Antonin Svoboda

Nascimento : 1969-01-01,


Uma Aventura Lunática
A fim de salvar sua irmã Anne desaparecida das garras do sinistro Homem Lua, Peter tem que embarcar em uma fantástica jornada para a lua. Logo ele percebe que a história maluca de Anne de falar sobre June Bug Zoomzeman, os incríveis Espíritos da Natureza e o Palácio da Fada da Noite, são mais do que apenas um sonho!
Quo Vadis, Aida?
Aida é tradutora da ONU na pequena cidade de Srebrenica. Quando o exército sérvio assume o controle da cidade, sua família está entre os milhares de cidadãos que procuram abrigo no acampamento da ONU.
Cinema Austria, the first 112 Years
This historical and analytical documentary draws attention to the background of the roots of "New Austrian Cinema" and presents Austria as a film country to be taken seriously. The audience gets to see rare early works by well-known filmmakers as well as shots of landscapes that served as a source of inspiration and locations that have produced important Austrian films since the end of the 19th century.
Tehran Taboo
The lives of three strong-willed women and a young musician cross paths in Tehran’s schizophrenic society where sex, adultery, corruption, prostitution and drugs coexist with strict religious law. In this bustling modern metropolis, avoiding prohibition has become an everyday sport and breaking taboos can be a means of personal emancipation.
Nick and Anna are off to Switzerland for six months. Nick, a chef, wants to collect recipes of local cuisine and Anna hopes to write a new book. The journey can also be good for their relationship, because Anna suspects that Nick had an affair with other woman. Meanwhile, Mischa will take care of their Viennese apartment.
Um grupo de trabalhadores alemães da construção civil começa uma obra difícil em um local remoto no interior da Bulgária. A terra estrangeira desperta seu senso de aventura, mas também seu próprio preconceito e desconfiança, devido à barreira da língua e às diferenças culturais.
Toni Erdmann
Winfried (Peter Simonischek) é um senhor que gosta de levar a vida com bom humor, fazendo brincadeiras que proporcionem o riso nas pessoas. Seu jeito extrovertido fez com que se afastasse de sua filha, Ines (Sandra Hüller), sempre sisuda e extremamente dedicada ao trabalho. Percebendo o afastameto, Winfried decide visitar a filha na cidade em que ela mora, Budapeste. A iniciativa não dá certo, resultando em vários enfrentamentos entre pai e filha, o que faz com que ele volte para casa. Tempos depois, Winfried ressurge na vida de Ines sob o alter-ego de Toni Erdmann, especialista em contar mentiras bem-intencionadas a todos que ela conhece.
O Gato
Andreas e Stefan levam uma vida feliz. Na companhia de seu amado gato Moses, eles vivem em uma bela e antiga casa numa região de vinhedos em Viena, na Áustria. Além da vida familiar, eles compartilham o círculo de amizade e o ambiente de trabalho: uma orquestra onde um atua como músico e o outro como programador. Porém, uma inesperada e inexplicável explosão de violência abala o relacionamento dos dois, colocando em risco tudo o que construíram juntos. Com suas limitações expostas, eles agora serão obrigados a encarar o ponto cego que existe em todos nós.
Drei Eier im Glas
According to an African fairy tale, every child receives a song from their parents that they carry with them throughout their lives. Richard, an orphaned Tanzanian immigrant, has never had his own song. How he got one before his unexpected death and the significant, though unintended, roles played by the dark-tourism entrepreneur Drakuhl, the gray-haired hair model Barney and the heavy-drinking music teacher Kiesel won't be revealed here. Merely that the song Dead Man Play becomes an international hit.
Drei Eier im Glas
According to an African fairy tale, every child receives a song from their parents that they carry with them throughout their lives. Richard, an orphaned Tanzanian immigrant, has never had his own song. How he got one before his unexpected death and the significant, though unintended, roles played by the dark-tourism entrepreneur Drakuhl, the gray-haired hair model Barney and the heavy-drinking music teacher Kiesel won't be revealed here. Merely that the song Dead Man Play becomes an international hit.
Drei Eier im Glas
According to an African fairy tale, every child receives a song from their parents that they carry with them throughout their lives. Richard, an orphaned Tanzanian immigrant, has never had his own song. How he got one before his unexpected death and the significant, though unintended, roles played by the dark-tourism entrepreneur Drakuhl, the gray-haired hair model Barney and the heavy-drinking music teacher Kiesel won't be revealed here. Merely that the song Dead Man Play becomes an international hit.
Outubro Novembro
Uma atriz bem-sucedida retorna à casa de sua família na Áustria rural para visitar o seu pai doente e a sua irmã que passou a cuidar de toda a vida dele e de sua família. A reunião é marcada pelo ciúme, introspeção e um segredo.
The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich
At the end of his life, Wilhelm Reich - psychiatrist and experimental scientist searching for the fundamentals of life - finds himself on trial, charged with deception. His dream of liberating human individuality makes him a dangerous opponent of an American system that is striving after 1945 for global hegemony, using all available means. Was it madness to believe in man's liberty or was Reich simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, and, being a holistic global thinker, accurately observing far-reaching socio-political linkages? Ten years after his mysterious death, his writings, once burnt by the US FDA, become an important source of inspiration for a '68 generation in revolt. Written by Novotny & Novotny
The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich
At the end of his life, Wilhelm Reich - psychiatrist and experimental scientist searching for the fundamentals of life - finds himself on trial, charged with deception. His dream of liberating human individuality makes him a dangerous opponent of an American system that is striving after 1945 for global hegemony, using all available means. Was it madness to believe in man's liberty or was Reich simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, and, being a holistic global thinker, accurately observing far-reaching socio-political linkages? Ten years after his mysterious death, his writings, once burnt by the US FDA, become an important source of inspiration for a '68 generation in revolt. Written by Novotny & Novotny
The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich
At the end of his life, Wilhelm Reich - psychiatrist and experimental scientist searching for the fundamentals of life - finds himself on trial, charged with deception. His dream of liberating human individuality makes him a dangerous opponent of an American system that is striving after 1945 for global hegemony, using all available means. Was it madness to believe in man's liberty or was Reich simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, and, being a holistic global thinker, accurately observing far-reaching socio-political linkages? Ten years after his mysterious death, his writings, once burnt by the US FDA, become an important source of inspiration for a '68 generation in revolt. Written by Novotny & Novotny
A Parede
Uma mulher acorda certa manhã em uma cabana na montanha e percebe que está cercada por uma parede invisível intransponível, que a separa do resto do mundo e atrás da qual parece não existir vida. Com um cachorro, uma vaca e um gato, ela enfrenta os desafios de sua nova vida. Documentar sua sobrevivência diária, fornece o início de uma resposta.
Who is afraid of Wilhelm Reich?
About the researcher Wilhelm Reich, who wanted to prove and compare life-energies in global experiments and searched for basic principles of life. His transformation from the model student Freud to the questionable UFO researcher is also addressed.
Who is afraid of Wilhelm Reich?
About the researcher Wilhelm Reich, who wanted to prove and compare life-energies in global experiments and searched for basic principles of life. His transformation from the model student Freud to the questionable UFO researcher is also addressed.
Christine é uma mulher solitária, quase totalmente deficiente e faz uma viagem para Lourdes, local icônico de peregrinação nas montanhas dos Pireneus, que acaba transformando sua vida. Não que ela acredite em milagres – porém essa é a única maneira onde ela poderia encontrar uma saída.
Reclaim Your Brain
Frustrated, because he is forced to produce bad TV-shows, a manager of a TV-station, enters the station and manipulates the ratings, to initiate a TV-revolution.
Forever Never Anywhere
Never at the sea.
Forever Never Anywhere
Never at the sea.
Forever Never Anywhere
Never at the sea.
You Bet Your Life
A compulsive gambler is forced to take a chance with his own life
You Bet Your Life
A compulsive gambler is forced to take a chance with his own life
O Pesadelo de Darwin
Na Tanzânia, nos anos 60, a Perca do Nilo, um predador voraz, foi introduzida no lago Vitória, como experiência científica. Depois, praticamente todas as populações de peixes indígenas foram dizimadas. Desta catástrofe ecológica nasceu uma indústria frutuosa, pois a carne branca do enorme peixe é exportada com sucesso em todo o hemisfério norte.
Os Edukadores
Three activists cobble together a kidnapping plot after they encounter a businessman in his home.
Mah Jongg & Die Frisur des Paten
Karl wie Karlsplatz
Karl Weisz, photographer of the trip, the fight, the naked life. With the eye of a survivor who doesn't want to leave the street, his home; with the eye of an ex-junkie who misses the thrill, of a friend who is led by his past.
Youth between child- and adulthood, endangered, strained, very easily hurt and sharp in their insecurity. How should one live?
Youth between child- and adulthood, endangered, strained, very easily hurt and sharp in their insecurity. How should one live?
Youth between child- and adulthood, endangered, strained, very easily hurt and sharp in their insecurity. How should one live?
Two girls in the disco give free rein to anger, nobody stops them.