Fernand Fabre

Fernand Fabre


Fernand Fabre


In a French seaside town, at a boarding house for civil servants recovering from surgery and maladies, the six male residents' lives change dramatically when two women arrive: Catherine, lively, sexually liberated, willing to kiss, dance, and sleep with the men, and Leonie, reserved, formal, conservative. Leonie finds herself attracted to Leon, a Belgian who was a mercenary in Katanga in 1964, wounded and carrying psychological scars as well. The other men continually play practical jokes on Leon, some of them cruel. As Leon courts Leonie, his horrid mother brings him emotional distress as do his memories of war. Can the two of them get past these obstacles?
A Tomada do Poder por Luis XIV
Michel Le Tellier
Cardinal Mazarin dies, leaving a power vacuum in which the young Louis asserts his intention to govern as well as rule. Mazarin's fiscal advisor, Colbert, warns against Fouquet, the Superintendant who has been systematically looting the treasury and wants to be prime minister. Fouquet believes Louis will soon tire of exercizing power and overplays his hand by offering a bribe to Louis' mistress to be his ally. She reports this to the king who arrests Fouquet. Louis and Colbert design a brilliant strategy to keep merchants making money, nobles in debt, the urban poor working and fed, and peasants untaxed.
O Caso Girassol
Professor Tournesol (voice)
Nos últimos dias, estranhos fenômenos aconteceram ao redor do Château de Moulinsart. Vidros, porcelanas ou janelas explodem sem motivo aparente enquanto Tintim e Haddock descobrem que espiões estrangeiros estão à espreita. Esses eventos parecem ter uma coisa em comum, o laboratório do professor Girassol.
Le gorille a mordu l'archevêque
Arsène Lupin Contra Arsène Lupin
M. de Vierne
O industrial André Laroche acaba de falecer. Em seu funeral está François de Vierne, a quem sua mãe confessa "Laroche era Arsène Lupin, e você é seu filho". Arsène Lupin teve outro filho, Gérard Dagmar, dançarino, mágico e às vezes ladrão. François de Vierne aprende com o tabelião que deve procurar o tesouro real da Poldávia. Este tesouro é sucessivamente encontrado por Gérard, levado de volta por François, roubado pelo cônsul da Poldávia, o sinistro Von Krantz, que não hesita em que o pequeno príncipe da Poldávia, irmão da bela Catarina, seja raptado. Finalmente o tesouro é recuperado. François e um jovem jornalista, Nathalie, Gérard e a princesa Catherine só precisam girar o amor perfeito.
The Count
Story of an aging dandy who is the factotum and arranger of female conquests for a brusque young millionaire.
Whereabouts Unknown
Michael Strogoff
After the death of his wife and his son, Michael, an intrepid Russian imperial army officer, lost the joy of living. His family has been the victim of an attack by the commander Ogareff Tartar troops, operating in the eastern DRC. When Tsar commissioned him to cross the dangerous mission across Siberia to restore communications troops sabotaged by Ogareff, the young officer does not hesitate to accept.
Entre a Espada e a Rosa
Ambassador of France
Conta a história de Mary Tudor e sua problemática jornada até o amor verdadeiro. Henry VIII, por razões políticas, determina que ela case com o Rei da França. Ela tenta escapar para a América com seu amor mas é capturada quando sua identidade é revelada numa embarcação de navio. Em troca de seu consentimento quanto ao casamento com o rei, Henry concorda em deixar que ela escolha um segundo marido. Quando o Rei Louis da França morre, Mary é sequestrada pelo duque de Buckingham, que tenta forçá-la ao casamento.
Le crime du Bouif
Xapiros, the stable owner
A poacher nicknamed "Le Bouif" is accused of having murdered his son-in-law, trainer of a horse stable in Maisons-Laffitte.
L'envoyé de l'empereur
Just before wowing international critics and moviegoers with his adventure romp Fanfan la Tulipe, director Christian-Jaque dashed off the lampoonish Barbe-Bleue. Ostensibly the story of the famed wife-killing potentate Bluebeard (Pierre Brasseur), this lighthearted costumer begins as the title character is poised to march down the matrimonial aisle for the eighth time. Barbe-Bleue's newest spouse Aline (Cécile Aubry) is kept in line by her husband's claims of murdering her predecessors. But when Aline opens the famous locked door to the equally famous hidden room, both she and the audience are in for quite a surprise. The frivolous nature of Barbe-Bleue is underlined by its pleasing utilization of the French Gezacolor process.
The Lovers of Bras-Mort
Jean Michaut is a bargeman who lives nearby an old barge cemetery named "Bras-Mort". He is in love with Monique, the daughter of a wealthy boat owner. The girl returns his affection but runs her head against the wall of her family's class prejudices. Her "nearest and dearest" prove indeed prepared to do everything to separate the two lovers. But Monique will not buy in. On the contrary, she leaves her intolerant family to live with Jean among simple, more tolerant bargemen.
"Olivia" captures the awakening passions of an English adolescent sent away for a year to a small finishing school outside Paris. The innocent but watchful Olivia develops an infatuation for her headmistress, Mlle. Julie, and through this screen of love observes the tense romance between Mlle. Julie and the other head of the school, Mlle. Cara, in its final months.
Last Hour, Special Edition
Emmanuel Costa
A journalist who deals with the column "courier du cœur" has the absurd idea of ​​launching an investigation into the death of a pianist whom he claims to have been murdered. To dazzle his wife, a reporter for the newspaper, he disguises the facts in such a way that the police suspect him, then declare him guilty. It takes a number of adventures to get him out of this mess and get him back into his section.
Triple enquête
Le docteur Justin
Commissioner Thomas simultaneously investigates the actions of an oil company, a theft and an assassination, and the kidnapping of a child with look-alikes.
After Love
Robert Fautrier, Nicole's lover
Betrayed by his wife, a teacher proceeds to have an affair with a young and pretty student. The two women both find themselves expecting a child. The girl dies during childbirth. In a spirit of revenge and to keep his real son, the scorned husband exchanges the babies.
L'homme de la nuit
A detective uncovers a crime. The suspects are numerous and it will take all the insight of a journalist to discover the culprit.
The Chips Are Down
André Charlier
"Les jeux sont faits," is a fantasy film based on a screenplay by French existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. A society heiress and a resistance fighter are tragically killed at the same moment and meet in the afterlife. They are offered a second chance at life if they can prove their love is real or be doomed to roam the earth as ghosts.
Le cabaret du grand large
Superintendent Thomas is investigating a cabaret owner with suspicious actions.
Master Love
Lord Stevens
Director of a music hall, the dubious Ribero, to save himself from bankruptcy, only hopes for the victory of his horse. An English lord enlists his crack Master Love in the race. Ribero will try to prevent its departure. He is thwarted in his dark projects by the lord's daughter, captain of a troop of girls, and by a wise and determined sportsman who does not hesitate, for the occasion, to become a jockey. Master Love wins the race, Ribero is confused, a few weddings are celebrated.
Special Mission
The exploits of Chief Police Inspector Chabrier, first before the invasion of France in May 1940 as he fights against spies preparing the coming the Germans, particularly Emmy de Welder, the alleged manager of the Rouen hospital. Later, Chabrier and his men go underground and resist the occupiers whatever the price to pay. When the Liberation comes Chabrier resumes his activities at the French National Police.
The Last Metro
Leaving the station after having caught the last Paris Metro, a man comes to the rescue of a woman who is being assaulted and finds himself drawn into her affairs.
Colonel Chabert
Le comte Ferraud
The story of a French officer who is assumed dead during the Napoleonic Wars, but returns ten years later to a very different France, both on a political and personal level. The film is based on the novel Colonel Chabert by Honoré de Balzac.
L'escalier sans fin
An untiring lady social worker, Émilienne, has as one of her charges a stableman who was wounded by his mistress. Unfortunately, Émilienne's young sister who was helping her at work decides to go away with the stableman.
Heroes of the Marne
Bernard Lefrancois is a prosperous farmer on the River Marne, while his neighbor is impoverished. Lefrancois objects strongly to the romance between his son and the neighbor's daughter, but it continues in secret. WWI begins and the son becomes an aviator with the French army, and the unwed girl presents Lefrancois with an unexpected grandchild. The German army occupies the area, and the girl is serving France as a spy and securing information needed by the French to drive out the Germans. While his son is engaged in air-combat against the Germans, and the unwed mother of his grandchild is serving as a spy against their country's enemy, Lefrancois also joins the battle as a soldier.
The New Rich
The workers Legendre and Martinet have won a large sum in the national lottery. Instead of squandering it, they had the good idea to invest it in industry. Happy in business, they soon find themselves at the head of a fortune. But their characters are very different. Legendre, who is brave and honest, narrowly escapes the malevolence of a couple of harlots. Martinet, his former work companion, has become a crooked and formidable financier. Both will face each other in court, the honesty of the first finally triumphing over the greed of the second.
Nights of Princes
No overviwe found
My Little Marquise
François Mareuil
Jacotte, a little orphan, is adopted by two single uncles who are looking for a governess for her. Monique hides that she is very rich to be hired because she is seduced by the little girl. Her father, chocolate manufacturer and competitor of the uncles, decides to sink them. But everything works out when Monique marries one of the brothers.
Double Crime in the Maginot Line
le commandant d'Espinac
Commander d'Espinac is found murdered. Having argued the day before the murder with Captain Bruchot, he is accused. The captain will have to conduct his own investigation if he wants to clear himself. His suspicions will fall on one of the three officers attached to his unit.
La mystérieuse lady
L'agent secret
In India, a British detachment finds itself surrounded in a village by invisible enemies. An officer is assassinated, then another. The adversary seems very well informed. By who ? A group of twenty men who had gone to seek help were annihilated. An American reporter will force the mysterious spy to denounce himself.
The Queen and the Cardinal
A hero of the Paris streets is recruited for a conspiracy against Mazarin in the court of the King, but he reveals the subversive plot to Anne of Austria.
Le secret d'une nuit
A very nice young man, Sylvain Renaud is "surrounded" by two bad guys who want to drag him into some very dirty business.
Madame Bovary
Soon after the death of his first wife (whose dowry was inadequate), Charles Bovary, a country doctor in Normandy, marries Emma Rouault. In her new home, Emma finds conflict with her mother-in-law, a husband uninterested in the social whirl, and general discontentment; thereby proving an easy conquest for philanderer Rodolphe. Other lovers follow. Does tragedy await?
A Man Has Been Stolen
A young man is kidnapped by his business competitors, but the jailer falls in love with the man she has to keep a prisoner. A lost film.
Le sexe faible
The story of Madame Leroy-Gomez, a wealthy divorcee living in Paris. Together with her servant Antoine she schemes to marry off her unmarried children and fix any issues that arise for those already married.
La vagabonde
le docteur Victor
Le réquisitoire
The Duke of Septmonts
In a luxury hotel, a gathering of foreign high society people attend a wedding lunch. By the end of the feast a dramatic turn of events occurs : on the time of leaving the groom realizes that his newly married wife has... disappeared ! One morning, some time later, he meets her again at the Bois de Boulogne. She tells him everything about her strange attitude: she needed to be married to be able to have access to her husband's money. With this money, she managed to avenge her mother.
All His Life
The Queen's Necklace
le comte de la Motte
Adaptation of Alexandre Dumas's novel 'The Queen's Necklace' which portrays the Affair of the Diamond Necklace which occurred before the French Revolution.
Paris' Girls
Jacques de Montclard
This French film confection directed by Henry Roussell concerns two young Parisian beauties in love with same fellow (Fernand Fabre). When one of the girls (Suzy Vernon) goes to America, the one who stays home (Esther Kiss) thinks shes triumphed. But when the traveler returns and the guy goes for her new-found sophistication, the competition continues- including the hilariously mock-heroic duel we see in this four-sheet design.
Minuit... place Pigalle
A Paris night club proprietor falls from grace and is reduced, after going away for a while, to working there in a menial position.