David Bateson

David Bateson


David Bateson is a South African-born English actor and voice actor best known for providing the voice of Agent 47 in the Hitman video game franchise.


David Bateson


Sabor do Desejo
Poderosos na cena gastronômica, um chef e sua esposa parecem ter amor, família e carreira. Mas seguem com fome de um sonho pelo qual estão dispostos a arriscar tudo: a estrela Michelin.
Galaxymphony - Danish National Symphony Orchestra, Anthony Hermus
A must-have for all sci-fi fans, available on Blu-ray & CD; CD includes a download code for the full album + 3 bonus tracks. Featuring film music hits from multiple Oscar-winning movies. Including film music tracks from Star Wars, Star Trek, Planet of the Apes, The Fifth Element, Interstellar, 2001 – A Space Odyseey, Blade Runner and Alien. Released just before the new Star Wars movie hits the cinemas (19 December 2019). Concert orchestration is based on the original orchestration of the film soundtracks. Includes spectacular sound effects. Featuring David Bateson, the voice of Agent 47 from the Hitman series, in a spoken word part.
Featuring film and TV-show music from multiple award-winning franchises such as The Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. Including also film music tracks from Highlander, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia and many more. The spectacular music and lighting effects, an 80-piece choir and original quotes from The Chronicles of Narnia, Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings make the concert a visual and acoustic treat. With concert orchestration is based on the original orchestration of the film soundtracks and featuring David Bateson, known as the original voice of Agent 47 from the Hitman franchise.
The Messenger
Narrator / Boss / Zero / Pop Up Window #2 / Dark Web Voice
The Making of HITMAN Documentary
David Bateson
Tracking the journey from conception to completion, this 30 minute film goes behind the scenes with the studio.
Dr. Liebmann
Martin Vinge, former notorious journalist, now successful headhunter with a complicated personal life, is in all confidentiality contacted by 85 year-old N.F. Sieger, S.E.O. of Denmark's largest shipping company and oil empire. Sieger hires Martin to find an alternative heir to the firm instead of his son, Daniel Sieger, who for a long time has been destined to take the company into the next era. Martin starts coming up with suitable names for the position, but discovers that he has actually been entangled in a larger impenetrable power game aimed at deciding what is really going to happen to the company; a brutal power struggle that puts an intense pressure on Martin and his private life and relationships.
Omar Marzouk - War, terror and other funny stuff
Stealing Rembrandt
Two bumbling scrap metal thieves - father and son - steal the wrong painting during a museum heist. The painting turns out to be the only original Rembrandt painting in Denmark, and all hell breaks loose. What do you do when you've got Interpol, the Danish police and the entire Danish underworld on your heels? And who was this Rembrandt guy anyway?
Natal Sangrento
Todos nós sabemos que o Natal reserva boas suspresas para quem se comportou bem durante o ano! Mas, o que acontece com aqueles que deixaram a desejar? Um presente amaldiçoado, transforma esta noite mágica em uma noite mágica em uma noite sangrenta e mortal. Um filme de terror que vai fazer você se comportar direitinho, para esperar o seu presente de natal.
Mamãe, Virei Um Peixe!
The Crab - The Shark - Additional Voices (voice)
Fly, Stella e Chuck encontram o laboratório do Professor MacKrill, que está desenvolvendo uma poção que transforma humanos em peixes. Após ingeri-lá acidentalmente, Stella se torna uma estrela do mar e vai parar no oceano. Para resgatá-la, Fly e Chuck também tomam a bebida. Agora, eles terão apenas 48 horas para encontrá-la e beber o antítodo, que os transformará de volta.
Tom Merritt
Tom Merritt
Based on Edgar Lee Master's "Spoon River Anthology" from 1915, this is the story of Tom Merritt.
Ondas do Destino
Young Sailor
No norte da Escócia uma jovem mulher (Emily Watson) se apaixona e se casa com um dinamarquês (Stellan Skarsgard) que trabalha em uma plataforma de petróleo. Quando ele retorna ao seu serviço sofre um acidente, quebrando seu pescoço e provavelmente o deixando incapacitado para o resto da vida. Nesta situação ele pressiona a mulher a procurar amantes e lhe contar detalhes de suas relações.
Just a Girl
PUK SCHARBAU plays Lise Nørgaard in the epic film adaptation of her fascinating life story. In a chronicle of both love and war, masterfully directed by Peter Schroeder, we follow the woman who would later give us 'Matador', from her early childhood to her controversial career as a journalist with a Denmark of yesterday, and a Europe in flames as convincing backdrop.
Jutland: Reinado de Ódio
Na Dinamarca do século VI, Fenge assassina o rei, seu irmão, e toma a rainha como esposa. Fingindo-se enlouquecido, o príncipe Amled é mandado para a Escócia, onde prova sua bravura e prepara sua vingança.
Hitman: Breaking Out of the Box
IO Interactive's developer documentary on HITMAN (2016).