Jang Hyun-chul


My Heart Puppy
Production Sound Mixer
Min-soo is about to get married when his fiancée suddenly admits that she is allergic to dogs. Now the guy's best friend, the golden retriever Rooney, needs a new family. With the help of his cousin and social media, Min-soo starts looking for a new home for Rooney.
The Night of the Undead
Production Sound Mixer
So-hee enjoys her seemingly perfect life as a newlywed with her seemingly perfect husband. For being so perfect, she begins to suspect that her husband isn’t as he seems. Wanting some answers, she hires a private detective agency to trail him around.
Marrying the Mafia 4: Family Ordeal
Production Sound Mixer
President Hong’s family hit an all-time high after succeeding in their business. The family members, who have been prohibited from leaving the country for years for being involved in gang-related incidents, are finally allowed to go overseas and start preparing for a trip for the first time, but their plans don’t go smoothly
Deusa da Guerra
Production Sound Mixer
Um grupo terrorista conhecido como "Athena" e liderado pelo Mentor Diabólico Son Hyuk ameaça a Coréia do Sul e o restante do Mundo. Agora depende do agente especial Lee Jung Woo da Agencia de Segurança Nacional desbaratar esta terrível conspiração. Jo Soo Young, a filha do Presidente da Coréia do Sul, é sequestrada e escondida na Itália. Jung Woo e sua equipe são incumbidos de achá-la e trazê-la de volta.
Underground Rendezvous
Boom Operator
During the 1980s, Jang-geun, the new teacher at Cheongsol Village, runs into problems during his travels. The village folk mistake Kong Young-tan, a former inmate at the government's re-education camp, as the missing teacher.
Paradise Murdered
Boom Operator
A grisly murder occurs on the small remote island known as Paradise. After a night of gambling, two of the players are found mutilated. Deok-Su, the missing third player, quickly becomes the suspect. As the 17 residents of Paradise Island try to stay calm, suspicion grows that perhaps there was someone else involved in the grisly murders.
Greatest Expectations
Boom Operator
Chang-sik lives strictly by the freeloader's handbook, doing the rounds of free samples in department store food sections and sponging off of his older brother. Mi-young nurtures grandiose dreams of becoming a TV actress but has failed every audition because she just can't act. The two unemployed with similar schedules and living in the same neighborhood are bound to run into each other, and they do. One day, Chang-sik and Mi-young are walking around distractedly when they end up in a head-on collision. Chang-sik's coins spill out from his hands and scatter all over the ground. His precious coins! He chases after every single one but ends up 10 cents short. He viciously turns to the Mi-young but she refuses to give him 10 cents...