Giovanni Fusco

Giovanni Fusco

Nascimento : 1906-10-10, Sant'Agata de' Goti, Campania, Italy

Morte : 1968-05-31


Giovanni Fusco (10 October 1906, Sant'Agata dei Goti, Benevento – 31 May 1968, Rome) was an Italian composer, pianist and conductor, who has written numerous film scores since 1936, including those of Alain Resnais's Hiroshima mon amour (1959) and La guerre est finie (1966), as well as those of most of the 1948-1964 films directed by Michelangelo Antonioni, from N.U. (Nettezza Urbana) to Il deserto rosso, except for La notte (soundtrack by Giorgio Gaslini) and some of his early short films. Two of his soundtracks, those of Antonioni's Cronaca di un amore and L'avventura, won Silver Ribbon for the best film score from Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists in 1951 and 1961, respectively. His brother Tarcisio Fusco was also a composer. His daughter was the operatic soprano Cecilia Fusco. Source: Article "Giovanni Fusco" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Giovanni Fusco


Libera nos a malo
Hiroshima: The Time of Return
Luc Lagier puts Alain Resnais' film back in its historical context and in the filmmaker's biography. He tells the story, then the development of what was originally intended to be a short documentary film and which turned into an unusual allegory. Composed of fascinating archives, including notably the correspondence between Duras and Resnais, this analysis of 'Hiroshima mon amour' manages to put the film in perspective while detaching itself from it. A rare and captivating work.
A Confissão
Anton Ludvik, conhecido como Gerard, é o vice-ministro das Relações Exteriores da Checoslováquia. Ele percebe que está sendo vigiado e seguido. Um dia, ele é detido e colocado numa prisão, em confinamento solitário. Veremos as torturas mentais durante as investigações e como um servo fiel de alto escalão civil, é levado a confessar a traição. Baseado na história verídica do comunista checoslovaco Artur London. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Amor e Raiva
Original Music Composer
Five short stories with contemporary settings. In New York, people are indifferent to derelicts sleeping on sidewalks, to a woman's assault in front of an apartment building, and to a couple injured in a car crash. A man, stripped of his identity, dies in bed with actors expressing his agony. A cheerful, innocent young man walking a city street in a time of war pays a price for this innocence. A couple talks about cinema while it watches another couple talk of love and truth on the eve of one character's return to Cuba. Striking students take over a university classroom; an argument follows about revolution or incremental change.
Run, Psycho, Run
Original Music Composer
Italy, the early 19th century. A villa is the home of a small English community, all rich and superficial people lounging about in its beautiful surroundings. Claire, George's wife, and Robert, her son, are murdered by a mysterious killer. Thinking the murderer is one of the family, distraught George devises a plan to unmask the culprit. Having met a woman, Ann, who is a dead ringer for Claire, he takes her back to the villa and announces their imminent marriage. Ann is considered an outsider and treated with contempt and hostility, while George fails to find any significant clue to the solution: everybody is to be blamed, at least morally, but the final revelation is more bitter than expected...
Garter Colt
Original Music Composer
At the border with Mexico, a brave young woman defends herself from the attack of the fearsome bandit, "Red", mastering a gun and the game of poker. Falling in love with a young Frenchman, he asks her to give up gambling and start a quiet and normal life, but when the young man is killed by "Red", she is determined to seek revenge. Source: SWDB
The Sex of Angels
Original Music Composer
Here's an interesting Italian/German co-production, full of subjects from 1968 protest, recalling the two infamous "bikini thrillers","Interrabang" and "Top sensation", in which three young beauties (Rosemarie Dexter, Doris Kunstmann and Laura Troschel), alluring their male friend (Bernard De Vries), embark on a journey in a luxury yacht around the coast of Yugoslavia, plenty of bedhopping, nudity and the usual hijinks occur before things take a sinister turn when they decide to lock themselves in a cabin and dose up on LSD
The Day of the Owl
Original Music Composer
Set in Sicily, this violent crime drama tells the tale of an Italian cop who heads to a small island town to look into the death of a construction supplier. Once there he is shocked by the influence the Mafia has over the people and even himself.
A Nun at the Crossroads
Original Music Composer
During an uprising in the Belgian Congo, a convent of nuns are besieged and the Reverend Mother is killed and Sister Maria is raped. Returning to Belgium, Sister Maria finds out to her horror that she is pregnant. Rejected by her family and her sister, she is told by the Vatican that she is supposed to either give the baby to the church and still be a nun or keep the baby and leave the order. This film follows her decision.
Domani non siamo piu' qui
Original Music Composer
Italian drama written and directed by Brunello Rondi.
A Guerra Acabou
Original Music Composer
Um grupo de espanhóis refugiados na França tenta organizar protestos contra o governo em Madri. Sua rede está sob constante ameaça pela polícia espanhola e alguns deles foram recentemente presos. O personagem principal Diego (Yves Montand) dedicou toda a sua vida à batalha, mas ele se sente afastado para sempre. Ele não encontra seu lugar nem em seu país adotivo (França) nem no amor. Mas este filme não é sobre a história, é sobre estilo. Alain Resnais tem uma abordagem original neste filme e isso é o que faz com que esse filme valha a pena ser assistido. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Antonioni: Documents and Testimonials
A behind-the-scenes documentary about director Michelangelo Antonioni as he's shooting his segment of The Three Faces, a vehicle for Soraya, the former empress of Persia. Featuring interviews with Monica Vitti, Tonino Guerra and more.
Three Sergeants of Bengal
Original Music Composer
This action-packed adventure/jungle film starts out when three British soldiers stationed in Malaysia are sent to Fort Madras to help the commandant fight off an elusive bandit who is terrorizing the countryside.
The Pirates of Malaysia
Original Music Composer
Filmed in Singapore it tells the story of Sandokan who is a Malaysian rebel who, with a group of renegades, goes up against a British General who is trying to force the King to resign.
Three Nights of Love
Original Music Composer
Omnibus film with individual segments directed by Renato Castellani, Luigi Comencini and Franco Rossi; all of them starring the radiant Catherine Spaak as "out of place" women longing for love, in a Sicillian village, a monastery, and a modern Italian urban setting, respectively.
Time of Indifference
Original Music Composer
A penniless countess falls in love with a cad, unaware that he is also involved on the side with her beautiful daughter.
O Deserto Vermelho
Original Music Composer
Chuva, neblina, frio e poluição assolam a cidade industrial de Ravenna, na Itália. Ugo, o gerente de uma usina local, é casado com Giuliana, uma dona de casa que sofre de problemas psicológicos. Um dia, ela conhece o engenheiro Zeller, o que pode mudar sua vida. Em O Deserto Vermelho, Antonioni, no auge de sua forma, aborda os temas centrais de sua filmografia: a incomunicabilidade e a solidão do homem contemporâneo.
Outlaws of Love
Original Music Composer
This film is very much a docudrama which portrays the difficulties of Italian life circa 1963 due to the absence of a divorce law. Five scenarios with different actors portray realistic situations where divorce is clearly warranted but, because marriage was strictly in the purview of the Catholic Church at that time, which strictly forbade divorce, these people are shown to suffer the consequences in their daily lives. Italy got its first civilian divorce law in 1970.
Original Music Composer
Stefano is a shy and sensitive teenager who has just completed his studies in Switzerland and is considering becoming a monk. But his father, a rich Milanese publisher, who had the ambition to see his son succeed him, refuses and takes him on a cruise with a young woman to take this idea out of his mind...
Sandokan the Great
Original Music Composer
After the capture of the Sultan of Muluder, Sandokan, the sultan's son, leads a guerilla army through treacherous jungles to free his father and defeat Queen Victoria's army of invaders.
Girl from La Mancha
Original Music Composer
The story of Dulcinea, the love of Don Quixote, who was only a normal girl named Aldonza that is suddenly involved by the legend of the brave and ingenous gentleman.
Secret Violence
An Italian in East Africa having an affair with a coloured woman realises that his treatment of her is as tyrannical as more overt superior colonialist dogma. Based on a novel by Enrico Emmanuele.
Sangue Por Liberdade
Set in 18th-century Eastern Europe, the film concerns the star-crossed romance between a Polish military officer and a gorgeous Slavic princess. The princess' vengeful lover cuts a path of death and destruction throughout the land.
The Nun of Monza
Virginia de Leyva, daughter of a Spanish Lord, becomes a nun in Monza, in 1600s. She becomes very strict with herself and the students until she's unable to resist a romance with the nobleman Gian Paolo Osio which will lead both to danger.
O Eclipse
Original Music Composer
Após brigar com o namorado, Vittoria se apaixona por Piero, um sedutor e materialista corretor da Bolsa de Valores. Apesar do real interesse de Vittoria, Piero não deseja um relacionamento sólido, por conta da sua personalidade volúvel.
The Sea
Original Music Composer
A well known actor comes to off-season Capri to unwind and meets a young man. The attraction is immediate and mutual but before their relationship can get off the ground, an alluring woman with a spontaneous sexuality and care free attitude joins the triangle and the boy is slowly pushed out of the picture.
O Vingador de Tróia
Original Music Composer
Aeneas leads escapees from the Trojan war to new land in Italy, and must deal with new threats to his people.
Gold of Rome
Original Music Composer
Rome 1943. The German Commandant of the city causes a turmoil in the Jewish community by offering them what seems to be an expensive way out of imprisonment and death.
A Guerra de Tróia
A história do cerco à Tróia, sob o ponto de vista de Enéas, o filme é repleto de personagens fascinantes. Enéas, segundo a interpretação do poeta Virgílio, é o mais sábio dos troianos e, que depois de dez anos de guerra, se tornou o defensor principal de se encontrar um fim para ela. A sabedoria e nobreza dele o levaram a ganhar um lugar à mesa com Rei Príamo e outros motivos, o colocaram em conflito com o ciumento Paris e a sua Helena. Abrindo com a morte de Heitor por Aquiles, o filme é recheado de relações pessoais complexas e vaidades mitológicas. John D. Barrymore interpreta Ulisses, um guerreiro inteligente, cínico e corajoso entre os gregos. A interpretação de Reeves traz nobreza a Enéas, demonstradas nas suas habilidades e seu físico. Fiel a história e fantástico!
Man nennt es Amore
Original Music Composer
Milano nera
A group of young thugs decides to spend New Year on the streets of Milan.
The Pharaohs' Woman
A beautiful girl and a young physician fall in love in the midst of a family, and power struggle between rival princes of Upper and Lower Egypt. When all seems to turn to the better, a dejected woman gets her revenge, and the couple's destruction.
O Sepulcro dos Reis / A Filha de Cleópatra
The beautiful young Sushila is forced into a political marriage with young Pharaoh Nemorat in order to consolidate power. However, the young Pharaoh is beset with mental illness and the marriage becomes dangerous, all the while the chief advisor Kefren and his scheming mistress plot to destroy the unstable pair.
The Dolphins
Original Music Composer
An acid portrait of Italian youth at the time, I DELFINI follows a dreary season of discontent and viciousness in the lives of a thoroughly unpleasant group of mostly rich youngsters in a small Adriatic coast city.
A Aventura
Original Music Composer
Uma mulher desaparece no meio de uma viagem de barco no Mediterrâneo. Durante a busca pela mulher, seu namorado e sua melhor amiga ficam atraídos um pelo outro. Um grupo de ricos italianos saem numa viagem de iate para uma ilha vulcânica deserta no Mediterrâneo. Quando eles estão prestes a deixar a ilha eles se dão conta de que Anna, o personagem principal até este ponto, desapareceu. Sandro, o namorado de Anna, e Claudia, a amiga de Anna, tentam sem sucesso encontrá-la. Enquanto procuravam a amiga desaparecido, Claudia e Sandro desenvolvem uma atração entre eles. Quando voltam à terra continuam a busca sem sucesso. Sandro e Claudia se tornam amantes, e quase esquecem a Anna desaparecida. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
O Batom
Original Music Composer
Uma prostituta é roubada e assassinada e uma adolescente testemunha um gentil gigolô saindo do hotel onde o crime ocorreu.
Hiroshima, Meu Amor
Original Music Composer
Hiroshima, 1959. Uma atriz francesa casada (Emmanuelle Riva) veio de Paris para trabalhar num filme sobre a paz. Ela tem um affair com um arquiteto japonês (Eiji Okada) também casado, cuja esposa está viajando. Nos dois dias que passam juntos várias lembranças vêem à tona enquanto esperam, de forma aflita, a hora da partida dela. Ela conta que foi "tosquiada", pois se apaixonou por um alemão (Bernard Fresson) quando tinha apenas 18 anos e morava em Nevers, sendo libertada no dia em que seu amor foi morto, já no final da 2ª Guerra Mundial. Por ter amado um inimigo ela foi aprisionada por sua família numa fria e escura adega e agora, 14 anos depois, novamente sente o gosto de viver um amor quase impossível.
Adventure in the archipelago
Original Music Composer
A movie by Dino B.Partesano
Aphrodite, Goddess of Love
Original Music Composer
The construction of great temple dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite, followed by new and high taxes and the arrival of a plague, create discontent in the population, and threatens the love between a sculptor and a slave.
I misteri di Parigi
Original Music Composer
O Grito
Original Music Composer
A sugar-refinery worker flees his Northern Italy town after a woman refuses his marriage proposal.
As Amigas
Original Music Composer
Vencedor do Leão de Prata no Festival de Veneza. Conta as aventuras e desilusões amorosas de cinco amigas que vivem em Turim.
A group of rich young intellectuals hiding from the war in rural Italy play at being partisans when some disbanded soldiers and some refugees ask them for shelter in their villa. The young and aristocratic Andrea strikes up a friendship with a peasant girl, Lucia. Then the Germans suddenly appear, looking for the real partisans, and the time comes for serious decisions.
La pattuglia sperduta
Music Supervisor
The adventures of Lieutenant Airoldi of Piedmont who is trying to gather intelligence for the Republic about the advancing Austrian armies near the river Ticino ahead of the battle of Novara.
A Vingança dos Tughs
Sequência ao Filme: O Mistério da Selva Negra
O Mistério da Selva Negra
A group of religious fanatics in India, the Tughs, prey upon Europeans and natives alike, capturing and offering them up in sacrifice to their frightful goddess, Kali. The Governor of the Province sends Tremal Naik, a famous Indian hunter,on an expedition to end the savagery.
Traviata 53
Original Music Composer
An engineer has a romance with the mistress of a rich banker but she sacrifices herself,returning to the rich man, for the best interests of the lover and his family.
Os Vencidos
Original Music Composer
A trilogy of stories of well-off youths who commit murders. In the French episode, a group of high school students kill one of their colleagues for his money. In the Italian episode, a university student's involved in smuggling cigarettes. In the English episode, a lazy poet finds the body of a woman on the downs, and tries to sell his story to the press.
A Dama Sem Camélias
Original Music Composer
By a twist of fate, the photogenic Milanese shop assistant, Clara Manni, gets the leading role in Italian movie producer Gianni Franchi's romantic drama, "Addio Signora", and becomes an overnight sensation in Rome.
The Mistress of Treves
Ha fatto 13
Story of a Love Affair
Original Music Composer
Paola (Lucia Bose) is the beautiful and jealously-guarded younger wife of a shady factory owner, Enrico Fontana (Massimo Girotti). In order to investigate her romantic history he hires a private detective, which ironically brings Paola back into contact with former lover Guido, with whom she resurrects a lost passion. Dogged by the suspicions of their respective mates, they are drawn closer to each other in the face of adversity, and begin to plot Enrico's demise. But when the challenge of being together falls away, will the passion start to wane? A masterpiece of intensity and finely-wrought emotion.
The Villa of Monsters
Original Music Composer
Short Documentary about a garden with strange sculptures near Rome.
La mano della morta
Lies of Love
Early Antonioni documentary short on the making of Fumetti (Italian photo comics) and their role in Italian society.
Original Music Composer
Short documentary about superstition in southern Italy.
Original Music Composer
Early documentary by Michelangelo Antonioni.
Le modelle di via Margutta
Original Music Composer
The meritorious assistance of a US institution, towards the inhabitants of a refugee camp, in the Italian post-war period, among the protagonists a doctor who tries to do everything possible to treat the population in critical health conditions. The doctor will fall in love with a girl particularly affected by the dramatic war period, but the return of the girl's boyfriend from captivity and the subsequent marriage will make the American doctor return to daily reality.
Fear No Evil
Original Music Composer
The life of Saint Benedict, the founder of Western Monasticism.
L'uomo venuto dal mare
Original Music Composer
An Italian drama from 1942.
Due cuori sotto sequestro
Original Music Composer
An Italian comedy released in 1941.
Non me lo dire!
Original Music Composer
Italy, early 1940s. A rich and noble man, returning from America, has the unpleasant surprise of being dirt poor. Its magnificent castle is impounded and he agrees to become the guide allowed visitors to admire.
Il pirata sono io!
Original Music Composer
In Santa Cruz, in the second half of the eighteenth century. The Governor of the island, to ingratiate himself with the Viceroy, contrives to make assaulting the island from a mock pirate ship and, with a mock battle, defeat the aggressors and throw them back into the sea.
A Road in India
Life on the road in India, showing the traffic, people and animals.
Il dottor Antonio