...for him, at least. Then, World War II breaks out and he is given a chance to die a heroic death for flag and country. Maybe.
Medal for the General
A retired general helps out by sheltering some evacuees during WWII.
Têmpera de Aço
Original Music Composer
Um grupo de recrutas é convocado para a infantaria durante a WW2. No início, eles parecem um bando sem esperança, mas seu sargento e seu tenente acreditam neles e os transformam em uma boa equipe. Quando eles entram em ação na África do Norte eles percebem qual que é o jogo.
On Approval
Original Music Composer
Two wealthy Victorian widows are courted tentatively by two impoverished British aristocrats. When one of the dowagers suggests that her beau go away with her for a month to see if they are compatible, the fireworks begin.
Tunisian Victory
Original Music Composer
Documentary made by the U.S. Army Signal Corps after the North African campaign.
World of Plenty
An opening narration explaining that the film's purpose is to examine the "world strategy of food", in terms of its production, distribution and consumption. The film is then divided into three parts: "Food - As It Was", "Food - As It Is" and "Food - As It Might Be".
Escape to Danger
During the Second World War a British schoolteacher working in Denmark is caught up when the Germans invade.
Fires Were Started
Original Music Composer
Década de 40. Ambientado em meio à Segunda Guerra, esta espécie de documentário realista ressalta a coragem e o heroísmo dos bombeiros ingleses, em uma espécie de propaganda dos valores britânicos.
Summer on the Farm
Original Music Composer
A look at the rural farming community during WW II and how farmers help stop food shortages during the war.
Wales: Green Mountain, Black Mountain
Original Music Composer
A documentary look at Wales's turbulent relationship with England, and its commitment to the defence of Britain during World War II through its industries, social rituals, rural life and future prospects
Our Film
Original Music Composer
A British factory is inefficient because of pre-war rules and red tape. A Soviet trades union representative shows workers and management the value of unity.
They Flew Alone
The story of flyer Amy Johnson the girl from Yorkshire who won the hearts of the British public in the 1930s with her record-breaking solo flights around the world. Her marriage to fellow aviator Jim Mallison was less noteworthy.
Penn of Pennsylvania
Penn of Pennsylvania is a 1941 British historical drama film directed by Lance Comfort and starring Deborah Kerr, Clifford Evans, Dennis Arundell, Henry Oscar, Herbet Lomas and Edward Rigby. The film depicts the life of the Quaker founder of Pennsylvania, William Penn. It portrays his struggle to be granted a colonial charter in London and attracting settlers to his new colony as well as his adoption a radical new approach with regard to the treatment of the Native Americans. It is also known by the alternative title Courageous Mr. Penn.
The Western Isles
A young man returns to his home of the Outer Hebrides of Scotland after surviving a German submarine attack.
Steel Goes to Sea
A British documentary depicting the manufacture of a ship, demonstrating the moulding and the hammering of the steel and the gradual creation of the vessel.
The Green Girdle
In a bid to encourage city-dwellers to leave behind the restrictions of war, 'The Green Girdle' escapes from the austere urban landscape of inner-city London and savours the natural delights of the capital’s rural surroundings.
Air Outpost
Sharjah airport in the 1930's Showing the airport, town, Emirate and Imperial Airways staff. An early British documentary produced by many pioneers of the medium.