Short film accompanying the 'Adult Baby' album by Kazu Makino. A giantess leaves the sea in order to live as a human and fall in love, but must return to the sea before she returns to her true form.
Short film accompanying the 'Adult Baby' album by Kazu Makino. A giantess leaves the sea in order to live as a human and fall in love, but must return to the sea before she returns to her true form.
Short film accompanying the 'Adult Baby' album by Kazu Makino. A giantess leaves the sea in order to live as a human and fall in love, but must return to the sea before she returns to her true form.
Short film accompanying the 'Adult Baby' album by Kazu Makino. A giantess leaves the sea in order to live as a human and fall in love, but must return to the sea before she returns to her true form.
Short film accompanying the 'Adult Baby' album by Kazu Makino. A giantess leaves the sea in order to live as a human and fall in love, but must return to the sea before she returns to her true form.
Grace é uma jovem repórter que está investigando a vida do renomado e controverso psiquiatra Philip Lacan. Em suas pesquisas, depara-se com o perturbador relacionamento que ele mantém com Angelique, uma de suas pacientes mais misteriosas. Depois de testemunhar um crime brutal, Grace envolve-se em um espiral de violência e terríveis revelações.